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Posts posted by Benjymazzola

  1. Normally the Football Manager Mobile game is about the controlling of the career of a created manager at a club. We will like a new feature that allows the controlling of a career of a created player other than the manager. In that one the game can be started by creating a player who’ll start at age 15 at a reserve team of a club and little by little the player gets promoted to the first team and can even go ahead to represent his nation(Whether at U-21 level or senior level) and finally make the player the greatest ever. Just like the normal controlling of the manager instructions like “attacking”, “fast tempo” etc. can be given, in the player career too maybe instructions like “dribble more”, “shoot from distance” can also be given to dictate the player’s style of play.

    Also Football management is not only about being a manager. I think in the Football Manager 2024 Mobile, new roles like sporting director and club president or chairman can be added where the affairs of the club can be managed (Like setting club vision, sacking managers and appointing new ones etc.)

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