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Posts posted by dannyo666

  1. Hi all

    Bit of a noob question as i do not know much bout retros

    Is it taken that all retro DBs have real life regens/real players come through the ranks like they did IRL?I always thought yes but seems i thought wrong...Never played a retro DB before

    Can anyone recommended a good version of FM(not 24)/Retro database combo?Preferably a database that creates real life regens/real players


  2. 21 hours ago, kevhamster said:

    FM12 is the one on my Steam account which shows the longest playtime, although FM24 is catching up quite fast and I suspect will overtake it by quite some distance by the time FM25 comes around.

    Why 12?May load that up later on...cant remember playing it tbh...Scouting/ME etc all good?i play 2d so don't care about graphics

  3. 5 minutes ago, XaW said:

    Heh, well, I am just a mod though, so I don't have any insight, nor any more impact on what SI does. As much as I would like to be the sole voice of the community, I doubt neither SI nor the community would like all my proposed changes! :D

    I will say what I mean though, mod or not. And I will both praise and criticize SI on things I experience in the game. I've done so in this thread many times, and I suspect I will many times more. FM for me is a very good game and I enjoy it a lot, but it has its flaws. And for me, pointing out what I both like and dislike about features or gameplay is the only way I can affect where the game headed, even if I don't think I have much more impact than anyone else who writes well thought out (as I hope mine come across as) comments with their views.

    I just wish I could get this "mods shill for SI" nonsense gone. As another mod said earlier, we are quite possibly the most critical of all the users on this forum, we just do it in the right places and always doing with respect and some form of constructive manner. I mean, we are mods because we care a lot about the game and the community around it, why else would we spend our free time upholding and enforcing the rules of this forum? I'm too old to get a power trip from telling off randoms on the internet if they break rules! :D 

    I certainly did not mean "mods shill for SI" in my post whatsoever and apologies if you thought that....Its just nice to know we are not all banging our heads  off the wall going a round in circles with the same problem's just different instances etc...Its nice to interreact with a MOD(i know you say you have no influence)like in other gaming franchise forums that's all i meant...and i feel ya about the age thing:D

  4. 1 hour ago, XaW said:

    For what it's worth I think the game needs more polish too, as I posted a few pages back. While I am excited for the move to Unity in FM25, I hope the main "features" of the new game is, well, none. If they just move to Unity and spend the rest of the time fixing older issues and give the game a more polished look and feel, I'd be very happy. That's just my opinion though, and I have no inside info or anything. I'm just expressing my personal view and hopes.

    Thank you for saying this-This whole thread just wants fm24 to be FM24 as promised-Seems a lot of people this is their main gripe when you boil all the noise  down and just want FM25 to be just be a Football sim with better GE...,i know you say you have no info etc and your "just a MOD" but maybe a mods opinion would get more attention than us mere folk around here;)

  5. 24 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Im enjoying it. Simmed a year then took charge of Chelsea.

    Season 1 Man City strolled the league and im into December of season 2 and theyve lost just twice. They signed Nico Williams from Bilbao and playing him. Arsenal and Liverpool are really strong too and are spending money. Liverpools main signing been Crisante.

    Players seem less moany, but the away game recovery seems harder. I travelled away to Qarabag and then a home game 3 days later and had to fully rotate due to it.

    Even Tel and Moukoko, who can be neglected by AI managers this year, are playing regularly and developing 

    You playing 24?

  6. 14 hours ago, Brother Ben said:

    I always think of FM as an RPG so the best version of the game for me is where my save has the best story or drama.  

    Yeah im the same...Im currently playing 15 and have an  amazing save- i just dont want that to get stale so looking at a new  career save to bounce between,i thought 22 was very good but thats just my opinion-im open to be corrected....i didnt get much time on 21....

  7. On 02/03/2023 at 11:21, Cizzu said:

    @Dreambuilder Only 60k players ?!? Are you joking? :D
    It's really tiny database.. I don't think it's not enough even to play in the top leagues.  Scouting is too limited.

