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Posts posted by Ruxiee

  1. Hey, thanks for the skin, its super creative and probably the best one I have used!

    However, I am running into an issue where the season stats panel and the data analysis panels overlap, and when a player only has the season stats panel, it gets cut off. I believe this issue persists in the scout reports in the email tab.

    I have added some screenshots below for reference... I have tried fixing it myself, but I am new to the game and my skinning knowledge is literally 0, any help would be appreciated. 



  2. Hello,

    There is some lag when switching between the menus on the left hand side of the game, specifically the tactics tab.

    The game seems to "freeze" or "hitch" for about a second or two before going back to normal when switching to the different screens.

    I am using a skin and I have this issue with and without it on, I am also using the facepack, logo pack, and kitpack.


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