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Posts posted by Polando

  1. 5 hours ago, El Payaso said:

    Plenty of them. Obviously you have to have a program to install them but there are instruction videos on YouTube which makes it a ten minute job when you do it the first time and tens of seconds when you know how to do it. 

    I have personally never understood why anyone would use the faces generated by the game. I've always deactivated them as the first thing after installing the game. 

    I remember that in FM22 there was a downloadable file from Zealand, where you simply put the faces into the graphics folder, without any additional software

  2. In FM24, clubs simply give up on any development of their players. Not only wonderkids, but generally talented players or those in their prime. They simply buy them and leave them on the bench for 3-4 years and then put them up for sale. There is no pleasure on the transfer market when I manage to buy such great players for worse prices, because thanks to the mistakes in the current edition, they are simply forced into my team.

    Out of curiosity, I returned to FM22 to compare this aspect of the game and, unfortunately, it is a gulf. I lost any desire to continue playing FM24. A key aspect of the game is just absolutely broken. The whole thing is complemented by absurd market offers offered by clubs from Saudi Arabia, which completely destroys the transfer market.

  3. I lost any desire to continue playing FM24. The system of developing juniors and giving young players a chance in the first team is one big absurdity. Even the great add-on from Daveincid doesn't help. Virtually every talented footballer purchased by an unskilled player has not been able to get off the bench for 2-3 years in his club, which often first paid a lot for him and then simply forgot about him. I played many hours of FM22 or FM19 and I don't remember such a poor system for developing wonderkids by AI.

  4. 19 minutes ago, StatboySpurs said:

    Mustermann is great, but I also just started to enjoy Just Skin now that it has an attribute less version.

    In the tactical and training panel, the players' attributes are still visible in the form of numbers ;./

  5. My save is broken. Every time I go to the profile of Palermo player Kristoffer Lund and click the "make an offer" tab, the game freezes and I have to log out, otherwise I can't even click on exit. Absurd. I changed skins but it didn't help either. Interestingly, when saving the same save made a year earlier, there is no such problem (or maybe it is but with a different player and I didn't have a chance to check it? I don't know). I am attaching a link to the save https://www.easypaste.org/file/bV927c8l/KARIERAtst.v02.fm?lang=pl

  6. FM 24 is very easy, despite playing in hard mode, which means giving up killer tactics. I focused on my old 4-3-3 proven in previus versions, with three central midfielders and three strikers and playing in the middle of the field - i think i broke all the recommendations from the forum ;) People write here that the central midfielders have been nerfed, but i dont see it, and im writing about my Casertana, with whom I entered Serie A in third season, and, as my schedule shows, i'm doing quite well 




  7. First of all, you should give up the stars defining the level of the training base and replace them with a scale from 1-10. The current system does not reflect the expenditure that top clubs actually spend of their centres. These amounts amount to hundreds of milions of euros. In the game it is enough to ask the board 3-4 times for expansion and within a few years any european average team has training facilities at the level of Real or Bayern and it doesn't look like that. The same goes for the coaching stuff. Just as a fottballer looks at the possibility of development in a new club when singing a contract, the same should be taken into account by the coach and, for example, refuse to engage due to a too weak training base. The possibility of expanding the medical center should also be added. These are all very important factors that have a great impact in today's football and need to be properly reflected in the game

  8. The new training template in fm19 was a breakthrough, something that divides the fm series into pre-fm19 and post-fm19 versions. For the next 4 editions, nothing similar appeared that would change gameplay to such a large extent. FM24 must have something similar in it that will encourage me to buy it. In my case, it needs to be a brand new interface and set pieces creator

  9. FM23 dissapointed me, there are practically no changes compared to the previous edition, apart from a few more unnecessary features that have absolutely no effect on the gameplay and only take time for pointless clicking. 

    In my case, in order to spend money on the FM24 the absolute minimum is an extensive board interaction panel, especially if i am very successful with the team the managment should give me the keys to the whole club, something like Guardiola or Ferguson in Manchester United

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