    My game setup:

    Argentina (2 levels) Austria (2 levels) Belgium (3 levels) Bulgaria (2 levels) Brazil (2 levels) China (2 levels) Croatia (2 levels) Denmark (4 levels) Finland (2 levels) France (4 levels) Wales (2 levels) Germany (3 levels) Greece (2 levels) England (7 levels) Italy (4 levels) Ireland (2 levels) Northern Ireland (2 levels) Latvia (1 level) Mexico (2 levels) Norway (4 levels) Holland (2 levels) Poland (2 levels) Portugal (4 levels) Czech Republic (2 levels) Romania (3 levels) Russia (2 levels) Scotland (4 levels) Serbia (2 levels) Slovakia (2 levels) Slovenia (2 levels) Spain (4 levels) United States (1 level) Sweden (4 levels) Switzerland (2 levels) Turkey (3 levels) Ukraine (2 levels) Hungary (2 levels)

    Then I add a few filters for extra coverage:

      Reveal hidden contents




    Usually I never load below 200k / 250k players.

    This is an example of ideal game setup to start a career in Vanarama league North/south.

    Woah,wish i had the pc power for this...i presume you get a lot of absolute gems of regens?

  8. 18 hours ago, kiingallen said:



      Hide contents



    The benefit's of playing 2d....Its still a joke but i play 2d for this kind of thing as the GE will drive anyone mad at times even though its the best ever visually on 24....Your right to be upset-Im not undermining that at all....


    18 hours ago, zeza said:

    No response at all. NICE :)

    Its scary to go back to an older version(15 for me atm)and see scouting working as it should be...9 years on and somehow scouting does not work on a football manager sim where one of the greatest joys in the game is finding hidden gems?....if scouting is broken how is this a sim anymore?

  9. 3 hours ago, rlipscombe said:

    Apologies if this is the wrong place but ever since the new update was released yesterday, my Steam account has been 'validating' and 'patching'.  It's been like this since yesterday afternoon.  It won't let me play the game again since.  This is the error message.  Can anybody advise what to do to get past this issue and carry on with my save?  If this should be elsewhere please point me in the right direction.... 



    I had this...i logged out of steam..logged out of the steam client itself but also i was logged in to steam on my web browser(chrome) so i logged off both of these.....restarted my pc and i followed what @Mush1983 said and bingo-Im running windows 11 also and have been having problems with certain issues....Not sure which method actually worked but it did work so hope this helps you...

  10. 13 hours ago, Bahnzo said:

    Played ManU in a Champ League match, and was treated to this monster of a man: 


    He makes everyone else look like children on the pitch with him. Still I have to wonder what it takes to get 20 Jumping reach? lol. 

    His long throws are terrible-What makes you think hes any good with such bad throw ins?;)..............Absolute beast you got there my man....crazy.....

  11. 2 hours ago, kiwityke1983 said:

    I've found the only way to stop this is by doing a teamtalk whenever I bring subs on, a feature I'd never used until FM24, but now habitually use to prevent players "preferring to stay on the bench".


    True-I bought the game for the new "Headline features" mainly AI squad building but these don't work and even absolutely super important to a manager "Sim"-Scouting is broken(its mind-blowing that this does not function) .......Scouting is essential-I don't remember having massive scouting problems since cm3 when i started playing but the latest version scouting doesn't work?..25 is out for me and im playing older versions at the moment,im sure im not the only one...Money for me is tight for me personally and to be honest i feel like an idiot i parted ways with 40 quid for this....hence the reason i deleted the game....Lesson learned.


    Edit-I replied to wrong person above meant to reply to @D-Foxx

  12. 15 hours ago, ViG1980 said:

    SI are like the Glazers when it comes to comms.


    Silence...then they come out saying they are going to be much more communicative with the fans....then back to silence...then "we are sorry we didn't do as we said and we are going to change that and communicate more with the fans"...then silence again and finally back to good ol'..."when we've got something to say, you will hear it."

    Ill never understand this..Ive mentioned this as a few post here and there go along way to Franchise/player relations....Works fine with other Franchises..They seem happy to post and keep people updated...The last time i mentioned this someone said that people got rude with SI...Cant hose who are rude be kicked out?Rudeness is unacceptable 100%....A few knucklehead's should not come at the expense of 99.9 people with manners who just want to be kept in the loop

  13. I presume this Buy any player bid bug has been reported seeing as it was posted all over social media last night?I thought it was a joke after all thats happened with the whole meta-test...i still don't really believe it.....but if people want to exploit it thats thieir business...Personally id stay a million miles from it...plus im playing fm15 and have deleted 24 for now...will re download if the update actually makes a difference

  14. 15 hours ago, Rodrigogc said:

    I  think the pressing style may have something to do with this, but these players were too technical. They grew up playing in terrible pitch conditions, and still had amazing first touch. I'm not sure of this but I think the terrible football fields of the past would force players to be more technical, because the ball bounced too much on the grass, players actually had to be very technical to play at high level. There are some exceptions today though, Florian Wirtz is a number 10 and next transfer window I'm sure he will be chased by bigger clubs. 

