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Posts posted by scottsbaldhead

  1. Sure! thanks for the insight. we are trying to create a league database consisting of 24 teams that we are editing and replacing with the teams in this new league. We are also trying to edit player data/management data as well. We have figured that out, but we're curious if there is a way for us to, say, take 12 teams each, and edit them at the same time. I think the master file and delta file thing would work for that, but I am confused how to create the master file, and add to it. For context, this is our first undertaking in the FM editor, so we don't quite know all of the ins and outs yet. 

  2. Hey folks!

    Looking for some advice. My friend and I would like to work together on a database, but from two seperate accounts. I was able to send him the .xml file, and he can edit it, but I am curious if we can work at the same time, and have both of our edits be saved? Unsure if my question makes sense, but happy to clarify if needed.



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