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Posts posted by szymunk

  1. 13 hours ago, HUMBL3B33 said:

    Let's pick it one by one.

    To get some solidity, you have to ensure you don't get scored against:

    • On counter: You should be able to stop counters before they get a free shot on your goal.
    • In possession: You should be able to stop them from scoring when they have the balls.

     On counter:
    You can leave around 3-4 players on defend duty which should in theory ensure that when you lose the ball you have enough bodies in the middle to stop any kind of counter. 

    In possession:
    If the have the ball and try to attack you, you need to have fast defenders and close down the opposition as soon as they gain the ball to not allow the players any time on the ball. Or on the opposite end you need tall backline which should be able to clear all the crosses coming at them and have all others tightly packing the pitch.

    Consider Liverpool's counter press and Everton's (or any relegation threatened team's) tightly packed defense of 10 outfield players. You need to chose one or the other depending on your players which can ensure you have the best possible option to avoid getting scored against. 

    As for the player movement of your front three, they seem to have similar movements, you can reduce that by hard caping them similar to what i've done in the following ss. Having them like this would make them utilize the space better.


    Thank you so much for the input. I'm going to try that. I've got some questions though:

    1. Why CBs instead of WCBs? I don't insist but I like how they supported wingbacks both offensively and defensively.

    2. Why VOL on the same side with DLF? I worry that side might get too crowded while other other a little secluded since Anchor is not joining the attack.

  2. I'm trying to figure out something I've not used before - a narrow tactic with the main threat composed of 2 strikers and a CAM. 

    That's a set up I'm having fairly good results with but it needs some tweaking.




    What I would like to achieve is to be solid at the back hence 2 DMs but with a threat on the counter so none of my DMS are on defend duty, I want them to move the ball and themselves forward rather quickly. 

    It almost feels bad not to use high press and high line of engagement but I thought that since I put so many people in the back, I don't have to push too high and still be comfortable. I also believe it's easier to hit them on a counter if they push too high so I want to give the opposition the ability to do so. I also noticed that if I set really high press line my strikers end up in a super crowded area with no room to move and no time to make a decision.




    That screenshot shows another problem I'm having - from time to time my attackers (number 7, 10 and 17) get so close to each other that it almost makes no sense. I'm trying to figure out and I need help with that. I thought of putting one of my forwards to DLP (Su) and AM to AM(A) in the hopes that the strikers drops deeper, pulls a defender and create a hole that AM could attack and end up unmarked. Lower line of engagement should help with that (the photo was taken with high line of engagement and high press).

    I've got some decent playmakers that I could use instead of an AM in CAM strata but I don't think they work too well this year. Perhaps though it was just a bad choice of striker roles so you could talk me into trying AP(Su) once again.

    I decided to go with a Libero because this role fills DM spot when we're attacking and cuts opposition counters nicely. Also I have some good ballplaying defenders such as Scalvini so I don't mind if they push a little while on the ball. 

    And one more thing - I've been contemplating on using DLP(Su) instead of a BWM(Su) to improve our solidity in defence (BMW runs a lot and gets out of position easily) and, once we've picked up the ball, have someone to move it forward.

    What are your thoughts on that?

  3. Hey, I've been working for a tactic that I'd love to see in real life and is not necessarily a meta tactic in game.

    I came up with a board that I'd like to share with you:




    I've got some questions to the more experienced managers:

    1. first of all - in such set up I am thinking my 2 mids (or DMs?) (who are not drawn on the board) should be mostly hardworking powerhorses that would focus on winning the ball, recycling possession and get the ball further to the more creative players. This is kind of counterintuitive however to having the likes of Koopmeiners or Ederson because they are very well rounded so it feels bad to limit them so much.





    2. what roles would you give to players in such systems?

    - I'd say number 9 should be an AF because he's got plenty of men behind him so he doesn't need to construct anything and could solely focus on scoring.

    - both wingers I assume would be IFs - attack or support?

