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Issue Comments posted by Furmanbp

  1. On 21/05/2023 at 22:52, Kyle Brown said:

    Appreciate it's been a while, apologies for the delay, but we'll investigate this ahead of future editions, thanks for the spot.

    Hi Kyle,

    It was a while ago, but from my memory, Junior coaching level got increased to exceptional level, something like 5-10 months latter. Without any information without any massage. I was checking it every game month.
    Also board allowed me to discuss facilities once, and agreed to upgrade as this is club vision, 4 years letter.  Kind of long time if that is our vision and do not really struggle for money. 

  2. On 19/05/2023 at 01:25, gazman1984 said:

    Is this able to be fixed or would I need to start a new save thanks

    it may not be a bug, It may happen that your board does not see more upgrades viable at all. Yes button to ask for it should still be there just for sake of it. But it was already mentioned here in bug tracker that this is the case when button does not shows up. 

  3. On 26/03/2023 at 21:03, Nacaw said:

    The new UCL format has caused many bugs of this kind, like UCL release clauses not activating and player promises of qualifying for UCL being broken. I would not be surprised if this was the same thing, the FFP ban only affects the old format competition instead of the new format. Good news though, it will be solved in FM25 since only one format will exist then!


  4. 1 hour ago, iiKezza said:

    With regards to this theory, can I ask - if a player is on international duty, they would train regardless of the player, no?

    He should not do training at your club when away on international duty. 

    but maybe he is doing training with national team? I never run national team so I can not answer if they do trainings. 

  5. 15 hours ago, bebgiungi said:

    @Neil Brock any feedback?

    mate, they have hundreds of bugs to work on. When they release patch they will try to adres as many as possible. Hopefully yours one is there, but I had reported 3 or 4 so I hope my are addressed ;-). But most likely big chunk of bugs will not be addressed as SI at one point will start to work on new version of FM, what also may bring some patching of old bugs, but that will be in FM24.... 

  6. 15 hours ago, perpetua said:

    I think it would be useful to more clearly define what is being tested here.

    Are you testing the rate of player attribute decline when team training is not conducted?
    Are you testing the rate of team cohesion/tactical familiarity decline when team training is not conducted?
    Or something else?

    Training, it seems to me, is multi faceted.  There is team training (which the original poster's example stopped).  There is also individual training (including additional focus and PPM training).

    Rate of player attribute decline/improvement appear more closely related to individual training than team training, whereas team cohesion/tactical familiarity appears more closely related to team training.

    If the goal is to test the rate of attribute decline, it's probably more appropriate to put an end to individual training.
    If the goal is to test the rate of decline for team cohesion/tactical familiarity, then it would probably be useful to monitor team cohesion/tactical familiarity decline over time as well as match results.

    If the point is to examine the prevalence of injuries, this is probably a bit more complicated.  You probably want to first have a few baseline cases where the team trains normally and plays in matches using a specific tactic over a period of time and examine how often injuries occur.

    Then compare this baseline injury frequency to a few schemes where the team is not doing team training.
    Repeat with a few schemes where the team is not doing team or individual training.
    Doing this on the same save (ie. test one case, document, reload to the first day of the game, test another case etc.) is probably the best practice to ensure players have the same starting attributes (in case of some players having random attributes/PA).

    So I think it's important to clearly define what is being tested and use an experiment design which puts the appropriate stress on the relevant game mechanics.  This will probably be of great help for @Neil Brock and others at SI to make specific adjustments where necessary rather than reviewing thousands of lines of code to look for a needle in a haystack.

    I could not put it better in words. Exactly! I was trying to find what sekansfutbol mean by his particular sentences. 

  7. 9 hours ago, sekansfutbol said:

    Then I fired my entire coaching team during the World Cup break.
    At the end of December, I set the intensity level to "Half Intensity".
    I did the training module as "Rest" again.
    This time, the injury was again very rare.
    I even started getting wins in a row. However, there was no physical change and I had very few injury problems again.

    Mate I think you did not got what I had told you. And also as Neil Brock just added to my comment. If you did pre-seson training then your people are ready for season. 
    And now if you do not do training during season then you have smaller (not bigger) chances to get injury during season. 

    What do you mean by "physical change"? Physical attributes or physical condition, to which you refer before? 

    That massage with player doing well in training is definitely out of its place but I would not call it game braking bug, rather cosmetic bug. 

    In general trainings do not influence matches results. Apart from those that are "match prep" trainings.  So those light blue colored and those for set pieces, colored red. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    Secondly, it's a bit of a leap of faith to say that if you're stopping organised training that these players would just sit on their sofa every day and say eat fast food. They're professionals and will continue to behave like them out of match day and training environments.  

    The most important point to consider here is you're creating a situation which would never happen in real life and saying "look, this completely unrealistic situation produces an unrealistic result". That isn't all that surprising. We can't code the game to prepare for every single eventuality where a user does something that no real life manager would ever do. What we can confirm from a code perspective is that training of course is an important element as part of player development, fitness, injuries and of course results on the pitch. But like real football, it's not the only element that plays into this. 

    @Neil Brock
    I am on board with most of what you said but I have to call BS here. Okay I will start with that I am not coder, but you can not code that? really? You can not code slow decline of attributes in long term? Let say if in 4 weeks player do not do 15-20 trainings as minimum then all attributes goes down by 1/5th? Roughly losing 1 point of attribute in half year. Thou those number are example and can be extended if player do less than some threshold then decline would be slower or player would not grow. I just can not believe that something so simple can not be coded.
    Hell sometimes my players, regardless of age get a wall of down-pointing arrows, even when doing all week trainings and playing a match on Saturday. That does not make sense, but if player does not train for month then it definitely should get that wall of down-pointing arrows. 



    8 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    There will be less injuries in the short-term as they're not training - less physical activity would mean more injuries, that absolutely makes sense and is expected behaviour. But longer term as that fatigue builds up, they have a higher risk of injury.


     I am not sure but I think you wanted to say here:

    "There will be less injuries in the short-term as they're not training - less physical activity would mean less injuries, that absolutely makes sense and is expected behaviour. But longer term as that fatigue builds up, they have a higher risk of injury."

    Here is a question thou. Would fatigue build up if he have only "rest" trainings scheduled. Why would fatigue build up? 

  9. @sekansfutbol

    It is hard to read your post with such big font, that first xD. 
    So, "rest" training programme increase physical condition, so obviously it could not go down if you only use "rest" in you training schedule, unless you meant something else when you wrote "physical condition" in first sentence. Less trainings mean that your player will develop slower, they will still develop, especially if they are young, because they are playing matches and that is the strongest kind of training you can get in the game, and most likely in real world. Also less training mean that there are smaller chances for injury in the match because players are less overworked. 

    now saying that. How training works and players are developed is so vague explained in game that devs really need to work on game feedback, after 900h in game I still do not understand what mean an wall of down-pointing arrows that players sometimes get, does not make a sense, but that is topic for different discussion. 

  10. I have written a long rant in other sub-forum. SI about game and feedback given by the game. I completely agree with you. Is it bug or not? Hard to tell to be honest, because game does not communicate with player properly on so many levels. After over 900h in game (FM22 and FM23) i am still not sure if that is me influencing anything (training-wise) or is it just happening by itself. Well i am not going to repeat myself, thou will add link to my previous post.



  11. I have exactly this same issue since update. Different column on different screen but does exactly this same. I can not even move most right column back to be next to other columns, it is always like half of monitor size away from other columns.

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