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Dan Sheppard

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Everything posted by Dan Sheppard

  1. No problem, we'll take a look and see if we can identify the correct file
  2. Pasting from another thread to ensure we capture as much information from as many players as possible:
  3. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    As we continue to work on this issue, could I ask that those experiencing this are providing the following feedback to us to aid our investigation: Do you rely on automatic saves (ie. when you exit or background the app) or have manually saved Can you share some details about the devices you are using (ie. is it updated to the latest version) To date of the reports provided, we've had relatively little detail regarding the circumstances at the time of the save loss which is vital in us being able to ascertain the cause and fix it.
  4. We are aware of this issue and continuing to investigate. Some information about this has been shared in this thread.
  5. All I can share at this stage is that the team are looking at the setup flow ahead of '25 to see what improvements can be made across all competitions.
  6. We don't currently have a fix for this but are working hard at trying to resolve it. Some steps you can try are within this thread but this isn't guaranteed to work.
  7. Thanks for flagging. I'll pass this info onto QA
  8. I've flagged this with the relevant team and will get back to you. It may be a week or so as some of the team are still on vacation.
  9. Think I may have responded to your post about this elsewhere but it's not possible to do so.
  10. Happy New Year I can't give specifics but it's not far away now. As always I'll pop a post in here once it's live along with updating in the main Console/Touch thread.
  11. So this isn't isolated to Touch and we had planned some fixes for this for '24. However, some knock-ons meant it didn't make it to this cycle. I can see there is work to get this in place for '25.
  12. I can assure the QA team is looking into this. We have to be able to replicate this internally first though. Can you provide any screenshots of what is happening too as this may assist with the investigation? If you are finding it happening with certain search terms etc this would be useful to confirm.
  13. This is the correct place and all the information is valuable! I'll ensure to pass this on to the teams looking at this.
  14. There is a chance this could be load-related around Christmas time on the servers. Are you able to confirm if this was resolved or if you managed to get it working? Please note, if the issue is persisting, it could be related to the network settings across all users conflicting in some way and it's often difficult to pin-point the exact cause.
  15. Hey @ionseed - I'm trying to look into this issue you reported last year to fully understand. Is anything particular happening when you attempt to change any of these or is it simply not possible? For transparency, it looks like the issue identified in '23 was resolved so trying to understand what may be happening now.
  16. Dan Sheppard

    Files lost

    No updates in terms of a fix. We are continually looking at this but are unable to replicate it in a way that we can provide a fix. As soon as this is possible we will look to do this.
  17. We are aware of these issues but we are currently unable to reliably replicate this to provide a fix. We are continually working on this as we are aware it's affecting both Apple and Android currently.
  18. Can you please provide some save files, one for before and one for after these matches if you have them?
  19. Dan Sheppard

    Mark all

    This is by design. When you are searching for players using the player search, you'll need to scout each player individually. This would probably be more of a feature request.
  20. @Enar - Are you able to rename the file and then upload again? It just helps us be sure we have the correct file as the fmm_save_auto is a default name so could get confused.
  21. @BL1TZ_GT - Can you let me know which platform you are playing on as this doesn't look like Mobile, but has been posted in the Mobile section?
  22. @Florian51 - Please ensure you are posting new threads and not posting on unrelated threads as it can cause issues with the progress of other issues. Save-related issues have been reported and we have provided some steps here.
  23. We are continually monitoring this, but as it stands we are currently happy with this. I'll pass this information on to the relevant teams but it's something unlikely to change for 24. It may also be worth posting within the general feature requests thread as to how you'd like this feature to work (if more complex than the obvious not being repetitive )
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