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Posts posted by Bondonzilenozolo

  1. An update: adding teams from Segunda Categoria somehow made things worse. Now almost every Serie A team is invited to every round, and the same was true for several other teams outside Serie A. In other words, i was simply chaos.

    So, apparently, it didn't like me adding too many teams. So, I'll try using the "teams in overall list" in my next test (see attached) to see if that makes a difference. I also did a test where I added Seconda Categoria in the "Team Pool" at the bottom instead (one cup  where I use the seperate "Team Pool" section and another where I added a team pool while adding the qualified teams). If none of this works, I think I've reached a desperation level where my next test will be to simple use the "Get League Stage Teams" option, set it to maximum 128 teams, and hope that works. That would be quite sucky, of course, since it would mean that random teams from the group qualify for playoff.

    In regards to the "Ignore Teams" option, the source I found were for previous versions of the game (not this one) and said that you could not ignore whole divisions, only specific teams. So, in case you can actually do this, I would be quite interested. There is not "ignore teams from division" option. I checked the build-in German rules and added the claasen league update, and in none of these did the cup you mention exist. In case it's the DFB-Pokal, it doesn't use "ignore teams".


  2. Wolf_pd, I looked into it, and it seems like you cannot ingore teams from a specific division - only ignore specific teams (which won't work to exclude Serie A teams in future seasons). Regardless, I tried to set that up, as you can see in the attached screenshot, but it didn't work. Let me know if I'm using it wrong.

    I tested a few other things, among desperately cutting out several rounds of the last stage (only qualifying one teams from each group instead of eight), renaming the who stage and getting teams to be added to the stage rather than the first round as "main stage - next round". Didn't work.

    The lastest thing I tried was added 10 random teams to fill in, to make sure Serie A teams weren't added. Since that didn't work, I'll now try to add 40, which will be my latest attempt to make this work, since I might have underestimated the amount of teams that needed to be filled in. With 600+ teams in Seconda Cateogoria, I figure that I have to be fairly unlucky to get the same teams to join the playoff of more than two of the tournamnets and mess up the scheduling. It seems that, for some reason, some of the teams qualifying from group play just cannot participate in the playoffs.



  3. It's really a shame that no one bothered to make a "Create a competition" guide for dummies. A lot of the things you have to do in the editor aren't very intuitive, and you'll waste a lot of time on little details that seem insignificant. Telling someone to compare the competition they want to create with the editor data of someone else is sage advice, but I feel that even with something to compare to, a lot of details get lost in translation.

    Pitohui, I only play FM 2019 (since I've made the database I like in that game), so I don't know for sure if the editor in any different in FM 2020. However, assuming it's not, I can tell you a few basics (I'm no expert, but I have spent enough time with the editor to get a feel of it):

    When you go into the editor, you add can add nation rules. Once you do, your editor-file will be designated belonging to that specific nation. You can only have one set of nation rules, so you can not have several files for the same nation. So, if you like, you could use editor data that someone has already created for the English Nation (for instance, if one update has added new levels). If you do not, then you will want to use the "Add Lower Divisions And Cups To Existing Structure" so that the existing structure and rule-set is automatically added to your editor data.

    f you keep it simple and avoid converting the rules to advanced, the amount of things you can change in the existing leagues and cups will be very limited. However, adding competitions if really easy. When you try to add a cups, you can only select a specific type and it will create fixtures for you. You can add custom stages to the cup, but your options are limited to a point where it's hard to go wrong.

    If you do convert to advanced rules, you suddenly have a lot of options for designing your cups. First, you create the competition in the database. Then you add it in the list under the nation rules and you add it to the competitions under List → England → Nation. Then you start to set it up. As shown in in the attached screenshot, I have shown an example of how you could add the either best teams in Premier League. Another example would be adding qualification rules under Premier League, then setting up rules for "Qualified Teams" and then simply adding "Qualified Teams" under the "Teams" screen.

    A tournament in the advanced editor consists of stages and rounds (if it's a cup). For a simple cup, you'll only need one stage, whereas for group play and a playoff, you'll need two stages, since you're adding two different kind of things to your cup. So, one stage would be group play and qualifying rules from the group would specify that teams qualify for first round of the next stage. The next stage could then be a cup, and in this stage it is specified that you want to get the qualified teams from the previous stage. In a cup stage, you can simple make all the rounds. The winners of each round will go onto the next round. The winner of the final round will simply be the winner of the cup, if no "Fate Actions" actions are specified to change this.

    Stages can be used as a way segregate parts of a cup with different rules, different qualifications or a different setup. For instance, in one stage, you'll only add the lowest seeded qualified teams and qualify the top 2 teams that go through the rounds of that stage to the next stage through "Fate Actions". In the next stage, you've could add the top seeded qualified teams for the competition as well as the two qualified teams from the previous stage.

