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Posts posted by newsuzanoebok

  1. 2 horas atrás, rusty217 disse:

    How have you done your history settings?

    This is what I've done and mostly works:

      Ocultar conteúdo





    used exactly like yours and still got 2 champions by year omg i dont know what to do anynore hahaha

    edit: got it to work just erase the 'stage name to use' on the 4th screenshot bellow, but as you said, it still count towards the 'most time champions' but thats ok


  2. 29 minutos atrás, rusty217 disse:

    Untick the Add sub comp history to main comp history option.

    It will probably still contribute to the most times winner record, I wasn't able to figure out how to prevent that, but it will at least stop it from showing up on the past winners list for the main competition, only showing on the history of the sub comp.

    that didnt work :/ it keeps showing 2 champions

  3. 36 minutos atrás, rusty217 disse:

    Round, or stage? Those options should be on the Stage - General page.

    Don't forget you also need to have an add history instruction in Other Stage Rules. I've recently done something similar.

    thx man really helped, i got this to work
    but, one last thing, now if i view the last winners of my league, it appears the winner of the overall league table (what i wanted), AND the winner of the 'sub competition cup' who ALSO appear on the sub competition last winner list (what i want too), but i do not want to appear like 3 champions on the same year on the overall table last winner list


    anyone know how to change that?

  4. i want to proccess a team to be champion of a 'sub competition' in a round inside the league
    almost like the MLS Support Shield


    this is the advanced of MLS, it appears the 3 options, stage name to use when... add the sub comp history... and allow sub comp to be viwed...
    then if you are the best MLS group team, you got the MLS Supporter Shield champion

    i want to do something similar, but with a round inside my league


    but as you see in this second image, just one of the 3 options appear to me, and yes, i already set the competition to be parent competition and things like that

  5. 2 horas atrás, Ngoc disse:

    maybe try instructions from not OP stuff if you find the game too easy that would help you don't have to only play Gege or those instructions if you really want a challenge try to win without those


    no need to go to the worst "park the buss" pick-on in the middle maybe direct counter-attack and try to make it successful. There are ways to make the game harder if you really want a challenge but i doubt you do.


    that image litterally proves what everyone is saying... ok, we can play with less OP tactics, but the thing is, it shouldnt be that OP

  6. Em 15/11/2023 em 17:06, themodelcitizen disse:

    I think you need to use "process into stage" under the league settings of the hidden stage this year as well

    Or wait it's a cup stage? Try that "take stage results into other stage" setting under "stage actions" or wherever it is too

    tried all of this, the league tamble simply doesnt count the cup rounds as points, it appears the games number (lets say if a team reach final it appears 5 games, the team eliminated first round appears 1 game), but the points it doenst count

  7. Em 07/11/2023 em 00:55, themodelcitizen disse:

    You can achieve the first by using "results from other stage" or whatever it is, and it should take cup results into the league (cup stage should be "set up" before the league in this case). Look at MLS for that too, I think they have results from the "group" stage going into the single-table stage. You can look at how they award the Supporters' Shield and MLS Cup and use that for the trophy thing too

    everytime i use the results form other stage the game simply doenst count anything, i cant get to use this

  8. the thing is, almost there arent any tactic without more press, get stuck in, step up more, counter, counter-press instructions, the other instructions arent usefull at all, as nobody ever use them, i dont think 'gegenpresing' is OP, but the normal instructions used in gegenpressing tactics are op, or at least the other instructions arent

  9. I got 2 questions i cant resolve:

    1- I want to count CUP matches for the League, like, if a team win the quarter final of a CUP, for example, the 3 points of the victory will count to the League

    2- I want to put a 'minor trophy' inside a competition, lets say, the champion of the First Round of a League get the title of Champion of this other competition, and this will appear on history and trophy history of the team and the competition, lets say that what i want to do is the same as the Major League Soccer have, the Champion of MLS is the champion of the playoffs, but theres a trophy for the team with the best record on the regular season (the overall points table of the national league)

    Anyone can help me?

