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lionel messi

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Everything posted by lionel messi

  1. Level 5-8 clubs all have regional divisions now set all the way down to Level 10
  2. Yes everything should be fine but if you do notice any bugs/issues let me know and i will try and fix them.
  3. All Awards now done down to Level 10. Im taking a couple of days off editing now. ETA of database 2-3 weeks if all goes ok with it.
  4. Another thing i have not got round to doing just yet is attendances.
  5. Is that rule just for the FA Cup or for other competions as well?
  6. I have not got round to looking at the contracts for players/staff yet but i will look into it before the full Level 10 release. Its on my to do list lol.
  7. I have done all the Level 10 Leagues now I have now moved on to awards. All Level 10 teams made amateur.
  8. It will not be finished by saturday but im making good progress.
  9. I wont be doing Level 11, it involves too much work, there is about 45+ leagues at that level.
  10. Making good progress into the Level 10 Leagues, 12 done now.
  11. They are at Level 9 in the North West Counties League Premier Division
  12. That should be a easy fix once i get into the advanced rules once i have done all the data.
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