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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Hi Zachary, have you been able to find a way around it, a fix ? I'm having the exact same issue with a player which doesn't even play the same competition as I do (except for the Champion's League last season). Loaned him in january from Czechia to the Faroe Islands, wasn't eligible to play for the first half of the season (it's a summer league) as soon as I triggered the buy option and confirmed the future transfer (even though it's only in two years time !). I thought it was some kind of weird bug and waited for the Champion's League season to end to fix it, but he's still unavailable now even though the Czech season and CL season have be refreshed. What should I do to be able to make him play ? He is registered, just "Ineligible" for some weird reason.
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