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Everything posted by nms1987

  1. Agreed. It's also frustrating when you're just trying to ever so slightly tweak a tactic, like moving a DLP from DM to CM or a wingback from D-L/R to WB-L/R. FM can treat that as new positions and roles to learn, both in terms of their training and knowledge of tactic.
  2. I'm in the middle of a job interview with Lille, and they ask what I might like improved if I took the job. I click on Lille's profile to see their youth coaching and facilities info. Once I'm on the Lille page I have no way of getting back into the job interview, I guess its just over? Save game is "Ze Porto - Huelva 21jun28lilleoffer"
  3. Two days before the last day of the season I am on track to fulfill a play young players promise. I have been playing several youth products throughout the year, a few of them as every game starters. The last match of the season I have nothing to play for, so I give a few youth players who haven't played as much some starts. Two days after this I noticed I have suddenly failed the promise. So aggravating, what gives? Not once in the course of the year was the status anything other than "pleased with youth performance" and now after the season is over it changes? Madness Save games are "Ze Porto - Huelva 2Jun28" and "Ze Porto - Huelva 6jun28endszn" for the before and after last game of season
  4. I really like the idea of player-initiated trial! Especially with the chance for it to have a positive or negative effect on youngsters based on their personalities. When a former player of mine is released by another club during his career, I'll usually invite them for a trial just to check in on them sort of, even if I'll never sign them. Also maybe a chance to boost the reputation of a club slightly? A middling club that has a few of its famous youth products come back and train might be a touch more interesting and well known than a similar club without any famous faces showing up at camp?
  5. God yes. And ability to set post-match praise or criticism to be automatic based on their game score. So you could set 7.5 and up, autopraise. Or set, anyone with goal or assist, auto praise. Anyone below 6.5, autocritic. Or auto-warning. Or auto-fine 1 day wages.
  6. Fighting with this more, as I'm trying to loan in some players from Portugal who make less than 70k a year, but the minimum salary to be registered in La Liga 2 is 79k per year. So, I basically can't get the reinforcements I need. I'm also dealing with a situation where I am trying to give a young guy a raise and extension so I can register him. But he's rejected my offer and won't talk to me so I can't register him even if I wanted to give into all his demands. Registration deadline is going to pass and he will be sitting out the season because he won't talk to me so I can both give him more money and let him play! This is driving me crazy! His current release is 1 million, he wants a relegation release in his new deal of just 175k, my poor team is almost certain to go back down, so I'd basically be agreeing to lose him for pennies. I've seen this a bunch, seems like AI doesn't take into account what the current release clauses in a deal are when making demands for new one. I feel like in real life it's rare for release clauses to ever go down during a contract extension, but me trying to keep the release clause the same that is making him break off negotiations, no matter what else I offer This is driving me crazy! In the past when playing with teams in other countries, I've also had issues where I'd loan a young low wages player to Spain, only to see he wasn't playing because he wasn't registered because his wages were too low. At the very least FM needs to give you a warning box before you loan him out that says "hey this guy won't be able to be registered in this league" Really, I think the solution should be when you go to register someone making under the wage floor it gives you a popup box saying, "player makes too little to be registered, would you like to increase wage to minimum?" and boom it is done in a click.
  7. Agreed especially if FM gave you their tactics to play with
  8. I get Afghanistan or the Maldives being zeros, but why wouldn't there be viable players to scout from Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Congo, Ghana ect? In real life there are absolutely guys in those countries. Always bothered me I couldn't have more African signings, especially because I feel like the game doesn't generate enough dual citizen kids from your local youth recruitment (for example, any club in the Lisbon area should have lots of dual citizen Portugal + Cabo Verde,Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Sao Tome, Brasil, kids but doesn't so much in FM) Japan too, I get FM can't do real Japanese leagues for contractual reasons, but you'd think you could have the game generate fake Japanese kids to sign?
