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Everything posted by l0ngsh0t_ag

  1. I have just found the answer. My config file was missing the 3d mappings. I had the 2d mappings in the cofnig file, but once I added the 3d mappings for the kit_textures id map, and refreshed the cache, it worked. All good now!
  2. Thanks for the reply - I have done all this, and it isn't making a difference. The custom kits appear fine in the Club Info. screen, so I know the game is loading them in properly. There must be something specific which is preventing the custom kits from displaying in the match engine, and certain screens, but I don't think it is a skin/cache issue; I have definitely tried this multiple times.
  3. Hello there. I have created a custom kit (home/away) for my team in my game save. The custom kits appear in the 'Club Info' screen, as I would expect. I have both preview and 3D models of the kit installed in the graphics/kits folder. However, when I begin the matchday, the custom kits do not load in the match engine, but instead the engine loads the default kits. The default kits can be seen in the dressing room / meeting room screens and I am not sure how to get the custom kit to display. I didn't have this issue in FM23. Is anyone aware how to get these custom kits to display properly in match engine?
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