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Posts posted by nms1987

  1. On 01/04/2024 at 22:19, NineCloudNine said:

    It commits you to maintaining whatever their agreed playing time was before they got the injury.

    Personally I just do the console/encourage bit. No benefit to making a promise, which is what the playing time option does.

    Gotcha, thanks! So as long as their status is youngster to breakthrough prospect I should be ok promising them that.

    The benefit, as I see it, is that if you've broken some promises you then lose the ability to promise guys things and have them believe you.  IE, a guy comes to me complaining about playing time, I promise him it will improve, and he'll say "nah, buzz off, can't trust you, you've broken too many other promises".  So I'm trying to make and keep easy promises to get my success rate on that back up


  2. Sometimes a youth teamer, or someone else that never sees the field for the first team, gets hurt and you'll have the option of consoling them OR promising them that the injury won't affect their playing time when they return.  I'm always tempted to select the promise of "this won't affect your playing time" (because you weren't bloody getting any in the first place kid!) to boost my successful promise rate... but I'm afraid of it backfiring if it somehow means I do have to actually play the scrub on return to fulfill it.

    Anyone tried this, anyone know?

  3. As it is, it is nearly impossible to find form information for players not on your team.  The game says that it is unavailable unless you add the guy to a shortlist.  But even then, some guys you have on a shortlist and you'll get a message "player's form is being tracked by backroom staff but no information is available yet." 

    It's weird that, in real life, I can sit here on my laptop and get game by game data on guys in Portugal's freaking Liga 3 (barely professional football!) but in FM my La Liga team can't see that about another player in dadgum La Liga.

    In real life I can easily lookup which games a guy has played in, at what position, what minute they were sub'd on on off, what minute they got a yellow or red card at, if they scored or assisted and, for games they didn't play in, if they were an unused sub or not on the bench at all, and if they were not on the bench if that was for injury or other reasons.  

    Feels very weird that for some reason SI thinks that info can't or shouldn't be shown in FM.  Not asking for detailed scouting info, fair to make that something you only see via shortlisting, but simple data like this should be easily visible for any player in any kind of even slightly serious league you have loaded

  4. Note: I'm speaking from an experience I had in FM23, but I don't think anything is different in FM24.

    After 15 seasons in charge of Recre Huelva I've finally gotten suspended from the touchline for a game for complaining about my player's red card!  Pretty fun feature honestly, didn't even realize it was possible.

    My only problem with it is that, though I got to set a lineup in the pregame, when the game actually started a completely different 11 was on the pitch than I selected. My exhausted DM, who was due for a day off, was starting at CD, and my backup striker, a natural AF, was starting even though the tactic called for a DLF type (like my starter is).  Pretty aggravating.  I like the experience of being suspended, and having a game where you can't manage, its a fun twist, but IRL a suspended manager is still going to set the tactic and starting 11 even if he can't be on the touchline to handle in game adjustments/subs.  

    Its especially annoying because, on games you manage, once you've set the lineup you can't change it pre-game if you realize you've made a mistake.  But I guess the AI can change it for you...

    So, please FM, keep the occasional suspensions, but allow the suspended manager to at least set his preferred starting 11 before the match

  5. On 07/03/2024 at 23:30, southside said:

    Playing a save as man utd after the patch and the team travel for away games the day before the fixture(as in real life) play the game and then unlike real life stay in the city where we play and travel back the next day leading to ridiculous amounts of travel in multiple game weeks. Ive posted about this the last few years, its been fixed and now appears broken yet again, completely immersion breaking and one of the many small things that could so easily be better done in the game


    Agreed.  Also have noticed this happening when you play a local friendly while in preseason camp in a different location, or when doing a tour.  I had camp in London and had a period of travel to and from Brentford the day before and after a friendly there.  Another season I took a preseason tour, all the games were within maybe an hour of each other in the UAE... but there was a period of travel day before the first game, a period of travel day after it, then the next day another travel period to the second game, then another period day after it, ect.

    So if you had 2 games a week on tour you'd see...Monday Travel  - Tuesday Game - Wednesday Travel - Thursday Travel - Friday Game - Saturday Travel - Sunday Travel - Monday Game - Tuesday Travel - Wednesday Travel - Thursday Game - Friday Travel 

    Madness, I think it was sending my whole team back to Spain before and after every game despite being on tour.

