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Posts posted by Furmanbp

  1. What I would like? More transparency in everything. Why I see block of down facing arrows sometimes at my players details screen? Why I can not build bigger stadium if I fill up current for over 10 years (FM23 - but I have already heard that did not changed in F24)?
    Why my player move to team that offer them worse or similar contract(obviously I am not taking about situation that is my fault)? Why I can not offer better contract regardless of having way to much money.  If someone from my team explore options, why I can not offer him a contract when others doing it, my team is also option!
    Why growing fan base is so slow? and way to increase that (yeah I am wining league every second year roughly, and fun base increase by really small amount - yes my team is from small town, but come on!).
    Some more things to do with the money.
    Show me in conversation screen when I last time prised player using particular option, so I do not use it too much. Sorry but it is stupid that I need to write that information down on a piece of paper. Also allow me to prise as many players as I want at once, no reason why I have to click one after another after another where I could just highlight those one I want and go with them.
    Why to have more medical team members, does it make a difference? Can medical staff have too much work on their shoulders? that is not communicated.


  2. don't try, I am filling stadium up for roughly 10 years now (got like 99% in end of the year statistics 10 in row), I am the biggest end most recognised team in Polish league and I have the smalless stadium and board still deny every time. I personally gave up playing. Had this same issue in 2022 and 2023 version so it is ongoing problem with this game. 

  3. On 09/08/2023 at 17:14, busngabb said:

    Teamtalks ruining the game for me at the moment. It's just not enjoyable. I get that modern players are frail human beings at the best of times, but it's beyond a joke how many goals go in between 45-50 minutes. It just feels like all the options you have available are there to trip you up, just to varying degrees. It's particularly potent when you are winning a game at half time. 1-0 up away in a game you should win comfortably, say 'don't get complacent' and it's like clubbing them over the head with an emotional brick. The opposition shoot off like they've got firecrackers up their shorts and before you know it the ball is in your net. It's the same with praising them. The reaction of players to being told they're playing well is just ridiculous. If you're 4-0 at home to City in a game you're not expected to win and you tell them you're happy, it'll be 4-3 by the 50th minute. You can get some positive reactions the other way when you're not doing well, but it's virtually impossible to continue a good performance after half time, at best you can sustain the scoreline or add one in the second half. You can't leave it to your assistant either, as even with 20 attributes for motivating and the like, you'll still be hiding behind the couch until the deadly five minutes is over.

    You just don't see this kind of mad reactions in games in real life. Teamtalks will have an impact in real life and should in the game. But it should be a case of it upping the quality of the effort or the overall performance over the half, not the gaming equivalent of being slapped in the face for the first five minutes of the second half.

    There should also be contextual links to it too. If you're winning a game you aren't favourites for, praising the players shouldn't be a big negative. If you're winning a game you should, telling them not to be complacent and concentrate shouldn't offend them. The more extreme reactions, like throwing the water bottle and hammering them should potentially have more of a noticable impact if it doesn't reflect either the score vs expectations or the general flow of the game. I.e drawing a game you should be winning, but your XG is miles higher, hammering them should get a bad reaction, but being 2-0 down and playing terribly it shouldn't.


    Lol and I am thinking for last couple of years that team talk does not do anything at all. I guess we have completely different experience in that term. 

  4. I am super happy with statistics as they are now, I do not really care for super realism, as long as game is pleasure to play. I would even argue that SI should be more transparent on mechanism of game rather than keeping so many things obscure, and that would mean even less realistic that real life. I think a lot of people fall into "realism" trap rather than enjoy the game. You said it yourself mate, you got skin that do everything you want so just use it, problem sorted. 

  5. 9 hours ago, eXistenZ said:

    its basicly the same what Jagster said. If a player is in good form, his star rating goes up, even if his attributes dont change. And the game thinks "star rating goes up, so he must be improving", hence why you see it on the progress tab.

    Then when his star rating goes back down (aka regressing to the mean), the progress bar follows.