  10. Em 30/10/2023 em 07:10, Smigo08 disse:

    Nice Post, i was looking at something last night after coming home from the LFC game,  what i noticed was when LFC had possession although more of a 2242 in possession :)


    1. LEFT SIDE - Gravenberch would be high and wide with Jota narrow, had this set up as AP (stay wide) IW (stay narrow), with the LB offering width also - TI had overlap on the left. 

    2. RIGHT SIDE - Salah would hold the width and Szbo would also be very wide almost on the same line as Salah, he would offer the underlap, had this set up Salah - W (stay wide), Szbo - WP (stay narrow) - TI had underlap, Trent as the IWB

    3. CENTRAL -  2 BPD,  RCB with stay wide, Used Alexis Mccalister as the DLP.


    some of the movements and the goals that came replicate very much how its supposed to, wonder if you could look at what roles i have mentioned above to see if you can make this better?


    i'm not sure if anyone has set a a CM on WP on sit narrow to occupy the HS rather than using the MEZ.


    just an idea, would be nice to see your take on this.

    hey man, nice idea, but, have you tested with mezzalas? like szobos and graven as mezzalas, i think they can get wide but still cover the center field

  11. Well, i think ive got the maximum possible (at least with my little knowledge on FM) with the current ME
    Xabis Leverkusen got 60% of possession on avarage, the 2 MCs make 90 passes atempt on avarage, and you guys already posted some content about the average possitions, style of play and everything else


    The main issue for me is the WBR positioning, if i use defensive winger, winger or wide midfielder, i think he doesnt defend well, and stay FAR TOO much on the attack all the time, so i use CWB, yes he stay way too much on the wide area and on Leverkusen the CWB (Frimpong) get more close to the rest of the team (i even use the narrowest possible shape, but it doesnt resolve)

    The 2 mcs positions i liked quite well, they really stay close on the middle organizing the team the same as the leverkusen side


    cant get them to 90 passes, but always get one with 80 or more, and the other with something close to 70


    my possession is always between 60/65 or something like this


    this is the final tactic

  12. really NICE post, good tips and complete analysis

    how you think is the best way to emulate Griezmann role in france?

    i want my AMC to drop really deep to get the ball and start counter attacks or to organize the team, like, he needs to be always on the same side as the ball

    but doesnt matter what AMC role i set up, my AMC tends to become a third striker or at least make lots of runs when we got the ball, instead be near the ball ready to receive the ball

  13. how can i exclude teams qualified for champions league play for europa league on advanced rules?

    im recreating the european cups, champions, europa and conference, but the best teams from each country are playing in the 3 competitions xD lol

    edit: and if a just use normal rules without advanced, the teams that won conference or europa, doenst classify to europa or champions


    edit2: another question: how can i "ignore" a stage for competition awards? like if the first round of any cup doesnt count for goals/assists/average rating in the final award/stats?

  14. 24 minutos atrás, themodelcitizen disse:

    Go under "teams", "qualified teams" and check the box for "clear current list of qualified teams" or whatever it is. It thinks those teams have already qualified for the default 24-team version and has them at the top of the list. So use that option to clear the list and then just use "get last winner" in other settings

    Only 5 continental champions? No love for OFC? :lol:

    actually i merged south america and north america

    asia africa and oceania

    and europe

    i just use 3 teams on world CLUB cup, just say 5 as an example

    the north/south america champion is always right

    the european too

    but the third team is always something wrong

    trying to do what you tell me now i got and error saying that i got 4 teams on world CLUB cup and rankings only got 3 xD but i dont know why the game say i have 4 teams, never set any other team

    getting this 4 teams error everytime i put on advanced rules and i dont know why XD





  15. cant understand why no matter what i do, when i create a new world CLUB cup, the game NEVER uses the right teams from other continents besides Europe and South América

    i set up the 5 continent champions and create just one league phase

    then the game ALWAYS create a league like Flamengo, Palmeiras, Real, Chelsea (the last 2 European and South American champs) and the five team is something random

    what do i need to do?

  16. Hey guys, im trying to create something like a new Manchester City, but in lower divisions, as Portsmouth got an new very rich owner, increased finances, sugar daddy front end, even give lots of money from sponsors, and increased reputation, but no matter what, they just spend like 1/5/10M dollars MAXIMUM every transfer window, what else can i do?

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