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KOTOR Legend

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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. My game is now running version 0.9.1589.0 - should the fix be included in that version and if so is there any action I'd need to take to trigger the unlock?
  2. Just wondered whether there was any update here? Thanks
  3. Hi Dan, I don't own the game on any other format and am playing this on an Xbox Series X using Xbox Gamepass Ultimate. 'World Renowned' didn't unlock at the time I got into the Worldwide Hall of Fame as it should have. I saved my game and exited out. Watched some TV, reloaded the game and it unlocked at the same time the full screen "War Child" advert was on screen, almost like it was a delayed unlock. Since reporting, I've continued to load the game to see if similar would happen with 'Goat' but so far, no luck.
  4. Hi Dan, It was definitely a brand new '24 save file - I heeded the warning from the start that resuming '23 save files that it could result in achievements not being unlocked for that save so I never used last years' files. I've attached pictures of both the in-game achievement menu which confirms I am at 40/41 with just this one to be unlocked as well as a screenshot of the Xbox native achievement data also confirming the same state. Hoping this can be as simple as coding an update on booting up the game, something like If achievements unlocked =40 unlock GOAT or something... Please let me know if you need anything further? Thanks
  5. I unlocked my penultimate achievement "World Renowned" and GOAT should have unlocked alongside it. I've attempted a number of things to try to force an unlock seeing as I've obtained all the other 40 achievements including: Restarting the Console Playing further into the game (approx another 6 months) Saving as a new save file and reloading after another console restart. It seems from TrueAchievements.com that this is a bit hit/miss as to whether it unlocks or not. I did have issues in unlocking "World Renowned" also in that I was way into the Worldwide Hall of Fame with that not unlocking as it should have - it unlocked the next time I booted the game up a couple of hours later. Any help with getting GOAT to unlock would be appreciated. Thank you
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