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Posts posted by Kegus

  1. Hi,

    I have a problem in my save in FM 24, that I have never seen before in any FM. Players on my B team is being signed without me seeing an offer, or possibility for me to cancel/reject the offer. 
    This is players that are on long contracts as well, in this case the player has more then 18 months left on his part time contact.
    I just suddenly get a message saying "Offers made for X player". The player is already talking contracts with the club and I can't cancel the bits - all the buttons are greyed out. 
    From what I can see, I'm responsible for all transfer related tasks - but again somehow they go around me.
    Have I missed a setting somewhere, is this a bug or some weird rule in the danish football system for part time players that I simply can't find?

    This is starting to annoy me quite a bit, because I have lost 4 players already to this and it's the main things making the board and supports angry. That the finance of the sale of these players where poor.

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