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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. We are aware of some issues relating to game saves. The team is currently investigating this and we'll share more when we can. For now, could you provide us with: * Device Used * OS Used (and version)
  2. Thank you for flagging. After checking with QA this is a known issue and will be fixed as part of a future update
  3. @AV I've tested this myself just to get an understanding of the issue you are seeing and have been impacted by similar in my save. What will happen is the board will give you a reason for the rejection (press the expand icon under the Rejected message to see this) and as a result impart a temporary restriction on the same request for a certain period. Likely, they aren't willing to reconsider a change in the budget again so immediately. There isn't necessarily a guaranteed path to getting the increase but there are a number of factors within the club that could affect their decision-making, including the choice of the reason of 3 you choose for making the request. This is similar to what you'd expect if the board were to reject a similar request in Football.
  4. I've checked in on this and the only way to manage reserves training this year is as you are currently @Burty76, by promoting them to the Senior squad and then marking them as available for reserves.
  5. Nothing to share in terms of a date as yet, but I will update once I can
  6. @FMTgeek - The team is going to keep an eye on this. If you find further instances, please can you provide some additional screenshots? It also wouldn't be a bad idea to upload across a save so we can use this for testing.
  7. @Liddlepete - We are continuing to monitor that feedback on this so thank you for raising it. In terms of getting to the frequently used screens, if you press the 9 dots at the top of the screen, when this menu is presented you should see an <- arrow, pressing this should give you the additional menus. Also, swiping from the left and right of the screen to the center will also provide menus. Thank you again for the feedback and if you have additional feedback, you are best posting here.
  8. This would be best suited in our feature/change request section. Pop it in there and we'll continue to monitor.
  9. We don't have a specific date to share as yet, but as soon as we do I'll update As a temporary thing, if your device supports the enhanced match engine this may be a workaround.
  10. @Royal7 Thanks for providing the save file, could you please provide us with a system bug report so we can see what's happening on your device? To do this, follow this guide here. It's important that you do this immediately after you experience an error message as it will give us the clearest indication of what may be happening.
  11. Yes please, anything that can help replicate what you are doing as close as possible
  12. @mahmoud qandil - Can you report this via the bug tracker and our QA team will be able to take a look
  13. Thank you for flagging this, will look into this and see if there is a reason this is happening. Glad you've managed to get into game albeit with going round the houses a bit
  14. One of the QA team has tested these and has been unable to replicate any of them. If you are continuing to experience them, please report it in the bug tracker - along with detailed steps to reproduce and a short video, if possible.
  15. Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA. As for the follow-up - If you are on iPad/MAC you should see the "opinion of" drop-down to the right of the 'Roles' box. If you are playing on an iPhone you'll just have the report presented when you open the Squad depth menu.
  16. Thanks for raising this - we've had feedback regarding some of the colors shown on players attributes which are along similar lines to this. We are monitoring and taking the feedback on board - should we be able to provide a solution I'll look to update
  17. Thanks for the feedback around this and it has been taken on board/passed on. At this time there isn't a way to edit this color through any of the available settings.
  18. Hey all, Thank you for your feedback so far. Please find an update on licensing here and look out for further update information coming soon. Thanks
  19. Thanks for flagging - this is a known issue and should come with a future update.
  20. @Royal7 - Are you able to try deleting your cache (as below) and see if this gets you through this screen? Let us know how you get on. Settings > Storage > App > FM24 Mobile> Clear cache
  21. Can you provide us with a save file and the name of it, Zak?
  22. Thanks for raising this - The QA team has run some tests and is happy with the current rate of progression. To give some context, there are lots of factors that will improve progression such as Training schedules, match time, happiness, dynamics, and the level of opposition. If you are continuing to see other examples of this ideally across a longer period than 2 years, as in the grand scheme this is a small window, please feel free to provide more information via this thread and we can investigate.
  23. Nous ne comprenons pas tout à fait le problème que vous semblez rencontrer, pouvez-vous nous fournir plus d'informations à ce sujet s'il vous plait?
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