    - what about number 10? Treq sounds a bit too aggressive, AP(s) perhaps with "tries killer balls" trait, high passing, flair and vision?

    - Full backs I'm thinking should be WB(s) - support because this seems fairly aggressive already.

    3. The thing I worry the most about is that in Italy a lot of teams play with 2 DMs so it might be really easy to mark my number 10 since he's going to be constantly in the same spot. I've been thinking of a tactic that employs a very creative player but instead a role that comes from a bit deeper to create a moment of surprise. I'm posting it below.




    1. I've got Giorgio Scalvini as a number 5 - a Libero on defense to provide some build up support and cover for number 8 and number 6. 





    2. My thinking is that number 8 would be a mezzala on attack, the most creative player.

    Number 6 - CM(a) to provide SOME cover but also very adventurous. 

    Number 9 an AF(a) to form an attacking 3 with 11 IF(a) and 6 CM(a)

    Number 11 IF(a)

    Not sure about Number 7 because I don't want him to run into Number 6 bombing forward. He could perhaps be an IF(s) or IW(s)?

    Wingers 2 WB(s) or (d), winger 3 WB(a)


    In both cases I'd like to play a higher line of defense with a little bit more of pressing. Counter attack but I am not sure whether to use Counter-press or not. It seems a good idea since we're pushing so much. I'd like to know your opinions because I'm not too experience with setting pressing.

    I'm going to ask my players to work the ball in the box and play through balls.

    Last question is about Number 9 - I've got Scamacca that I really like in real life but for the life of my I can't get him to work in any of previously used systems.




    It's so tempting to use him as a Target Man(a) but I don't have any other TMs in my squad so I don't want the boys to get used to playing with a tower upfront too much. Perhaps you could give me your thoughts on that too.


    I know it's really long. I can't wait for your replies!


  4. No one beats them in my save. 

    I tried everything. My first thought was to plant 2 DMs and bang everything on the wings. I lost like 6-0. Then I went to 4-2-2-2 with 2DMs to bunker the middle and ended up the same. I am clueless.

    One time Cagliari used this tactic against me and ****** me 3-0 too. Is that some broken meta like 3 narrow forwards in FM15?

    Zrzut ekranu 2024-01-15 o 18.38.49.png


    This is my tactic (atalanta)


    Zrzut ekranu 2024-01-15 o 18.42.03.png

  5. image.thumb.png.a369cc55f98af17b3648ade005d8c167.pngZrzutekranu2023-12-17o02_01_36.thumb.png.d6a6336f87f1e67aaf58c807ca757dc0.png

    First screen shot is my tactic, second is what I expect them to do.

    The only player instruction I use is for left winger to cut inside. 

    I don't want to wait for the ball to be given to us - so we press a little higher. But not too high because my CBs are not the fastest as most of them are in their 30s already. Solid but not too pacey.

    I wasn't sure what roles to use in the midfield - since I don't want mindless attacking and I love the idea of forming triangles in order to offer passing options I decided to go with a:

    1) roaming playmaker - I've not used that role before in any of the FMs but I expect him to just constantly roam around the field, moving between the lines and always be ready to receive the ball and carry it forward.

    2) couldn't decide between B2B and CM(s) because for one I love B2B for how hardworking they are and how much they provide with the defense. The downside is that except for DLP(d) we don't have anyone playing it safe and holding things together in the middle of the field.

    3) not sure whether to use DLP(d) or DM(d) because I really like DM(d) to recycle position but I can't help the feeling that DLP(d) works like a ball magnet and if I don't use DLP(d) the players just go crazy and pass the ball into nowhere. We've lost so many goals from weird counter attacks because my CB decided to randomly make a short pass right into the feet of the opposite forward.


    Honestly one of my biggest problems is forward role. Scamacca is an elite striker but I can't get anything out of him. Bought Belotti but he couldn't make any difference either.