    So yeah in a sense it takes form into account :) But again, in your specific example I just think your player has already reached his potential and just had a stint of good form early in the season and is now back to his "average" form

    no mate, star rating going up from many reasons, if you buy the best player, then all star ratings for other players will go down, because stars are measured to average statistic of all of your player. That is what Jagster meant. Not to what they achieve during matches. 


    1 hour ago, XanderMD53 said:

    Makes a lot of sense, he went on a quite frankly ridiculous goal scoring run from corners and freekicks early season, which boosted his match ratings. The goals have since dried up, understandably! Thanks - makes a lot of sense now :)

    That is not what Jagster meant. Again, player progress is compared to rest of team. so if you buy or sell player, or add new youngster to main team, etc, will influence star rating. that mean you can see a progress on progress graph, where in fact there is no progress but rather your team as a whole got weaker. 

  6. On 21/03/2023 at 00:09, phantombandit said:

    The game is simply a spreadsheet with cool graphics running over it. If you knew exactly what numbers effected what you could 'solve' the game. And it is realistic. You cant look at a physiotherapist in real life and immediately know that they will reduce your teams injuries by exactly 64.35%. This game doesnt tell you that either.


    To properly use spreadsheet is good to know how it work.

    You know the value of attributes, so you saying you go take a look at person and see that person attributes value in real life? Regardless of that, knowing attributes value solves your game righ? As you know, higher attribute is better. No it does not, so your argument is not valid. 
    True I can not look on Physio and see for how many percentage points he will reduce injuries. But I can take a look on physio and see if he have too much work. I can see if he is slacking in job, and many others things.



    On 21/03/2023 at 00:09, phantombandit said:

    You want to know the rules: physios reduce injuries and the higher their physiotherapy number they greater the effect. That is what we know, anything else you need to just get a subjective feel for in your playthrus, same in real life. 

    Is it thou? Have you done statistical research on proper size scale with as small amount of variables as possible?

    Anyway, here I propose simple solution. Let us know how mechanic works, who will want to know it, can enable "deep explanation pop up window" in preferences, now when you hover over particular mechanic it will be described deeply. There we go, solution for both sides. So it does not solve game for you, and it does not solve game form me either. Everyone happy. 

  7. 18 hours ago, XanderMD53 said:

    Hmm I tend to agree with you but there must be a reason SI put it in the game. Surely it has to be somewhat reflective of what has gone on.

    no there does not have to be a reason, or reason is it just look more cool. SI should tell us how all mechanic work exactly so there is no more wondering and guessing. But I do not see that happening. 


    18 hours ago, eXistenZ said:

    The progress graph is  not just growth but also takes into account form


    So it looks he had a really good run of form from september to january, but has now regressed to the mean and his "october-form' iis his average as it is back climbing

    while some of his attributes had slight improvement, it does say no significant change. On one hand players grow more slowly and longer (aka when they are older) compared to previous fm's, but im thinking he is very close to his potential. His professional personality is another reason why he could have hit his ceiling this early.


    what does your coach say about his progress?

    Are you sure it takie form into account? Do you have any evidences of that? Taking "form" into progress account, that would be vey weird!


    7 hours ago, The_jagster said:

    The ability graph is unreliable as it's based on your assistant's subjective opinion and if the rest of your team improves too then a player can get better with no corresponding rise in star rating. And if a player is on a good run of form he tends to have a better star rating even though his attributes are the same, I have had a player fluctuate from 3 stars to 4 and a half stars and back over the same season despite his attributes remaining flat.

    And I would give most credit to that answer. From my organoleptic measures, this is how this graph work. Which is very stupid. There should be some kind of neutral static benchmark so you can always compare your player to, so no misleading downward progres graph. 

  8. 9 hours ago, phantombandit said:

    It is a low sample size unfortunately. SI wont reveal the actual way it works, that is part of what makes the game feel realistic.

