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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. Are you able to share an image of the screen you are asking for, just so we can be sure and we can then advise?
  2. This will now be merged into the next update that comes to Touch and other platforms.
  3. Are you able to share the make and model of your device, along with the operating system you are running?
  4. @Showoffrob - Thank you for providing the above. To give some additional context, the changes we made for 24 were in direct response to the feedback we received from the UI on 23 and how difficult the title was to navigate. Based on this feedback we made changes to increase the size of buttons for navigation purposes as much as possible. In terms of having a toggleable UI, due to the time that would need to be invested into making this possible it just wouldn't be possible in the time frame. Also, this would seriously impact the plans for the development of the UI as a whole as we'd be working with 2 different User Interfaces that could be impacting/creating bugs in 2 different ways, therefore making it harder to fix anything that may arise. However, when the game moves to FM25 we are bringing some significant changes to the Touch platform with Unity. This said, what I do ask is that I capture all the information possible about the issues you are experiencing with the new overlay so that I can get it in front of the devs. Therefore, can I ask that you report all the good and bad you (and others reading this thread) are encountering with the UI in this thread with as much detail as possible? Even if you think it is a very minor issue, please don't be concerned by that. This will help us when it comes to working on the UI in the future. Finally, I am continuing to collate all this feedback and ensuring this is getting to the dev teams.
  5. Thank you for providing this. Can we confirm whether you own or play the game on any other platforms, such as Steam or Epic and have unlocked any of these achievements on those platforms? Also, when you unlocked 'world renowned', was this during a loading screen or once you reached a certain screen if you can remember?
  6. The QA team have been able to replicate similarly to yourself so this has been logged. As you expected it won't be looked at for '24. In terms of being able to locate the cloud files locally on macOS, the team are looking at that and I'll share more once I have it.
  7. Dan Sheppard


    I understand what you are saying but having checked in with QA, they have confirmed what I've said. Having read up about the specific error online and the official steps from Sony, it can affect any game similarly and there isn't an indication that anything from a game dev side will fix it. From reading success stories online, it appears replacing the console is producing a high rate of success, something you'll need to speak to the retailer you got the console from.
  8. UPDATE We have made significant progress and have been able to replicate some of these issues reported, all thanks to you, the community, for the information you have all been providing through various posts and tickets. We are in the process of creating a fix for the issues found and will look to push this out towards the end of next week*. To give some additional insight, the cause appears to have been due to a save game failing to write for some reason (most likely due to the OS killing the application due to a device running low on memory or a battery failure), and one of the backup save game slots not being visible within the UI correctly. In the meantime (before our fix is released) if you can view the save game area on your device you might be able to manually fix this by renaming the backup save game from temp_save.fms or fmm_auto_save_hidden.fms to something like fmm_save_1.fms. We also recommend completing a manual save before minimizing or closing the application if possible. I hope this is welcome news and we look forward to sharing the update soon! *subject to final checks
  9. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    UPDATE We have made significant progress and have been able to replicate some of these issues reported, all thanks to you, the community, for the information you have all been providing through various posts and tickets. We are in the process of creating a fix for the issues found and will look to push this out towards the end of next week*. To give some additional insight, the cause appears to have been due to a save game failing to write for some reason (most likely due to the OS killing the application due to a device running low on memory or a battery failure), and one of the backup save game slots not being visible within the UI correctly. In the meantime (before our fix is released) if you can view the save game area on your device you might be able to manually fix this by renaming the backup save game from temp_save.fms or fmm_auto_save_hidden.fms to something like fmm_save_1.fms. We also recommend completing a manual save before minimizing or closing the application if possible. I hope this is welcome news and we look forward to sharing the update soon! *subject to final checks
  10. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    Thank you for this additional information. This has been passed on again to QA. For now, we recommend doing a manual save before exiting/minimizing the game and this should help temporarily.
  11. This has been logged and is under review. We will share more as it progresses.
  12. @Sssamkerl - I have caught up with QA and this is going to be logged. Thanks for flagging!
  13. Not from a public viewpoint, unfortunately. I'll continue to check in and if you haven't heard and want a further update, just drop me a DM or tag me in this thread.
  14. Dan Sheppard


    Looking into this further, @Daniel12. It would appear this particular error message is system-related and not game-related. I'd advise speaking to SONY as they would be best suited regarding the next steps.
  15. After being reviewed by QA, several background checks are run to find recommendations and these do appear to be working as intended. @GJHowell - Are you able to provide some examples where you believe it's not working so that QA can look into it?
  16. Just to check, the save file used to obtain the achievements was a brand new '24 save file? It's intended that achievement wouldn't transfer from '23 saves although we have seen some instances where this happens. Also, can you provide some screenshots of your achievements list?
  17. @3runhomer - The team has looked at this and it appears to be as expected. As the player was unable to leave 3 times, this would likely leave a 'sour taste' as the agreement to send them on loan is being denied and the feeling may take some time to go. We will continue to try and replicate this, however, just in case there is something else going on.
  18. Apologies, just checking as I may have misinterpreted. Are you trying to add leagues that don't already exist in the game? If so, this won't be possible. You can only select leagues that are presented on the screen when starting your save. You can find the full list of available leagues here: https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19474108267409-How-to
  19. @Showoffrob - I have checked in with QA and we will not be able to fix this for '24. It's on the list to be looked at ahead of '25.
  20. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    Thank you for reporting this with the details, this was extremely useful in providing answers to some theories. The team believes they are making breakthroughs with this and as soon as I can share further information, I'll look to do just that.
  21. Not 100% with MAC myself, but from within iTunes it's like this. You should be able to just drag this into the same screen that shows this along with all the other FMM files. It should then prompt you with a message along the lines of, replace, copy, or duplicate this. Use the replace one. You can then attempt to save the 25-character folder to your desktop again just to make sure it's got the correct files in. It's also important the files are named exactly fmm_save_1.fms
  22. If you can provide us with a copy of the save so we can view this. If not, can you provide some screenshots of your wage budgets along with any other useful information relating to this?
  23. @dboy37 - As @MonkyBone said, follow those steps and you should be able to locate it. You'll need to apply it to your save from the wallet. Let us know how you get on.
  24. Appreciate that, I flagged this information again on Friday and can check in again tomorrow when people are back in the office. Will try to get an update to you tomorrow
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