    Depending on which changes you make in the advanced rule, you might have problems verifying your rules, if the editor feels that some of the rules don't add up correctly (you have to use Rules → Test Rules after saving to be allowed use the leagues in the game). Even if your rules verify, a stage of a competition might never start if it's prerequisites have not been met correctly (problems with teams added, scheduling, dates, etc.). This is where the headaches are introduces, so if you can follow a very specific setup from another competition that has been created, this would make for a good start. There are lots of options, but you don't have to tick that many boxes to make a working competition.


  4. Background

    I've spent 300+ hours making my ideal database for Football Manager 2019, adding a lot of players, competitions and making many changes simply to make the game interesting. I've added exciting cups such as Great Britain Cup, Benelux Cup, English Lower Leagues Cup, Faydon Cup, Latin Joust and Asian-African Invitational (in case you're curious, have a look at my full editor data here). However, it seems that I'm not at my last hurdle before I can sit down and enjoy the game. I find myself spending a lot of time on this, so I hope you guys can help out.

    Describing the problem

    Since the Italian lower league teams were playing too few matches, I decided to add some cups. I found out that the game had limitations as to how many teams could be added, so instaed of making one big cup with thousands of teams, instead I created one cup with a decent amount of teams and make several copies of it, until I had enough cups to cover the different Italian leagues.

    However, at it turns out, these cups never worked properly. Every time it goes from group play to playoffs, at least a couple of teams from the Serie A are suddenly put into one or more of the cups (see attached screenshot). Some non-league (Terza Division) teams, who weren't invited to the cup, are added as well.

    In one of the cups, I accidentally added teams from the same league twice, meaning that the cup had too few players, and I saw that until I corrected this error, Serie A teams (or possibly random teams, since some Terza Division teams would be added as well) would be added to fill the gap. Another problem I had was that some of the teams I added weren't getting added to the cups when I used "get best teams" until I put a "last league position" for them, but I found out using "get all teams from division" for the leagues where I did could add all teams still worked better (ie. letter too many teams qualify, and leaving to game to cup out some of them). So, as of now, all the correct teams seem to be added correctly to group play. However, these other teams are suddenly added in the playoff.

    The horrible thing is that when one Serie A team is added to several cups, the cups can never finish due to scheduling issues (ie. a Serie A team will be stuck a few rounds back, despite other teams being in the semi-finals). I have tinkered around with it a lot (adding/removing different details and running a season to see what effect it has), but so far, nothing has changed. My theory is that something disqualifies some of the teams from playing in the playoffs (the "not same owner" rule, perhaps?), meaning that suddenly some teams have to fill in. Another theory, just as I'm editing these and cross-referencing with a few other FMF-files, is that I need to put "Number Of Teams Added To This Round" to 128. It would be strange, since I didn't need to do this in my other cups, but I'll give it a try (if nothing else, just to get some sleep :D).

    I have attached the FMF-file for the cups as well as a few screenshots that tell the story.





    Italy - FUSION DB - asjo edit.fmf

  5. On 02/06/2019 at 19:33, gunnaragusts said:

    I have created a new Icelandic league system, that is played over the summer and with a lot more money. I have been having two problems, clubs don't hire full staff, they just have the bare minimum, no scouts or coaches, apart from the odd goalkeeping or fitness coach, never just a general coach. And second the clubs don't really spend any of the money that they get, on players, it just sits in their bank account until some of the have upwards of half a billion pounds after about a decade, they buy players of course but usually very cheap players, I have tried taking over teams and I can see that their are a bunch of good players willing to play for the club but they don't sign them.

    Are you playing this as an active league in full detail? Have you made sure all the clubs are full professional? Are there rules as to the amount of foreigners? Work permits? Do you use the option to add missing staff when you create the game?

    If you’ve considered all this, I bet the peoblem is club and league reputation. If you look up videos where non-league teams have been given a billion GBP, you will see that they don’t start spending properly until the clubs are promoted to Premier League.


    I’m guessing that FM does’t want to use computing power to make sure that lower reputation clubs spend their unrealistic amount of money optimally. I don’t have any experience with any of the most recent versions of the game, but my vast experience with previous versions tells me that the game prioritizes where to spends its energy and cuts some corners, to the disappointment of those of us who favor depth.

  6. On 19/06/2019 at 02:36, Kaervek said:


    I'm new to editing and I'm looking at recreating my local amateur league into the Australian system.  Have the league, clubs, cities, stadiums, etc all working.

    Now the monumental task of creating players and staff for each team.

    I am trying to understand some of the figures though when creating players, such as what is the overall effect on a player by having a negative Potential Ability?  Does this mean that the player will actually decrease in ability as time goes on, regardless of playing time, training, etc?

    -number represents a range. -10, if it’s the same it always was, means a potential between 170 and 200.

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