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Ghost Into Space

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Issue Comments posted by Ghost Into Space

  1. I have managed to pull out another handful of PKM files where this occurs:

    Arsenal v Everton.pkm
    Arsenal v Dinamo Zagreb.pkm
    Arsenal v West Ham.pkm

    All of these matches happened in the first 10 games of the season so with these three match, the three matches shown in the post above, another game against Tottenham (in the cup) and then the Bournemouth match mentioned in the original post, it means that in 80% of the games so far in this save, the AI opposition have used these roles.

  2. Thanks for the reply @Zachary Whyte - I did notice this note on the side but I was just curious as to why this was the case (essentially, what am I missing out on if I choose the 'Original' game mode?).

    I also noticed that if you start the game mode in 'Real World', obtain the player count from that setup and then change the mode on the right hand side back to 'Original', the play count stays the same as it was in the 'Real World' setup.

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