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Everything posted by leedsfanatic14

  1. I had a similar issue this morning. In my save with Leeds in my first season I have reached the January transfer window. I sold Cooper and Ayling which saved around 40K per week in salaries. I then terminated the loans of both DJed Spence and Jaidon Anthony which saved another 80K per week - so essentially I have something like 150K per week to spend on wages should I want to. I came to sign Fábio Vieira from Arsenal and it wouldn’t allow me to offer the 50-60K he was asking for. I already have a handful of players earning around that amount anyway, so it seems a bit odd. Maybe I could offer him a more vital role in the team and it would allow me to offer higher wages, although I may have blown my chances now!
  2. I have read in a few places that you will now be able to continue career saves from FM23 in FM24. If this is true, I’m genuinely buzzing about this. How many times in the past I have an incredible save going, young players who have really kicked on in the game, only to stop playing the game in September as you know the next addition is around the corner. You buy the new game and have to start all over again, losing everything you worked so hard to achieve! The only thing that frustrates me is the fact that I have to spend so long messing around with finding “face packs” and “logo packs” and “name fixes”, almost to the point where I give up because I end up spending more time doing this than actually playing the game! Can someone confirm, will this change? Why do I have to buy a game as well known as this, only to find that player faces are not there, all club logos and kits are “fake” and even some club names are made up?? I know there are ways around this but it seems like such a headache every year and even then, near to impossible to get it spot on, with certain logos / faces not in the packs, packs not working correctly etc - it’s always such an effort to get right!
  3. I’m not sure where you got that information from or came to that conclusion? Surely the xG would be dependent on a number of factors (i.e. the position of the free kick, how far away from goal the free kick is, how accomplished the free kick taker is, how good the opposition goalkeeper is etc) 🤔 That being said, based on your theory there - if I were to have a free kick that’s only what, 18-20yds out, I have Ward-Prowse of all people stood over it, and the opposition goalkeeper is not a world-class keeper, let’s even say it’s a cup game against a much poorer goalkeeper in terms of reflexes, position etc, the xG should be even higher - perhaps to the point where you would expect to score it more than missing it! However, it still doesn’t happen for me! Could you share a bit about the routine you have set up? Although we are talking about a direct free kick (so it shouldn’t have much impact), I am sceptical that I am still doing something wrong 🤔 How often do you train set pieces - and do you train “set piece delivery” as well as “free kick taking”? 🤔
  4. For corners, as I outlined before, I have James Ward-Prowse taking them from either side (20 for corners and 20 for crossing make him the best on the game). From the left hand side, where you will typically see an in-swinging corner, get him delivering the ball to the NEAR post every time (where you want ideally your left sided CB to “attack near post”). From the right hand side, where you will typically see an out-swinging corner, get him delivering the ball to the FAR post every time (where again, you want ideally want your left sided CB to “attack far post”). So essentially, as well as the need for a really, exceptionally good corner taker, you want that one CB at least (although it could be another player) to have really good attributes for heading and bravery. For me, this player is Salisu who I believe has rating of around 17 for both of these. It doesn’t just stop there … make sure you have at least 2 players set to “lurk outside area”. In the unfortunate event that the ball gets headed out / cleared, you want to ensure to have a player on each side to win the ball back, stop any opposition counter attack and also recycle possession for your team. One more thing I also do (although I chop and change this). Add one player (maybe a winger who is less effective in the box as they aren’t strong or good at heading), to “come short”. Even though your corner routine has no intention to use that player, once the AI realised that player is there and acts as an option, it often pulls one of their players out of the box in order to mark him.
  5. Is there something you are doing such as training free kicks on a regular basis - perhaps that makes a difference 🤔 I also have James Maddison, I think the only free kick I have scored on the game was by himself a few seasons ago - he has a trait of “likes to hit free kicks from distance”. Plenty of players historically have had this (look at the legendary Roberto Carlos). That being said, even though Ward-Prowse doesn’t have any specific traits in FM23 relating to free kicks, he has a rating of “20” for free kicks and we all know he’s the best free kick taker in the world. As I said, plenty of “assisted” free kicks from wide areas. Tonnes of goals from corners. But from a direct free kick, even in the most perfect of positions for such a free kick taker (just outside the box, in the centre), they just will not go in. A world class save refrains the goal from being scored almost every time. I don’t know what I am doing wrong? 🤷‍♂️
  6. I will be honest with you, I don’t seem to have the issues you are referring to. I remember in FM22 and before that, when the opposition goalkeeper booted it long, the entire defensive back line pushed up ahead of the striker(s) and simply allowed him to run at the goalkeeper unchallenged for about 40yds+, only to then (90% of the time), have his shot saved by the keeper anyway (and would never play in his fellow striker). This was calamitous just to look at, whichever side you were on! FM23 has been MUCH better - if you set instructions correctly, for me, I see a lot of crosses being played in. I think much of this comes down to player roles (i.e. an inverted winger with a “support” duty will cross more than an inside forward). It’s also about setting where you want players to cross from in my opinion - but I generally don’t have / see any issues … it’s likely that “decisions” come into play as well. But for me, the key thing is not being able to score directly from a free kick. A player like Ward-Prowse should be finding the net a few times per season at least - yet I have never scored directly from a free kick, nor conceded either. Any ideas as to why this is?? 🧐
  7. Hi all, Hoping someone can offer some advice. I have been addicted to FM for years and play the game so in depth that most people would criticise me for it 😂 …. After around 500hrs, I am in my 4th season with Leeds United (my beloved club). Just to outline, in my third season I won the Premier League, the Carabao Cup, FA Cup, Champions League, Community Shield and World Club Cup (just about everything possible)! Alongside Real Madrid, my club is now rated 5 stars and I can attract anyone I want - so the Leeds team I am managing is unfortunately in a far different place to that of the one in real life! But onto the issue I have … on previous FM games (especially FM22), I remember scoring from free kicks for fun (Raphinha once scored a hat trick of free kicks in a single game). Granted, this was not realistic and actually borders “ridiculous”. On the new version however, I have James Ward-Prowse who is an unbelievable asset. With him, I am still averaging more than 1 goal per game from set pieces (particularly corners which are lethal, and also wide free kicks being swung into the box). The issue I have though (as though this is not enough for me), is that after I would say 2 seasons he has been with me - NEVER even once scored direct from a free kick. In real life, he has more goals from free kicks that anyone, and in the game, his free kick taking ability is “20”, much like his corners too. I’m not suggesting he should be scoring every game from a free kick - but I am having this issue where it literally NEVER goes in. I have seen a thread somewhere online where someone suggested something similar, where the opposition goalkeeper (regardless of their ability), always pull off that “wonder” save, right from the top corner to then put the ball out for a corner (it’s the same scenario every single time). As I said, my experience with playing FM titles over the years is as good as anyone’s, but I don’t know why I am having this “issue” if you want to call it. Can someone please offer some helpful advice? 🤔
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