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Posts posted by sangwiny

  1. 4 minutes ago, santy001 said:

    In most instances, particularly for nations with a strong and well established footballing system, FM has its network of researchers who live in and are native to the countries they research. It's a reflective measure of the in-game economies for those countries, and so any attempt to impose a direct view from something like GDP per capita or any other measure isn't really going to fit in with the way FM is utilising this exactly. A lot of mechanics in the background interact with each other, and to best reflect things from a footballing perspective the label or numerical value assigned to something in that background info may not always look the way people think it ought to at first glance. 

    So it's a coding crutch, that's the whole reason. Peachy.

    And I have yet to hear an explanation why Turkey is considered developed. Turkey who's economically deep in the toilet, btw. In past I had a player refuse a move from Turkish 2nd tier to Czech UEL level team with stated reason of "being afraid about country's poor infrastructure." At the time it struck me as weird but I shrugged it off as the player being a doofus. Now it makes more sense, with seeing these nonsensical modifiers under the hood. Doesn't your game strife for realism, ffs? A person in Turkey saying Czechia has worse infrastructure? Really? Are you not seeing the irony in that? 

  2. So I got myself into fiddling with an editor and learned about nations being split into 3 groups - developed, developing and 3rd world. So western world in developed, plenty of 3rd world countries where you'd expect them too, nothing weird so far. So then I check Europe beyond "the west" - Hungary, Croatia, Czechia etc. They are labeled as "developing." Ok, this leads me to believe that "developing" is used as "not western." Alright, fair enough.

    ..except. WHY THE HELL IS TURKEY AND POLAND "DEVELOPED" WHEN NATION LIKE CZECHIA AND SLOVENIA ARE "DEVELOPING?" WTF?! Is this made by some ignorant American who goes "ugh, never heard of those places, must be poors, haha." Like really, WTF?! Either make them all "developing" or you are due to make a whole lot of them developed, if Turkey and Poland are supposed to have "developed" label. Both of them are significantly behind in both GDP per capita (SLO=27000€; CZE=25500€; POL=17380€; TUR=9800€)(2022 numbers) and Human Development Index (SLO=0.918; CZE=0.889; POL=0.880; TUR=0.838)(2021 numbers). Neither Poland nor (especially) Turkey have any business being above Slovenia and Czechia in development, and while Poland rates amongst top between other Slavic countries, there's probably whole bunch of them that would be above Turkey.

    So what the hell SI? Are you just lazy? Are you trying to push an agenda? Why are Poland and Turkey receiving this preferential treatment above other countries that you labeled as "developing?"

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