    I like PF(a) because generally I like hardworking players. If you put them on (attack) they kinda work like Advanced Forwards. Kinda. On the other hand AFs are too forward focused for me. DLF(s) and DLF(a) seem to track back too much and I already have a RMP and B2B that bomb forward anyway. Also, we don't play quick football so I assume there will be time for midfield to come higher up along with the play therefore the forward doesn't have to go back. I tried Complete Forward on (s) and (a) too with no success. I honestly think there's enough players trying to provide for my striker that they don't have to get too caught up with helping with the build up but I still want them to cause some confusion in opposition CBs so Pressing Forward (A) still makes the most sense.


    I struggle with creating chances - any chances really. On away games I pray we get a header in and manage to defend til the last whistle. I think the team is really good for Serie A standards but I get uncomfortable playing the likes of Genoa or Monza. If we win, we do by a goal difference, most of the time 1:0. It's weird, I don't think it's a defensive tactic.


    Can someone give me any tips?


  6. image.thumb.png.07f37ebccc13c6c5aba300b51ed0a949.pngimage.thumb.png.07f143e1e4ee3b8d6a9bbb9947a7be5d.png


    After having played for many years using the almighty 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 I decided to play around with a new tactic. I'm trying to take advantage of the new roles and the ones I've not used before such as IWB. I believe the new system allows for more efficient position switching between players.

    I've been working on familiarity first. We've had some early success playing really solid football against the top teams in serie A. Most of the time we end up drawing by losing a goal in the last 20 minutes. I try to sign players with high determination but I honestly put the blame on the tactic being very attacking and vulnerable to counter attack. For the first time in my FM career I try to set up a tactic that would simply let me score more than the other team.

    Any ideas where to improve? I like the idea of having an usual tactic.


    The idea I just came up with:

    - change right back to IWB on support instead of defend so that they sit a bit higher next to Ederson

    - change DM(s) to Half back so that he drops deeper between CBs to form a 3-at-the-back

    in my mind 3 at the back would provide better cover against counter attacks.

  7. I have several recruitment focuses set for scouting wonderkids but at the same time I want to know what's going on in the big boys market in case someone with a big name goes unhappy and perhaps becomes transfer listed. As shown in the screen shots below I don't get any reports on most of them. The other screenshot is how I set up my recruitment focus for Premier League, Serie A, Premiera Division, League1 and Bundesliga. 

    Last FM I played was FM22 so the whole idea of this is new to me.

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-14 o 22.10.44.png

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-14 o 22.10.10.png

  8. That's my tactic below. The only thing I ask "extra" is for Baldanzi (AM-S) to hold up the play because he is the center of attention during build up and my most creative player with decent vision of what's going on around him.

    What I did so far was to tick "work ball into box" (initally I had hopes it could stay off this year sfter seeing Koopmeiners banging some long distance screamers in) and slowed down the tempo to "standard" from maxing at "higher". 


    I want to play from the keeper hence BDP. For as much as I love the new role in IFB, I still opted for wingbacks because I am a width kind of guy. DM(s) recycles position, VOL(s) joins the party a little late to offer passing options, cause threat for the defence and/or to provide some kind of cover in case we lose the ball (used to use VOL(a) but we got caught too many times on his side). Wingers are tasked to cut inside but I prefer wingers because they start wide to stretch the opposition. Not sure whether to use CF(a) or AF(a) because technically I'd like my forward to chill and score tap ins but if I use AF(a) he ends up isolated a lot and not contribute enough.

    Perhaps someone more experienced can give me their thoughts on where to improve.


  9. 13 minutes ago, Poison said:

    Go heavy on wing play? A simple 4-3-3 should do the trick.

    Thanks. Regular wingers I assume? I don't think cutting inside makes a lot of sense since it's so crowded there?


    On a second thought, it wouldn't hurt to occupy the back 3 with more people. I'm thinking a Target Man, 2 inside forwards  and CM(a) with wingbacks bombing crosses?

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