  9. If anything, free loans are too easy. If you wait 'til last week of the transfer window you can get so many talented youngsters from top tier teams for free. There isn't any good reason a top tier team, with a B team in the second tier, would want to loan a promising youngster to a different team in the second tier.. unless the guy was going to warm the bench for the B team, and had no future. And, in that case, they wouldn't be asking for much (or any) transfer fee if you wanted to take him permanently I think the idea the AI has is that "this guy is good, he should be loaned to get experience" and it forgets it has a lower club that can provide that experience. The AI should be more picky about "only other top tier teams, otherwise he plays for the B team" for loans, but it doesn't seem to be There also probably should be very few cases where a club is willing to loan a kid to a lower tier club in a different country. I was playing in Tier 4 in Spain, and Juventus had a French 19 year old worth 8 million they let me loan for free. Now maybe (maybe) if the guy was Spanish you could see a guy going on loan to his home country, but down to Tier 4 that's almost unheard of for anyone with future. And certainly not for a guy without any connection to Spain. Lately, I've been forcing myself to "vet" potential loans, see if they actually make sense for loaning club. Kind of sucks
  10. I just got promoted from Tier 3 to Tier 2 in Spain. With both my manager's own contract and my player's contracts, none of the wages that had a promotion increase % agreed in the contract actually increased. This is actually a problem because some of those contracts I signed with the idea that they'd get to over 80k per year upon promotion, as La Liga 2 has a 79k per year minimum salary to register a player. I know sometimes the game will mention "top division promotion" but in all of these contracts in merely says "promotion salary raise," so I would think going from 3 to 2 counts. I have a guy who I signed, while in Tier 3, to a contract with both a minimum release, a non-promotion release and a relegation release. Since being promoted to Tier 2 only the minimum release (the highest of these 3 numbers, obviously) is displayed on his contract. So, at least to some extent, the contracts realize I was promoted. My very poor team is likely to go right back down, so I'm kind of curious if the relegation salary drop will then go into effect and guys (both my manager and the players) will wind up making less money than if they had never been promoted in the first place. I have saves from both before and after the promotion and new season changeover I can share. I have uploaded "Ze Porto - Huevla 20Jun27promod" and "Ze Porto 12jul27promod 2027.08.02" to show a before and after, but I have other files as well. I put it on Vacation and did this a couple times and each time it doesn't raise the salaries.
  11. For situations where a league has a minimum salary to be registered (Spain is an obvious example) it would be nice to increase a player's salary without negotiating a new contract. You can't change anything else, but you can increase his wage. Normally, in real life and FM, a club would want to get something on their end (more years and or higher release clause), but sometimes the player wants a big new contract and a poor, recently promoted club can't afford it. It would be nice to have an option to bump their salary up to the registration minimum without changing any other aspect of the deal (years, bonuses, release, ect). In real life, even if a player would prefer a proper new deal, I'm sure he wouldn't reject a larger salary he didn't have to give anything up for. I'm curious how this works in real life of course. Personally, I want FM to be as real life as possible, so I wonder what an actual Spanish club that moves from tier 3 to tier 2 does with players that were making 60k per year but now need 80k to be registered. Relatedly, and again I wonder how it works in real life, it would be nice if there was an option on contracts that, instead of adding or subtracting a certain % for promotion or relegation, you could decide on a certain value if you were in a certain tier. So, being able to offer, if we're in Tier 2 you make 80k but if we drop to Tier 3 you drop to 60k. Same with release clauses.
  12. Yeah, like I said I figured that part was probably the case. I hate the wording but I can deal with it, BUT I still only have 4 players "22 and above" on loan. And, while I originally thought it was declining me because some of my 21 year olds will turn 22 during their loan, that can't be it either because it just now it let me send a 30 year old on loan after it rejected the 24 year old. So maybe it is a bug?
  13. Not putting this in Bug Tracker yet because I think maybe I'm misunderstanding something rather than it being a bug. Like all leagues now I guess, Liga Portugal has a limit of "Maximum of 6 players over the age of 22 allowed out on loan to a foreign club at a time". I would read "over the age of 22" to mean 23 year olds count but 22 year olds do not, but I'm fairly certain the game is treating "over 22" as players who have reached their 22nd birthday. Confusing wording, but I can live with it. I have 4 players aged 22 or above on loan to foreign clubs right now (several more on loan to other clubs both in Liga Portugal and in the 2nd and 3rd Portuguese leagues, but this shouldn't matter). I just got a message saying that a 24 year old's loan to a Spanish team is rejected because I am over the limit. I can't figure out why this would be the case. My only guess is that since some of 21 year olds I have out on loan to foreign teams will turn 22 during the season that makes them 22 and above for this purpose... or maybe the game is miscalculating some of my loans within Portugal as foreign loans? A couple of the over 22 loanees within Portugal are of foreign nationality, maybe making the game count it as a foreign loan even though it is it not? Very frustrating!
