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Posts posted by Zindis

  1. Hi all, sorry if sorry if the section is not the correct one.

    I'm still playing FM12 since 2011, although I've bought several successive editions I've never been able to find a better one than my "first love".

    however, due to old age (it'a 2013 edition) my MAC is starting to struggle a bit and I should soon buy another more up-to-date one.

    as far as I know FM12 works up to Sierra OS, but  now the new editions are Monterey and Ventura, and as i know F12 doesn't work on these...

    is there a way to run FM12 even on a latest generation MAC? If so, which one? I don't want to lose the chance to use the favourite edition... or force myself on buying a PC...

    thanks for all the suggestions!

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