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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. Thank you for reporting this, it would be super helpful if you could upload a copy of your save for us.
  2. I haven't checked if you have already so apologies if you have, but follow what Zak said to create a bug report and I'll get this flagged
  3. This is still under review and I've posted some more information about this within the feedback section.
  4. I can see you also posted this in the bug thread and I had responded there - this is still being reviewed. If a decision is made to revert this it will form part of a future update. In terms of why this was removed, there were some underlying issues on Touch meaning this wasn't correctly in place. This also meant that it was impacting squad building on the AI side so was removed to ensure balance between AI and the player.
  5. Thank you for this, I've also found your other file
  6. I have passed this on to QA, but can you also check if this is still occurring since the minor update that went out yesterday? Just in case something underlying may have been fixed relating to it.
  7. This should now be resolved with the latest update. Please let us know if you continue to experience this.
  8. This should now be resolved with the latest update. Please let us know if you continue to experience this.
  9. Can you confirm that you have resolved this by going to the end of the list and then downloading it?
  10. Are you able to record this so we can see this? It would be useful to send the file across to our OwnCloud storage here, along with providing the name of the file in this thread.
  11. I've checked in with QA and unfortunately, this won't be featuring in '24. While un-greying it may be simple, other reasons for this being disabled aren't so simple to resolve at this time.
  12. I think this is a separate issue from the one you have reported. I have put a note on your thread and will get back to you with info once QA have looked at it
  13. Thank you for providing the video of the crash. I've sent this across to QA to look at. Are you also able to provide the video for the second crash as we can't see this? You can upload this here
  14. Appreciate the feedback! In terms of the Match Engine, it's the same across both PC and Touch so this shouldn't differ. If you have any other specifics, feel free to flag them in the bug tracker and one of the QA team can look into it.
  15. I've flagged this with one of the team that know this area better. I'll update once I have something to share.
  16. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    If you have tried using the steps provided in this thread, you should be able to load the save by moving it back Outside of this we are continuing to work on this.
  17. This issue has been noted and logged with QA. Once we are in a position to push a fix it will form part of an upcoming update.
  18. Good to hear that has worked! Let us know if you continue to experience any more issues
  19. This change was implemented as part of a previous update. We are currently monitoring this.
  20. Does it work on other games? Assuming you may have also tried a different USB port incase that was affecting it?
  21. Did holidaying past the date work for you @Nattyo
  22. Appreciate the Q but it won't be as simple as reverting to how it was previously. Advancements in other areas mean that reverting this change would require work elsewhere to make it possible, with lots of knock-ons as such.
  23. Great, thank you for this info! The team has been able to successfully reproduce this and is now in the process of creating a fix. This will come as part of a future update If you can, can you also follow these steps to see if it still happens to aid our testing: • Launch the game with an internet connection • Start a new save slot • The game asks to Save progress during the onboarding process • Select Cloud location to save • Quit the game and turn off the internet connection • Relaunch the game and see if the crash occurs (It should)
  24. Thought it may be worth sharing here what I'd shared in a different post. Hopefully, this gives a little insight and understanding that these timeframes aren't solely SI. "Both the Touch and the Console products have different submission processes to the PC game and must be submitted to various platform holders and as such need to conform to multiple unique timeframes. We work closely with said platform holders and all parties try our very best to get the updates out as fast as we can whilst maintaining the quality of the product and the platform integrity."
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