  14. Is there no lack of solidity with both BWM and Regista moving around?
  15. TLDR.... Better to loan to a middling team in a top league, or a Champions Lg team in a good league. I have a promising young forward stuck behind my superstar and a wonderkid. He's only 20, and I think my superstar is going to force me to sell him to the Premier League soon, so I'd rather keep developing this kid for now than sell him. The guy is good enough that I've gotten some nice loan offers. I can either send him to a bottom half Premier League team (West Ham or Southampton), a mid tier Bundesliga team (Freiburg) or top Belgian or Scottish teams (Genk, Celtic). What's making my decision difficult is that Genk and Celtic are both in the Champions League, the others are not in any European competition. The player is most interested in Genk. Genk and Freiburg have state of the art facilities, while the UK teams have good to excellent. At all clubs he'd be a regular starter. What do we think is best for his development, both in talent and sale value if I do choose to sell him? Normally I'd be overjoyed about being able to place a guy on loan in the Premier League, I know that will juice his value and reputation. But the same could be said for playing Champions League football. And while the Scottish and Belgian leagues aren't the Prem, they're good leagues (7th and 8th in my game right now), leagues I often have success loaning players to. Bit of a dilemma. Any thoughts?
  16. Absolutely yes. 3 Loan wishes... 1. Like you said, be able to see your last offer. So if I know last time I offered him out I tried to get 100k a month and didn't get any bites, so this time I'll offer him for 60k a month, and so on.. 2. Be able to program a default loan offer, so that when I pull up a loan screen its prepopulated. For example I'll almost always try to get Regular Starter and 100% of wages when I offer for loan, so being able to make those lines already selected when I pull up the loan screen would be nice. 3. Being able to target by country is great, but I would love if you could do by league or tier. So if I know I only want to loan a guy out to a top league, or to the 2nd tier league in my country, I could do so and avoid seeing the offers of the 3rd-4th tier leagues
  17. Seems like in real life in Portugal it is very common for youngish guys who aren't in the plans of a larger club to be allowed, and even encouraged, to leave on free transfers to a smaller club where the larger club keeps 50% of the pass. It's not very common at all for smaller clubs to pay anything for these transfers, usually because they don't have any money haha. But in FM the AI typically would ask for some amount of money, often an amount under $100,000 that doesn't really help the budget of a big club, yet is still more than a little club can afford. The AI doesn't seem to value 50% off the sell on much, only taking a little bit off the asking price when that clause is offered I believe this is also common in Spain or, in Real Madrid's case, a very affordable buy back option is mandatory. Just an idea for more realism
  18. Would love for this to be round figures as well. Maybe I'm just OCD but drives me crazy to pay a 475 or 525 per game bonus, instead of 500, or to pay someone 168,500 or 170,500 per year instead of 170,000
  19. Also getting tons and tons of Spanish newgen Ivans
  20. Sounds good, thanks. Have seen it happen many other times in other saves in Spain and England as well. In fact, I'm not sure if I have EVER seen it quote the correct table positions in the press conference or pregame speech prompts. Not a big deal obviously, unless your board or the AI's is making decisions on a misreading of the table
  21. So, a situation I am in right now is I have a player I picked up on loan, with an option to buy for 1 million. He has done really well for me at just 18, and I believe his value is worth more than a million now. The problem is that he has no interest in signing a contract with my club if I buy that option. I'm pretty sure in real life I have seen situations of a team picking up the option of a loanee that explodes and then instantly reselling them. For example, Madrid loans a guy to Mallorca with an option to buy for 1 million. Guy does great, value is now over 1 million, Mallorca picks up the option and pays Madrid 1 million, but instead of agreeing to a contract with the guy, they almost instantly sell the guy's rights to Monaco for 3 million (and thus profit 2 million). I don't believe there is any way of doing this in FM. You have to agree to a contract immediately after paying the fee which means that 1. If he doesn't want to sign with you then you are not able to buy the option, so then he can revert to his original team who can profit from the sale 2. Even if he does want to, since you have to sign a deal with him, he probably won't want to transfer for at least another year
  22. I've seen this too, had a bunch of random friendlies scheduled against teams in the levels below the playable leagues in my country... I'm in Portugal and have all 4 leagues set on, so this is against random 5th, 6th tier nobodies. I had already scheduled a bunch of friendlies too, so this is making my B team play 3 times a week.... and for some reason I can't cancel these friendlies?
  23. Minor issue but... I'm playing with Estoril Praia in Portugal. Earlier in the year I was 4th in the league, and about to play 3rd place Sporting. One of the interview questions I was asked referenced Sporting battling relegation, which I thought was weird. 3rd/4th isn't relegation, but it is the difference between Europa and Champions. I ignored it and moved on. Now, later in the year I'm 5th and about to play 4th place Braga/BRG and one of my pregame pep talk prompts is "Braga are 12th in the table while we're 4th, make that count today." Not a huge problem, but I guess maybe it could be if AI fires their coaches for finishing 12th when they finished 4th... File is J Portugal Estoril Praia 8May24
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