    I do not think that would kill realism. On other hand I could say that being manager in dark is unrealistic. For sure manager would know if he have enough physios or sport scientist. We do not know, kind of unrealistic, don't you think? But it is not about realism in first place, it is about making informed decision in game, that is more important than realism. If I want 100% realism I would go and made coach licence myself xD. Do not misunderstand me, I am not against realism in any sense. I believe that if you play any game you should know the rules.

    This also could apply to coaches, don't you think that one with good motivation and one with good discipline would have kind of synergy? But not, you need one who have both attributes high to get more stars rating in training section.

  9. @phantombandit

    Thanks for the video! Really well edited and well done. Thou about information he present us, I think that his statistical sample is to low to have definitive answer, both for CA and fatigue. Rather indication that it could do what he claim it does, and further investigation of that topic would make sense (what I mean to do it on proper sample size). Also I am not sure if he run whole season when he measure fatigue, he never state it, thou I would assume he does. 

    What I want to say is that if his sample and amount of trials is to small then his results can be just totally random results. Even if its look like we would expect it to look. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Feron said:

    can you also have a look at the opening post, and clarify what Sports Scientists do - do they only provide information or also actively have an impact on fatigue?
    and same about physios - do they only provide information or help shorten injury periods?  possibly also help prevent them like they do in real life with their treatments?

    @Neil Brock

    I would also like to add to Feron question. Can we be somehow informed what does change having more physios or sport scientist in team. Can we be shown what is benefit of having extra pair of hand on board. So as a (virtual) manger we can make a cost-benefit calculation of whether it is worth to have that extra person or not? How it could work? For example we could get an email now and then that physios taking care after too many players and we could consider employing another one. Or we could see an workload of current physio team in percentage terms in medical centre. When workload would be above 100% would mean that they are overworked and are less effective. Or maybe one physio is always enough? 

  11. 21 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    Fatigue is liable to build up quicker in high intensity tactics. Worth keeping an eye on your medical centre to make sure players aren't being pushed too hard. 

    And that is interesting knowledge. That should be told to us in pop-up information window, either on tactic screen or in medical center or even both! Also, can we get access to all loading hints in future. I ma pretty sure there is a lot of knowledge there but my computer run so fast that usually I can not read more than a quarter of each hint. 

  12. yeah, I barely touched finances in my, too long, post, but yes finances need to be reworked. Completely, how much teams earn, how spend, how much players, managers, coaches earn, etc. Clubs should be financially responsible, and should have means to earn money too. Couple teams of lower leagues (all I have played, so I can not speak about every team) can not afford to pay players that are (by scout report) suitable to play in that league. Doesn't make sense.  If we can not match it to real world data then let make it just to work well withing game. 

    It would also be good if we could see history of our incomes and expenditures to the beginning of game, rather just last season.  

  13. Hi SI games, Hi game fans,

    Playing another instance of game, I have came to conclusion that there is some areas of game which should be addressed to increase fun that come from game.
    FM is really lacking on feedback, transparency and dynamism. Let my try to explain.

    I will first mention that some of my ideas here may seems as unrealistic in terms of, that you do not really get such information in real world. I agree, but I believe the best fun in game is when we balance between realism and fun in game. If I would like to have realistic football management experience, I would try to become real manager. I want to play a game that is challenging and rewarding, that is where you get real immersion. Therefore the said game have to have clear rules or/and give specific feedback, otherwise result seams somehow random and after particular time, become unengaging. You do not even know if it is you, who earned that reward, or was it just Random Number Generator. Nothing wrong with RNG as general, as game have to have some level of randomness too, to be challenging, but tell us where are they used, and how making particular actions in game we can influence it, so we know that we had earned that reward actually. 

    I have finished on 6 points because I do not want to scare potential reader away. I could add couple more points if anyone would like to continue discussion. Each of points can be further elaborated, and maybe, even we could work on formulas for game engine, if anyone is interested in discussion, of potential of any of ideas. 

    Technically each of those points, seeing how SI works, would rather need to be addressed separately in each new instance of the game.  