  6. On 08/03/2024 at 15:42, dothestrand said:

    My bigger gripe in the game is young players, who've never been anywhere near the first team, asking for tens of thousands of pounds per week. When I play as Athletic Club, I don't have much choice as I need to retain these players, but this is completely unrealistic that a player would ask for that kind of salary.

    And with big clubs paying it!  Real Madrid and Barcelona B teamers, or sometimes guys who haven't even played for the B team yet, will be paid literally 1-2 million euros a year.   Not only is that unrealistic, but it then makes it impossible for those to be signed by any other club, since they can't afford to match the wage... so these guys stay on the B team roster until they're 24 or so and then leave for free.  Would love to see a more realistic development path for guys like this from the major academies who aren't going to make it for the main club... B team for a year or 2, then a loan, then a sale with large % of future sale clause to a smaller spanish team

  7. Latin American citizens can obtain Spanish citizenship after 2 years of residency in Spain.  I am a Spanish team (Recre Huelva), and I just signed a Chilean and I'd like to loan him out within Spain so he can get that citizenship and not take up a non-EU spot on my registration in the future.  So, when offering him out for loan I selected to offer him to all clubs from Spain.  FC Andorra plays in the Spanish leagues but is in Andorra.... and, of course, they are the only club that offered to take my guy on loan.

    So... do we think FM will treat a loan to FC Andorra as Spanish residence?

    Not to overthink it, but the real-life citizenship rule is about place of residence, not place of employment.  I can imagine a club setting up a guy with an apartment on the Spanish side of the border while he was on loan at FC Andorra to keep his place of residence in Spain...

  8. Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I did a quick search and didn't see it.

    Does anyone know hiring performance analysts for your B team or u19/u21/u23/ect helps the development of those players, or does it just help the coaching staffs of those teams formulate a winning gameplan?

    I like my youth teams to win, sure, but I don't know if I'm so passionate about it that I want to spend extra money on those positions if they don't influence development.

  9. I just had a guy get injured around the 80th minute mark of a match I was leading 5-0.  It was the kind of injury where he could (and did) stay on but should probably come off.  With such a big lead I had already used all my subs to get some bench guys some minutes.  With a generous lead against a bottom of the table opponent, I was going to just take the injured player off and play with 10 men for the remainder of the match, but I couldn't find a way to do this.  Anyone know if it is possible?

  10. Hey all,

    TLDR - Many cases of only Short Name Change being displayed when full name change should be displayed, I can't seem to figure it out. But it seems to happen ONLY in Portugal (except not to the Big 3) Any help appreciated.  I tested several situations, if you'd like to read on...

    I'm using FM Scout FM24 Clubs Names as a base but trying to tweak it to be a little more to be perfect for me.  I like the flexibility lnc offers in this respect.  I created 2 small, simple saves to test the changes, both based in Portugal with top few leagues of Portugal, England, Brasil, Germany, Spain added with small database.

    So, the entry in the FM Scout Clubs names lnc file has this Porto entry.

    "CLUB_NAME_CHANGE"    1478    "FC do Porto"    "" 
    "CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE"    1478    "Porto"    ""

    If I change club name to FCx do Porto and change short name to Portox and reload the game on the standings screen it reads Portox, and when I click on that "Portox" to pull up the club profile it reads FCx do Porto.  Ok, perfect.  As, it should be, correct?  

    However, this is ONLY true of Porto, Sporting and Benfica.  If you edit the full and short names of (I think) any other team in Portugal (including the B teams of those Big 3) in the Clubs Names lnc file it will display ONLY the new short name at the top of the club profile where it should display the full name.

    However, everything seems to work fine for larger and smaller teams in Spain, Brasil and England.  Arsenal, Forest Green, Palmeiras, Remo, Almeria, Amorebieta and Real Madrid were all tested as Porto was and all showed the correct, unique edits in the appropriate places for full and short names.

    Additionally, if you take an existing entry in the lnc, and change just the short name for any non-big3 Portuguese club, and leave the full name as is, it will only show the newly edited short name where the full name should go.  Further, if you change just the full name in an existing entry in the lnc, and leave short name unchanged, it now shows the short name in the full name spot.

    Also, if you take a club that has no entry at all in the lnc file (and presumably is using the default names from FM24) and add just a short name it shows this new short name in both short and full name spots.

