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Everything posted by Vila35

  1. Also want to clarify that the autosave after activation doesn’t occur even with autosaves turned on and when going into the next season without any saving after activation, Golden Generation is available for a second use.
  2. No Idea if this meant to be the case but when applying the Golden Generation unlockable once in a save, It can’t be used again in later seasons despite this not being the case before the last update and in FM22. In previous versions when you applied it, the game would save as soon as you exited the store but now when you do this on the latest version, the game will not do the autosave which I assume would do something to make sure that the unlockable can be reused later on in the save. From what I remember of 22, Golden Generation would be noted as applied until some point after the season is complete and then it could be applied again in the lead up to the either of the Youth Preview and Candidate emails each season. Hopefully this can be patched to be way it was previously as I bought the unlockable after earning it in October last FM and I really want to do a save where my club is a mega factory of talent.
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