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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. @MacMike23 - We believe we have successfully fixed this and it should roll out with the next update. When this does release (Date TBC - keep an eye on the general discussion for Mobile), if you still experience it, please let us know.
  2. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    @LiamGar | @mulcahys | @GBrown - Please can you share the information mentioned above by @Jake Mant in this thread? We are aware of this issue and are investigating but need as much information as possible.
  3. I've raised this internally, have you also submitted a ticket via support? If not, please do as well as we may require some additional information that will be easier to share there.
  4. @Lynchyy - depending on what platform you are playing, please can you raise it within the appropriate bug tracker
  5. Simon - Can you raise this in the bug tracker (if you haven't already) so one of the QA team can check it over?
  6. Appreciate the feedback, Simon, as mentioned by Zak if you get this into the bug section along with device specifics so that I can seek what I can in terms of answers relatable to your specs. To be honest, the ME is the same as FM so it could be due to how this just functions on some devices. I've already flagged the Match Analysis comment and one of the devs has said they'll take a look if you can provide more info via the bug tracker. Please try and give as much info as possible including saves if applicable etc. I'll do what I can to get some clarification for you.
  7. Keep an eye out for information about updates for Touch which will be dropping soon.
  8. I appreciate it isn't ideal in its current form but training can still be done, just with a bit of additional management of squads. I don't want to say something will be done when realistically I know it's unlikely hence the previous message.
  9. @RSeven - So the QA team has tested this today and anything that is unlocked within a certain save will actually transfer over with that save. However, it won't necessarily unlock in the new saves on the device. The team has taken note and will look into this.
  10. We are going to put this under review but it's unlikely this will be reverted for FM24.
  11. Frustrating, thanks for flagging. Can you provide the name of the save once done so I can flag get QA to check in.
  12. If you use the PC steps on the provided link this should work, it will require you to plug your iPad into a PC to gain access to the files.
  13. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future update. For now, the only way to use these is to continue applying each time you load your save.
  14. This has been raised elsewhere and unfortunately, the only way to manage reserves training this year is by promoting them to the Senior squad and then marking them as available for reserves.
  15. @akkablunose - Have you double-checked your wallet, as this year they don't get auto-applied? If not, you can see the steps on this page under "my ingame purchases haven't been applied to my game". Let us know how you get on.
  16. The splash screen isn't new and is part of the profile selection on Netflix. I know QA are looking into the issues so I'll share any updates when I can. Good to see you have a temporary workaround and if you are able to get a bug report in any way as mentioned earlier in this chain, it would be super helpful. I appreciate you have said it's not possible but do let us know if you do find a way as this may highlight any conflicting apps.
  17. Thanks for the additional information, I'll pass this onto QA.
  18. Appreciate the feedback and we have been monitoring it. The team are looking at this and I'll share if there is any update.
  19. @shepharddark - Could you please provide us with a system bug report so we can see what's happening on your device when this is occuring? It's important that you do this immediately after you experience an error message as it will give us the clearest indication of what may be happening. Please upload it via Owncloud here and provide us with the filename.
  20. These are now accessed by tapping the top left panel when in the post match hub. I’m aware there has been some feedback around this change and it is being monitored.
  21. Can you let me know what device you are using and the software version so I can get this investigated?
  22. @shepharddark - Are you still getting this after the update that was released today? Thanks for the additional information provided. I'll pass this on to the QA team
  23. This may be related to some of the issues with the match engine prior to the recent update, please try updating and let us know if this still continues. It would also be helpful if you could provide the match engine you are using if it persists.
  24. If you could also give the the make and model of the phone you are using?
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