    If you take a club that has no entry in the lnc file and add just a full name it now shows the new full name in both full and short name spots.

    If you take a club that has no entry in the lnc and add both a short and a full it only shows the short.

    Actually, now that I look more I'm noticing that on I think every club it is now only showing the short name, even if I haven't changed anything for that club.  Again, only doing this in Portugal.  So, at some point, with all these edits and reloads I must have triggered something that made it do this???

    I just created a new save, based in England, and it still shows the changes for English and Spanish teams and Portuguese big 3 teams correctly... but every other name in Portugal outside the big 3 is short name only...

    I have turned off caching and simulated a few days ahead as well, as well as turning off my laptop and reloading FM fully.  I've had some mods (mostly Daveincid realism and related) installed in the past, but I actually completely uninstalled and deleted all FM24 data to see if I could replicate this from a clean install and sure enough it still happens.  The only mods I have done at this point is "FM24 Club Names by FM Scout" and "FM24 Fix by FM Scout", as well as deleting the default FM files they suggest.  The latter FM scout file edits league and award names, I seem to be able to edit those with no issue.

    So, sorry this is long winded.  But I'm curious if anyone has any insight on why this would be happening.

  11. Seems to me, even for loans within the same league, in real life (Europe at least) it is not normal that the parent club can recall the player at any time.  A clause will sometimes be inserted into the original loan deal allowing the parent club to recall the player at the winter window or, if that clause does not a exist in the original deal, the two sides must negotiate.  Maybe the current club is happy to get rid of the salary and fee obligations of a dud loanee or, for a successful player, they could be persuaded by a payment or (commonly IRL I believe) by being pledged a % of the loaned players next sale.


    In FM, of course, domestic players can be recalled at anytime and foreign loans can be recalled  for free within transfer windows.



  12. As, far as I can tell, player form information is simply unavailable for any player outside your club who is not on your shortlist.  At least not from Reports>Form...

    Why is this?  For almost any player in a serious league I could get on transfermarkt right now, look up their last bunch of games, see if they started them or not, how many minutes they played, if they scored or assisted ect.  For example, here is a game-by-game review of a goalkeeper in the bloody THIRD level of Portuguese football.

    Why can't I do the same in FM?  Seems like an oversight, has been this way for awhile I believe though.

  13. I've never managed in England, and their work permit system seems crazy to me from an IRL point of view.

    I, managing in Portugal in FM24 (game imported from FM 23 fwiw), just got a loan offer for a promising young Congolese/Belgian player of mine from an English Championship club.  This player in the last 3 years played 23 games in the Slovenian League, then I bought him and he spends half a year (11 games) in the Portuguese Liga 3 with my B team and then a half season (18 games) on loan with a different club in the top Portuguese League and then last season he plays 32 games on loan in Scottish Premiership.  All of this activity occurred in FM23.

    Now I move the game to FM24 for a new season and I get the loan offer out of the blue from this English Championship team, but the red box at the bottom has the disclaimer that he won't be able to get an English work permit.  Hasn't played 60% of his nation's games in last 12 months (he has 2 Congo caps) and doesn't have enough points from "league matches, level of league, ect" to qualify.

    Is this normal for a guy with games in Portuguese and Scottish top level to not qualify?  If I was to ever manage an English club how on earth would I ever get foreign players?  In real life obviously lots of players move from Portugal and Scotland to Premier League and Championship.  Is this a bug, or how it is supposed to be?

  14. On 20/11/2023 at 00:46, Dagenham_Dave said:

    This happens in real life all the time. 

    In fact, it's currently happening with the club I support right now. We played away to Cove Rangers in the league yesterday (Saturday), and we have them again at home in the Scottish Cup next weekend. 

    Estoril drew Porto in BOTH Portuguese Cups.  So, adding on 2 league games, they'll play 'em 4 times this year (already beat 'em twice tho, haha!) 

    It happens.

  15. I really like the idea of player-initiated trial!  Especially with the chance for it to have a positive or negative effect on youngsters based on their personalities.  When a former player of mine is released by another club during his career, I'll usually invite them for a trial just to check in on them sort of, even if I'll never sign them.

    Also maybe a chance to boost the reputation of a club slightly?  A middling club that has a few of its famous youth products come back and train might be a touch more interesting and well known than a similar club without any famous faces showing up at camp?


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