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Everything posted by tezcatlipoca665

  1. What frustrates me the most about this (and it happens *a lot* in both FM23 and 24 for me) is that the players signed are given practically no chance before being discarded by the AI managers. Don't bother mentioning Kalvin Phillips as a real-life example btw before somebody points that out - it's clear Guardiola didn't want him and his lack of appearances has always been commented on as unusual, which is something that the media mechanic in these games isn't capable of highlighting (which makes sense, since this is not considered unusual or undesirable behaviour within the game overall). The optional/mandatory future fees for loans make no sense either when the teams don't even play these players during their loan periods before they sign them for the next season and, again after that, don't play them. Another thing is that these transfers don't take into consideration any future fees owed to other clubs. Tammy Abraham joined Aston Villa in my game for £2.4m in the first season while he was injured, and they're not using him now he's fit. Not only does the transfer not make sense from Villa's point of view since they didn't need him and he wasn't even 'in-form' (he hadn't played a game), but Roma sold him at a massive discount while they're still scheduled to pay my team (Chelsea) £6.8m for each of the next three years for a player they don't have, and hilariously, now need again because Lukaku just returned to us from his loan period there.
  2. It is kinda funny that the whole positional play marketing for FM24 was promoted with Man City used as the best example, yet AI Guardiola usually can't seem to figure out how to utilize it well in the game. Man City almost always underperform in these games, though I do think Rodrigogc is correct and that it's an attribute-weighting problem more than AI Guardiola being poor. My current save saw them win the Premier League in the first season, finally, so Davincid's mods have probably helped there. They were always really poor in FM23 under Guardiola too. Honestly, the best and most consistently performing teams in the PL in my experience from the first season on are always Liverpool and Man Utd. Without Haaland, City would be completely lost in the vanilla versions of these games (well, until a Gengenpressing-focused manager is hired anyway).
  3. I checked this on my save just now and it's everywhere lmao. I never noticed before. Happens all over Serie A with Inter, Milan, Roma and Juventus too. I think this stuff does matter because you're essentially guaranteed to have a really tough period of fixtures every season, which affects confidence and potentially fitness depending on how you make your team play against more difficult sides (fielding your best 11 four-to-five games in a row can end up having a knock-on effect). I'm still seeing patterns of playing the same team twice in a row due to domestic cup competitions. Milan played Atalanta in the Coppa Italia final just after a Serie A match with them. We (Chelsea) played Arsenal in the FA Cup final just after having a league match with them. Roma played Torino twice in a row. Salernitana played Bologna twice in a row. It just looks very odd and I can't unsee this stuff now. EDIT: After checking somebody else's long-term save, it's definitely just a coincidence and seems to be happening to me a lot in my saves for some reason lol.
  4. I thought it was just a weird coincidence, but this happens to me a lot too. In my current save, I'm about to play Arsenal in the FA Cup Final after playing them on the final league game of the season. Happened to me a lot in my Milan save in FM23 with cup games and league games being scheduled so I'd play the same team twice in a row too. There's no way it happens because of some design oversight - idk how that'd even be possible.
