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Everything posted by civilEN

  1. devs should look more at suggestions and bug alerts :/
  2. I also suggested something similar (I suggested about football schools, I don't know if it's the same thing) here in my country there are a lot of football schools and it would be really cool to have that within the game, and adding this to @Rick87 suggestion it would also be incredible to be able to control these teams Edit: here in my country, most of the football schools for the first division teams are either society (7-a-side football) or futsal, so it wouldn't be possible to replicate it exactly in FM, but it would still be cool.
  3. Not that it is completely unrealistic to start as a head coach, but yes, the vast majority start at the youth level, and this would add much more immersion to the game
  4. please add more ways to make real-time updates in the editor Like for example I want the teams that are in this phase to change in real time according to the result of another phase (in the case of phases that have no games and are just a list of teams) FURTHERMORE add some way to better select the teams that will be classified for a national or international competition (such as a way to ignore X teams or necessarily select X teams) also having real-time updates for example the champion of both the league and cup wins a place in the continental championship As soon as the cup final takes place, the cup champion appears as qualified for the international competition in the league table
  5. how to classify for the following year (I also need teams from certain divisions to be ignored for this classification)
  6. but all groups have the same rule and the same nunber of teams
  7. I found out what the problem was but I really don't know how to solve it. it is giving the data error for the second season apparently due to an error in the number of equipment, but the promotions and relegations are all correct, including the number of teams in the division in the second season is correct, the stage simply for some reason does not want catch all teams in the division.
  8. thank you very much but there are no individual group rules, everyone has the same rules
  9. Here Primeira play jogavel teste.fmf
  10. If it didn't bug so much it would be amazing errors in stages that don't exist, crashes and teams going to random divisions that shouldn't go I'm creating a db with more than 1000 leagues and I'm seriously thinking about giving up because of these bugs but 0 support for amazing features like city leagues and football schools
  11. I'm having the error regarding the number of dates, but the error claims to be in "phase 7" of the competition HOWEVER, THE COMPETITION ONLY HAS 3 STAGES I have no idea what to do
  12. please add some way to do a "Flip" between the main division and the secondary division Here in Brazil, if your national division is the "interior division of Brasileirão", that division is no longer the main division, the main division becomes the state division (which used to be the secondary division)
  13. my idea was to be with new gens, for legal reasons and such, because they would probably have editor dates with real players, I really wish there were more base categories but the main point for me would be the football schools
  14. the number of relegations is correct clubs are being relegated as expected however, instead of being relegated in the secondary division (as it should be) they are being relegated in the main division causing them to be left without the main division they should have and they are also playing the first and second division at the same time The strange thing is that this is working 100% correctly with the promotions, only the demotions are wrong
  15. civilEN

    Teams by city

    Will be added? 🥹
  16. civilEN

    Teams by city

    em "obter melhores equipes da competição" lá da para colocar alguns filtros, como, região local, divisão secundária, etc... podiam adicionar ali "cidade" in "get the best teams in the competition" There you can put some filters, such as local region, secondary division, etc... You could add "city" there
  17. civilEN

    Teams by city

    I really need a way in the editor to filter teams for competitions according to their cities
  18. If this limit exists I have never reached it, so I imagine there is no
  19. Is there any way to do this but instead of doing it with local regions, do it with cities? I'm doing municipal leagues and I really need it edit: I'm creating rules for Brazil, so I can't use the secondary division function as it is already being used
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