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  1. I am trying to set up some international cups, the first 3 of them forming a sort of pyramid from top to bottom each finishing in a league stage with 16 teams. Those work fine and after moving the dates around don't give any error. The End Date for all 3 of them is 1/4/2001. The 3 cups are using the normal Qualification System pulling teams from nations. Now I want to set up a 4th International Cup which should get 4 teams (so 12 total) from each of the 3 other cups and it is classified in the "Other Cups" category. In "Competitions to Finish First before setting up" I put my 3 other cups, and in teams I am trying to pull 4 teams out of each of them. This competitions first stage is set to start on 15/4/2001 so after the 3 others finished, but when I test the rules it tells me "Too many teams (4) requested from International Cup (0 teams)" suggesting there aren't any teams in the other competitions even though they should have finished by then. I don't underatand what the issue here is.
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