  5. Well, looking at the save, Juventus went from 4th place the first season with 61 goals for and 38 against, whereas in contrast to this season, they've dropped to 28 goals for and 42 against. I took over the team to see what I could find: - Their xG is minus 15 - the worst in the league, with only Udinese coming close with minus 11. The xGA is 0, so they were on target with that. - The defensive capabilities are basically the same, but that's a shocking drop in goal difference with what's basically the same team as the previous season. Vlahovic scored 22 goals in 32 league games during the first season, whereas he scored 5 in 21 this season... and was joint-top scorer with Chiesa, who also scored 5 league goals. Vlahovic has been injured since February but was poor when he was playing. - Glancing over the available games with full detail, Juventus made substitutions purely for (I assume) tactical reasons and not because players were tired. They lost 2-0 in a game against Torino and only used 3 substitutes - and not one of them was for a tired player, nor were they for the worst-performing players. - Following on from above, it looks like these players were run into the ground. The added CL fixture congestion - something they didn't have to worry about the first season - is probably what killed them. - Allegri was sacked and replaced with Zidane in December. It didn't make a difference and Zidane was sacked too due to relegation, so it's unlikely (in my view) that this is a normal manager issue. - Squad dynamics look fine. Rugani wants to leave for a new challenge, but he's listed for transfer since November 2024 (and this is normal behaviour for Rugani in my experience, even with FM23). It's reported that there are 11 unhappy players but no real reported reason, and no signs of a squad mutiny or anything like that - I think a big reason is just not respecting my appointment as manager as I already have 13 players that oppose me in the Squad Hierarchy. Team Cohesion is good. Club Atmosphere is poor, but most likely due to the recent relegation. Overall morale is bad but, again, the actual happiness of the squad is good overall according to the Happiness page where most people are either Content or Slightly Happy. So it looks like poor logic in sub choices and poor squad rotation - each in relation to player condition and a lack of foresight with fixture congestion - is what undid Juve.
  6. lol it even has the result as a notable highlight on the same page.
  7. Probably a cynical answer, but I'd really like if SI started a lot of this over again, not including the database. Many gameplay mechanics currently come across as set-and-forget from long ago; introduced to sell past editions as headline features, and haven't been paid attention to since. The player interactions, 'player power', squad hierarchy and media are some of the most annoying aspects of the game.
  8. Trying to reignite my interest in my Chelsea save. Just noticed Tammy Abraham joined Aston Villa for £2.4m in the January window, and two months later, he's made only two sub appearances for them. Meanwhile, Roma is still scheduled to pay us £6.8m for each of the next three years for signing him in the first place. He wasn't signed for his form either - he was still injured and didn't even start a game for Roma. Roma didn't need to sell him (let alone for so little and they're still paying for him), and Villa didn't need to sign him.
  9. Sorry, I should have prefixed my post with 'this isn't aimed at anyone in particular' because it's something that's been discussed for a lot longer than this past while and wasn't meant to be targeted at what you were saying. I agree with you btw, and it definitely isn't unreasonable to expect SI to stick to their word when they were the ones that voluntarily told everyone that they'd be more communicative and give a roadmap - imo they shouldn't have bothered doing this at all, but I suspect at this stage that it was just to keep everyone quiet until the inevitable FM25 sneak peek and reveal posts/videos gets everyone excited for The New And Shiny Thing. That might seem cynical, but this is a games company and we're consumers lol.
  10. Has SI started a new match engine from scratch with Unity for FM25, or have they just converted the current one over to Unity and continued work on it there? If the latter, then there definitely won't be any update to FM24's match engine. Any updates to it would probably be a waste from their perspective and they'd need to figure out how to implement those changes to the Unity version in FM25 without having drastically different results between them. I know a lot of people are holding out hope for whatever issues they've had being fixed, but realistically, this game's life cycle is almost up now. The only bug fixes that will made are game-breaking ones.
  11. Player interactions, squad happiness and interpersonal relationships within the squads need to be rethought or just mostly done away with imho. I just had a squad mutiny attempt because I warned Raheem Sterling about his form for the third time in a season and he refused to adhere to a performance-related promise after two attempts despite agreeing for the third time that he wasn't performing well and needed to do better (7.20 and 7.10 are apparently too high for a supposed quality player with an Important Player squad status). So I demoted him to Squad Player and he got upset - fine, I don't care how he feels about it because I'll be looking to offload him soon since he's useless, but 10 other players getting so upset that they want to call a team meeting a day after this to tell me he needs to be starting more games just because I demoted him? Seriously? He's started every single game he's been available for and we're almost through the whole season now in March. He doesn't contribute any assists or goals. Why are the other players even concerned with this? It doesn't make any sense and this stuff doesn't happen in reality. Don't even get me started on when this stuff occurs because some player didn't get their expensive contract despite not being good enough - and players asking for new contracts when they still have multiple years left on ones they recently signed is something else that should've been sorted by now.
