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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. Thanks for the kind words and appreciate the feedback as always, @João14 - It's a pleasure to be involved in such a community so dedicated to a game and I genuinely want to be as transparent as possible with communications with the community. It's what the team at SI wants, along with the awesome team of moderators and I'm sure the entire player base too. This said it's often a delicate balancing act as with the way games like FM work, there are lots of complexities as I'm sure you are aware, and one thing can lead to another/have a knock-on impact on another in terms of fixes for a bug - this is often why sometimes we can only say so much about a specific issue that has been reported.
  2. Just to set expectations, this won't be returning this cycle (FM24). We are continuing to feed this information back to the Dev teams.
  3. Correct, you can swap your set piece taker by selecting the icon next to Lewis Hall in your image as below. You just won't be able to swap players beyond that.
  4. I haven’t seen this with keepers, so if it’s happening regularly I’d recommend you submit a bug report with some reproduction steps This is part of the new set piece design, I am feeding it back to the relevant teams as this has been raised before regarding the points you mentioned. To set expectation though, it is unlikely to change this cycle (FM24)
  5. The Minor update for Console and Touch has now been released. You can see the changelist here. If you are experiencing any issues, please remember to report these via the bug tracker and use this thread only for feedback.
  6. I'd recommend you try the usual, uninstall/reinstall if you haven't already and clearing the cache for the game to see if it helps. Settings > Apps > FM24 > Storage > Clear cache. If you continue to experience this issue launching the game, I'd say reach out to Netflix as it's something they will likely be able to assist with: https://help.netflix.com/node/132575
  7. The Minor Update should now be live for Xbox/PS5, I'll post the change list a little later - News on Touch to follow shortly.
  8. To give some insight - Both the Touch and the Console products have different submission processes to the PC game and must be submitted to various platform holders and as such need to conform to multiple unique timeframes. We work closely with said platform holders and all parties try our very best to get the updates out as fast as we can whilst maintaining the quality of the product and the platform integrity. We should be able to share some news regarding updates very shortly - Keep an eye on the C&T General Discussion I am still on this @SimonHoddle While the above comes, it's worth noting a lot of changes were implemented to Touch this year (arguably the biggest yet), the work that goes on at SI to keep this as close to the FM while keeping it unique in itself will always bring challenges. The data hub side of things has been flagged by you on a number of occasions with answers provided by @Neil Brock previously and from the screenshots that were seen, there isn't a huge amount of information to suggest a level of "total" inaccuracy. To set expectations, it isn't to say that all of these bugs will be fixed during a cycle (FM24) and this is also relevant to previous titles. While I appreciate the issues raised may be affecting your game, it's often a challenge to find a balance between fixing one issue against another, and obviously, something will have to give. It's also a little harsh to say 'Touch is a mess' when in reality the majority of issues being raised aren't specific to Touch and are shared across all platforms of the game, the team are actively working on improving the quality of all the FM24 shared features whilst balancing that with our next release. This said I do think that the upcoming updates planned will appease some of the issues raised in this thread across the course of FM24 - Call it a teaser if you will, but some info is here and it will cascade down to Touch. As promised, I'll share more on the Match Engine bits when I get some additional information. Thanks again for sharing the feedback
  9. @M3phi5t0 - This is related to the save space available on your console and not the storage space free. We have recently put some steps to follow on the SEGA space here under "My game won't save (0x80830003) Hopefully, this will explain the best course of action.
  10. We are expecting some fixes to roll out with our next update. We'll share more in terms of date shortly.
  11. We have had reports in relation to transfers and these are being looked into. I'd advise you to log these in the bug tracker too so we can ensure that all instances are looked at. Players or officials serving indefinite suspensions from football, for any reason, are removed from Football Manager at the first opportunity. When suspensions or playing restrictions are lifted, the player or official will be reinstated in-game at the next scheduled update.
  12. We are aware of issues preventing this from being possible currently, it will be fixed with a future update.
  13. I suspect this is probably based on the current form of the other clubs and/or the chance of winning. May be worth looking at the current position/form of the teams you've mentioned, especially if you are in your first season (23/24).
  14. @5 PRFalcao - It's not overly clear in the message what you are experiencing. If it's related to you losing progress on your saves, this issue is to be fixed as part of the next update. If it's more complex than that, please submit a ticket here and give us some additional information.
  15. @Matt Murdock - We are aware that this currently isn't possible for Football Manager 2024 Mobile. It is being discussed and we will share updates if we expect this to be possible in the future.
  16. @Johnnh - It looks like you've provided a screenshot from within the save which has confused things slightly. On the Load Game page, if you select the save you want (with the 4 in the corner) and press 'Load', this will then give you the option to choose a file to load and you can select the one from the 7th Dec 2024. If you have auto-saved and it's overwritten all the files with the 7th Jan, go into the save (where you shared the image that has 7th Dec), then click this save on the save screen and 'Export it to iCloud'. This will then enable you to load this date following the method above from the iCloud tab.
  17. @Endymio @jamie_B_105 You can upload a copy of your save on Owncloud here and provide us with the filename. Use this link to find out how to export your save,
  18. Apologies, I believe most reports we've had through ticketing appear iOS-related. As for Android, if you follow the advice to Export saves on this page and then rename the files, then import them as per the same page, it should replicate what we've outlined for iOS. The saves will appear inside the games folder, as opposed to the career folder if they are affected by what we've identified.
  19. Not a problem, I get the intention. I've raised the questions presented and will get back to you but as we are closing in on the weekend it'll be next week now. Feel free to nudge me if you haven't heard early next week. Can you also let us know what device you are using?
  20. This may not be the case but will allow the QA team to double-check if there is anything they can change or suggest as this isn't typically done via the feedback thread. Thanks for flagging
  21. As mentioned previously, this information will be dropping soon. The date of which is still to be confirmed, we'll share this via the General Discussion once this is confirmed.
  22. While not a perm fix, we have found that some save files may have moved and you might have some success moving these back if they have. This will require you to connect your device to iTunes via a computer: - Load up iTunes with the iOS device connected and click on the device icon in the toolbar. - From here click on File Sharing and then on the FM24 Mobile icon. - This will open up FM24 Mobile Documents in the right-hand window. -The saves folder can be identified as it has a name that is a 25-character-long alphanumeric string - If you have more than one user profile on Netflix you may see multiple folders so you may need to check each one to find the correct profile. (e.g. PFULBYHXJREHTDLIZWFRV7VQ6U). - Click on the folder with the 25-character-long string as a name and then click on [Save] and then select Desktop and click on [Select Folder]. - This will download the entire folder to the user’s Desktop and the user can then use the device to help identify which save game they need to access in the folder. - Once complete, open the folder 'Games' and look for the save file in this main folder. Rename it to fmm_save_1 and then move it into a career folder such as career_1. - Go back to iTunes, select 'Add File' and choose the folder you downloaded to replace the original folder. - Load FM24 and you should be able to see your save Note: This isn't guaranteed to work and it won't work if your saves haven't moved outside of the career folders.
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