    Sometimes in coach report you get massage that player need to add consistency to game, and nowhere is clearly explained how, or if the things I do, do increase consistency. I have read many websites over last year and a half, watched dozen of videos about the topic and they in 99% keep repeating this same thing. So I do those things, like prise or criticize a player after every single, literally every single game, for about 2 years now and I still get this same massage in coach report. Players statistics does increased but "consistency" issue stayed as it was. So I am coming to point where I am not sure anymore if those advices really increase consistency, maybe internet is wrong on that. It would be good if game inform us on how we influence things in game.

    Could be easy fix -  while you criticize your player you could have info that this could increase his consistency (or it could be said on coach report, what to do to increase consistency). After some times, whatever dear developers you believe is enough time, plus RNG(so each player is different), we should be informed by one of the coaches that particular player become more consistent. And we could notice that icon changed from bright red to reddish colour.
    For example it could be a year, or 30 interactions with player, plus or minus 30% RNG. Or maybe even more that 30% if player have specific personality.

    Possibilities to develop that area, and ideas that I describe lower are enormous.

    Let make it more dynamic, show us that we actually influence something. 

    More transparency on how training work, and why sometimes players get wall of down pointing arrows (not related to being old). So, sometimes we can see an wall of those down pointing arrows, game does not explain what happen. Is player get worse, or maybe it is staff member who was evaluating skills of that player, adjusted evaluation. Game does not inform us of why that happen, so we do not know if we doing something wrong or not. 

    More information on what difference it make for coaching staff member to have high "motivating" or "discipline" attribute. For example it would be good to know if I always need to have coach with high discipline, or only it help with players who need discipline. Not all of them need discipline right? Game does not inform us about it. Same for motivation, some people (so I assume to some degree it should be reflected in game) does not need external motivation. Is it actually same in game, or motivation always play high role? It would be good for us to know, so we could better manage our training teams. Another thing is, If I put two coaches, one with high discipline and one with high motivation to coach this same assignment, would those two statistic be summed up? I would assume it supposed to be summed up, but game does not inform us about it.

    How about other coaching attributes? For example if I go to "staff page" I can see that my "coaching team attributes" are summed up as a total, but they do not work as a total, right? So wy we got that chart showing us total of all ours staff members, let say, "defending" coach attribute.
    Completely unnecessary information, or do I get it wrong? In that case how does star rating work in "training page" in "coaches subpage". Because from that area I assume only coach that is assigned to particular assignment influence that training. 

    Maybe it is time to move from stars rating to something more informative? Maybe in future we could see that for example coaches that are together assigned to one coaching assignment have a synergy and increase quality of training, would that not increase depth of game? For example you could hoover over one of coach assignment and see that you need more "discipline" attribute there, but not necessary "attack" attribute, as other coach is already covering it. It could also be a rule of diminishing returns so for example having more coaches in general help, but after hitting, let say total of 20 points in particular attribute, it would be less and less worth to do that, adding cost of having extra staff would eventually balance to not have milion of coaches. Proper mathematical formula would sort it easily. Lets make it more dynamic!

    Another thing about coaching is that, if I have assigned one coach to particular training I can get "high workload". So you add another coach to that assignment to lower workload, that is in the game actually. But in game I can add one coach to every single assignment and that coach will lower workload in each assignment, I think that is wrong. One coach should not be able to attend all trainings. Each new assignment should divide his attributes and how much of workload he reduce evenly by amount of assignments.

    Potential evaluation, especially with Newgen. If I scout a player that potential is showed to 4 stars, let assume that scout is pretty bad at evaluating potential. Will potential be evaluated in couple of months by my other staff that work with this player? That would be good, to know if such mechanism exist(maybe it does but game does not inform us about it, it should) and it would be good that this staff member inform me about previous wrong information, right? it would be stupid if one of the, let say, coaches who is actively training particular player would not inform me about previous wrong information, even staff with bad "judging player potential" should gave me better feedback after months of working with that player. Yes you do get sometimes that vague information when you hoover over player profile, next to stars rating "player who can still improve" or something like that, but according to who? Which of staff is telling me about it? Was it ever evaluated after spending months in my team? For example if you got newgen with 5 star potential, and that player does not improve at all within 2 years, then any of my staff member (now matter how bad) should be able to tell me that this person have not actually got a potential.