  12. Is the bug that you feel like the players are too sensitive and overreact?
  13. What's the problem with this? He wants to start more games and he's only being used as a substitute. Unless there's something else the screenshot doesn't show?
  14. The other team may as well not be there at all or be sitting in the stands with the crowd lol. No marking, no pressure, nothing.
  15. Still getting my assistant manager insisting that I play players out of position for absolutely no reason. I promised Caicedo I'd rest him for the next game because he's exhausted and the assistant manager is now like 'you should play him as a central defender instead of one of the three fully fit, actual central defenders you have.' Absolutely brilliant.
  16. I'm guessing that any tweaks to the match engine will be saved for FM25. If they've split the development team between a minority tidying up FM24 and the majority getting ready for FM25, any potential updates made to the match engine for FM24 would probably disrupt what's going on with them working on the match engine in FM25, since I'm almost certain some of the more recent animations etc. have been carried over to Unity for them to continue work there.
  17. Just updated and loaded the game. Carried on to the next game and pre-match, the assistant manager suggests putting Caicedo up front (even though Broja, Nkunku and Jackson are available and fit) and Enzo Fernandez - who is clearly on holiday - in midfield. What in this patch could have affected this???
  18. ngl, the only thing in this update that interests me and will affect my games in any positive way is the fact that Spanish team registration issue has been fixed. The competition rule changes are nice at least, but not important enough for me to start a new save game over them.
  19. I always load multiple leagues in full detail and this is still always a problem regardless. Right now I have 14 loaded in my current save. I don't use view-only.
  20. In my current save game, Girona refused to register Savio at all. Not injured; not suspended - they just didn't bother registering him until December, despite being one of their better players. I'm using Davincids mod too and, while it does force the AI to rotate more, it can't make a difference to AI manager logic, and the AI managers will sometimes just make the weirdest decisions when it comes to squad selection, registration, and transfers/loans. There's no reason for it to be better in FM25 so long as SI is claiming that AI squad building and rotation are currently working fine as is in FM24 and they're happy with both. There's no plan for it to be improved with the upcoming patch, last I was advised.
  21. When I leave the analyst assignments as automatic, every recruitment focus is assigned to only ONE analyst. I have 12 going right now and I've had to assign the analysts manually because the auto feature is determined to overwork just one analyst and give the other 13 analysts a long holiday.
  22. It's taken to extremes though. I was asked about having reported transfer interest in some random 16 year old player I'd never even heard of before. PA was around 115 or something too, so he wasn't even a wonderkid or whatever. It'd be great to have a 'who?' response option or something. Having 'we all know his ability' is a pretty hilarious option.
  23. Thanks for the info about the English clubs. I don't usually play the English divisions tbh and haven't heard of this rule before, but it makes sense now I've checked that I can approach players from other national leagues and not the English ones, so I'll concede that one. The first is still a mystery to me because the DOFs comment, intention and his rating of the player combined means he's basically saying 'This player is one to look out for the future! I think he won't amount to much!'. If he believed he was, say 3 and a half stars or over on potential, it'd make sense and you could just put it down to regular misjudgment and I'd agree it's subjective - but he's certain the player is at least 1.5, and possibly up to 2.5 stars of potential? It doesn't make sense imo.
  24. Straight after this. This is the last post I'll make in this thread (unless something new comes up that's related). Again, this player can go for free in six months and Sheffield Wednesday can negotiate a contract with him right now. I have a save game just before this happened, so let me know if uploading it will help.
  25. It's not just limited to the DOF making odd transfer choices either. Richard Olise's contract is up in 6 months and he can leave on a free transfer. Coventry can just talk to the player directly. Why are they offering money for him? And why are the other teams interested in transferring him instead of just bidding and trying to get him for free? I know an argument can be made that they need him for this current season, but the reasons shown below make it pretty clear they know he's not currently ready for their first team.
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