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Everything posted by ZMLM79

  1. Feel free to shoot me a DM and i can send my graphics.fmf. Cheers
  2. @Michael Sant we have found whats wrong and still you guys cant release an hotfix? For the love of god. What an amateurs.
  3. you will need to use the resource archiver ( get it from steam if you bought the game there ) extract the graphics.fmf file to your desktop. Once its extracted go to the folder and look for kits. Delete the __restricted__ folder. Go back to resource archiver and create a new graphics.fmf , save it somewhere else and replace the default one with the newly created. Cheers
  4. Actually the __restricted__ folder its not needed in my case. I always delete the default 2D and 3D kids that comes with graphics.fmf. All i had to do was to delete the __restricted__ folder...All good now
  5. Moved the graphics.fmf from fm23 to fm24 and same error with kits
  6. you tried with the resource archiver? or another software?
  7. @animal31i am actually a QA Engineer I , so i know how it works. I would consider this editor defect a big red flag. But then again its all a matter of priorities and where they did look at... Thats why i am happy that i am not the PM
  8. Exactly @paulo_gama92 , i would be very surprised if what @animal31said is true. That none QA did some manual / automation test !!! Like Paulo i wont be able to play until this is fixed. Bela merda @paulo_gama92
  9. @Michael Sant , You might need to hire new QAs. I wonder how a defect that is so visible on manual/exploratory test, was not spotted before this release !!!!
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