    Let make it more dynamic, show us that we actually influence something. 

    CA and PA. I think that is very old concept, I think you should completely scratch that off. Create dynamic "potential", that is depended on player personality (so hidden attributes) and coaching staff and facilities and amount of training done, rather than some set abstract value. Inform us better about increasing in attributes, right now you use them in value 1 to 100 (1 to 20 in game interface), but sometimes you do training for months and there is no sign of improvement, and then you got spike, and as a person who play that game, you do not know what influence those increases, they rather look random. Please be more informative on how it work. Again lets make it dynamic rather than  kind of binary as it seems now (spikes still can occur obviously). Sometimes you got a new gen who in 3 years did not increased any of their attributes even a single point (or rather increased one month and then return to previous value month or couple months later). That is ridiculous, I know not everyone can by a professional player, but this is so unrealistic. Those players should stil improve, just much slower, in such speed that after 3 years you would say to yourself: "okay, you are not going to be professional player", but in three years training everyone should have increased in their skills, that is just natural for humans. I guess there will be individuals who will not take training to seriously, those players should obviously not see increase in statistics. But if you see someone who have average rating of training over a year over 7.5 and that person does not increase statistic that is ridiculous. 

    Also, if newgen or players does not attend training or matches, their skills should not be growing. But from empiric experiments I can see they do grow. You can set up new league and new team and put everyone on 0 matches and 0 training. If proper hidden attributes are high, those players would still grow, that should not be the case. Let us influence it, make those hidden attributes only influence how fast those players grows, but only if we take proper actions, like having motivating and disciplining coaches, etc. 

    Lets get rid of stars in general, and find a better model to rate players than current. It is very misguiding, when you get better player into team, that all others players starts rating goes down. We can come with something more informative than that. 

    Let make it more dynamic, show us that we actually influence something. 

    Supporters. How does supporter base grow? As right now it is black magic. Inform us better about it. You have added supporter panel in that instance, that panel shows what is "supporter culture". If I am pleasing my supporters then I should expect increase in amount of supporters, right? The higher rating for longer the more supporter come to my matches. Fans watch my games and like it, word get spread, more people come to my matches. And opposite, I play football that fans do not like then I can expect that they will stop being fan after some times, so slow outflow of fans. And that would be amplified by results, but results should not be only factor. I am getting great results with my team, every single year I exceeding expectations and yet supporters growth is very slow, sometimes even negligible. Inform me why? 

    And yes I have heard that teams from smaller towns get less supporters etc, as I mentioned at the beginning there have to be a balance between realism and fun. If you are 10 years into future, and you have won 10 times league, it would be stupid to have 2000 supporters in 40 mln country. It is said that 25% of population of Spain is Barcelona sympathiser, but in Barcelona does not live 25% of population (about 3%), so you can have supporters from other cities. Lets make it more dynamic. 

    What about "community outreach" training? Let us influence fans a bit. I loose one training a week but might please my supporters and even bad match results will gate pass a bit, or maybe a lot, maybe I will do it three times a week for price of slowing growth of my players? Maybe too many "community outreach" training will have diminished returns.

    Make it more dynamic, let me influence somehow supporter culture. Maybe once a year I can add or remove one of their expectations, or change level of importance by one degree. Higher degree give or take away more supporters depending on how good grade is for that particular expectation. 

    Let make it more dynamic, show us that we actually influence something.

    Money. Why do I earn money in the game? Why others do? Apart from being more expensive to club, same for players? Maybe some usage can be made to money? So unemployed players or staff member would feel more inclined to get job the longer is unemployed? Maybe money could be use to develop coaches attributes, rather than just time, or support developing attributes as an extra to passage of time? Maybe earning particular amount of money would increase life standard of players and staff members. Maybe that could be another depth into the game? Let staff member and players earn money and spend it on something. 

    Let make it more dynamic!

    Kind Regards,


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