    Ronaldinho and Zidane I think would cut through today's elite level, but i'm not sure about Riquelme. He was too classical and inconsistent, and it was part of his aura shifting from amazing performanes to bad ones. Ronaldinho at PSG was actually quite fast, he was the whole package back then. Zidane was not fast, but he was dynamic De Bruyne style. Watching these players felt like time would simply stop when they touch the ball, it was incredible.

    Ozil is the perfect example...after arsenal no one would take apunt on him and i dont blame them-He drove me insane walking around the pitch like its a sunday stroll but he was a baller when it was at his feet....he just refuses to track back-End of....pre 2010 a solution/exception could have been made but not now with all teams pressing.....

  15. 1 hour ago, Rodrigogc said:

    Yeah, Bielsa said that Pep "ruined" football. I think he is a genius, but I don't like watching his teams play. His model is based on controlling the randomness of football, which makes sense and work, but to me taking the randomness of the game ultimately takes the entertainment out of it. Many stars in the past would stand out because they could control the randomness in their own way, now we see teams doing it, so teams rely less on individuality, but I think everyone watches football to see players shining on their own way.  This is a very interesting discussion, because it seems to me that players play too similar these days because of the improvements of football. It's like producing players out of a factory, which I don't like. 

    Up until the mid 2000s, we had a lot of 10s who would play completely different, it was a joy to watch. 

    Ronaldinho - plasticity, street skills, flair

    Zidane - elegance, first touch and control

    Alex - technique, through passes, long shots

    Riquelme - ball retention, street skills 


    All of them number 10s, all of them different. 

    Ah stop,your turning me on with some of those names...:D..Rivaldo,nedved and the Pirlo the conductor in front of the back 4....

  16. 19 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    I don't think so. Players now are more agile, orient their body better on the ball, but defensive roles have improved too much to the point that attacking players seem more inefficient. There's less space as well, which benefits non-technical players. That seems contradictory but the less space the more physical players will stand out because lack of space means their technical flaws will not appear to the viewer. The talented players are being overpowered by strong physical players now. 

    Zidane and Riquelme said they wouldn't stand a chance in today's football. And extremely technical players have been disappearing over Haalands and Mbappes, football machines. Messis, Neymars, Zidanes, players like that are fading while we see 18 years olds running 20km a game. 

    The goalkeepers have become too agile to the point people think free kick takers have disappeared, central defenders are as fast as many wingers these days, full backs now are creative players and build up play through the middle..

    Meanwhile the attacking positions have stayed basically the same, one change or another here and there, but nothing like the defensive ones. 

    Not to mention that players take less risk today, relying on data to make decisions. You don't see many players shooting from outside the box because chances are they will miss or goalkeeper will save, so they keep passing the ball until space is allowed. Football back in the 80s and 90s and even 2000s, players made more mistakes because they took more risk, but then we would see many beautiful individual goals we don't see often these days. 

    Maybe im ol skool at this stage but man i miss some of those players.....every ""top league""" had so so many absolute gems....so many characters in the noughties....i think pep really changed the game-His model seems to be what every team looking for glory are trying or at least taking bits and implementing them into thier own systems....Its all peps fault;)

  17. 14 hours ago, Rodrigogc said:

    This era was filled with so many great strikers.. I wonder what FM would've been like in the late 90s~early2000s having to defend against those. I think that was the Strikers Era, I've never seen so many great strikers playing at the same time in my life. And I was born in 1975. Every national team had a great one

    Brazil - Ronaldo, Romario

    Argentina - Batistuta, Crespo

    Netherlands - Van Nistelrooy, Makaay

    England - Shearer, Owen

    Germany - Klose, Bierhoff

    Italy - Del Piero, Inzaghi

    Spain - Raul, Morientes

    France - Trezeguet, Henry


    Jesus, the list goes on and on...

    I think the quality of player has gone down IRL over the last few years.....Its much more a team sport now....Individual's dont stick out as much...

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