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Posts posted by jalalanware

  1. 1 hour ago, fadesany said:

    Hi @jalalanware do you use any specific player instructions? Also do you do opp istructions or leave to your assistant?

    Stay Wider and Get further forward on the wingers

    Close down more on every player

    Take fewer risks and Shoot Less Often on my IWbs

    those as the main ones i can think of, i have trigger press selected on each position because I want to win the ball back as much as possible, i leave individual OIs to my assistant manager though. 

  2. ive asked quite a few questions here trying to create the perfect 235, and i do think im getting close now. the only way ive been successful recreating proper touchline wingers who cut inside and having a player in all channels is the widest setting with play through the middle selected so the mezzalas (one on attack and one on support to give me depth through the lines) not drifting too far wide and my wingers stay wide holding the width. i like to use two iwbs to support my DLP as my mezallas do drift quite high. it works well, i get around 650/850 passes most game with 60%+ possession with high xG, whilst solid defensively. obviously you need to be one of the better teams but i hope this helps.

    Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 05.28.56.png

  3. I play a classic 433, which becomes a 235 in possession. i want a player in all 5 channels and thats why i use two mezzalas, one slightly deeper on support and one more advanced on attacking to give me depth through the lines in attack. my question is what width should i use, as any higher than fairly narrow i feel my mezzalas and my wingers (instructed to stay wide and hug the line) occupy the same spaces but i dont see my wingers hug the lines as often, and my IWBs seem to come too far inside too. what width or instructions should i use?

    Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 02.55.57.png

  4. 4 hours ago, Fantasista10 said:

    That pass map is very nice! I’m amazed at how deep your CF is despite being on an Attack duty? 

    I find it difficult to find the right balance between getting a striker to drop deep and be involved in play whilst still being a goal threat. In my experience a DLF(A) has been the best, not tried the CF(A) though! 

    Yeah agreed, feels like no matter the role you use your striker either drops too deep or doesnt drop at all. Not tried the DLF(A) but I've always had a thing for a complete forward to be honest. I've found it hard to get my striker involved significantly in play in general, I know they're gonna have lower numbers for passing but it seems way too low in my opinion. CF(A) works well because he always works hard getting back into the box to finish attacking moves in my experience. 

  5.  your tactical ideas are nearly identical to mine haahahah. added a beautiful 2-3-5 passmap too 

    On 10/03/2023 at 09:07, ryandormer said:

    I played this system for the whole first season at Arsenal:


    Normally, I try to vary the roles a bit, but this system worked incredibly well, and we almost won the league (until a freak losing streak right at the end of the season saw us finish third, which I still considered a great result).

    The only player instructions added were for the IF(s), both right and left, who I asked to stay wider. The would still cut inside when we were close to the box, but held the width better in the build up, giving the Mez(s) more room to move.

    I think 'Be more expressive' was probably an important instuction, as it encourages roaming, as far as I'm aware.

    This meant that on each flank, at any given time, the IWB(s), the Mez(s) and the IF(s) could either be positioned in the middle, or could hold/drift out wide, depending what the other players were doing. If the IF was wide, the Mez and IWB would typically be a bit closer to the middle. When the IF came inside, either the Mez would drift wide, or the Mez would stay closer to the middle and the IWB would go out wide.

    If you want your full back to overlap all the time, then definitely use a FB, WB or CWB. But if you only want it to happen sometimes, then I found that using roles on the same side of the pitch with horizontal movement (central drifting wide, or wide cutting inside) worked really well.

    Hope that helps.


    Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 02.55.36.png

    Screenshot 2023-03-12 at 02.55.57.png

  6. 22 minutes ago, CARRERA said:

    An IWB will support the midfield and stay more narrow if there is a player ahead of him and play like an traditional wing back if there is no wide attacker or one who cuts inside.

    thought so, but never seem to catch that movement in game, the cut inside with ball puts me off. also should i worry about the suitability of the role with my players as none of them seem to be able to play it well on paper

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