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Posts posted by 10wnu9

  1. Hi, let me preface this by saying I'm a long time supporter of the brand and have been playing almost religiously for 10 years.


    I'm a little disappointed by the experience of FM23 Touch on the switch. At first it was great, got used to working my way around the system fairly quickly and played most of a season to acquaint myself before really digging in. Started setting up recruitment focuses and even with everything set to me being the one in control, I can't get one to last more than a week. 


    Every time it just offers me the chance to restart the assignment, even though at the top it says it's recommended that the focus is continued. I have to say I'm exceptionally frustrated by this. Ideally I'd like to set up my focus as follows:

    0.5 CA

    3.5+ PA

    15-20 age

    And just let it run for as long as it takes to yield results across all positions. However, the way it's set up I just can't.

    If you have any suggestions as to how to fix this, or just let me know it's a known bug, then please do.





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