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Lower Leagues Rule

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Posts posted by Lower Leagues Rule

  1. There have been a few rippers to come out of that challenge this year, But if I remember correctly, not to many Portugese one's :D

    As an idea, I reckon that someone who's actually going to play the challenge should start it! I don't mind doing it, but only if the more seasoned forumites from that challenge agree!

    Yeah Portugal had some technical issues, were some stars in the league, but mostly they weren't from Portugal haha. Gotta be some good players there though. Yeah its a bit disappointing that we have never seen Jose playing it this year, and only barely the season before :(

  2. Excellent looking start there Rancer, i agree with it all the way. My roots are NZ ;) As for the rest looks perfect to me. And yes you will definitely get big ups in my one, I was so without ideas then I realised that there are so many ways to take no player databases that it could make for some interesting comparisons all around.

    Congrats to TFC, might actually do something this season :p

  3. Ok after trying to get into games in challenges using FM08 and just not being able to get into it at all I have decided to run an experiment instead. Basically I want to investigate whether the world of football would change if every nation had the same starting reputation and the world was Regen only.

    So far I have taken a FM08 no players database and then reset the nations all to 1000 rep. Personally I think that is all the changes I should make to the nations, because if I change anything else then it will interrupt the integrity of it all. Now I have a few other ideas to throw out there, but not sure which is best.

    1. I add 22 players of average Serie B Quality with PA of 200 to the database based in the Serie C1 or C2 (Currently Italy is the only guaranteed league) - I am thinking about giving these players nationalities based in some of the former small nations that now have the same rep as everywhere else, so 22 different nations, which i would take suggestions as to which ones. These would be nations without playable leagues so that they would run as a seperate group to the leagues mentioned in section 2.

    2. What leagues to run, no idea what I should run, but I believe the ones I run should end up stronger than the others, but who really knows. So that would also be part of the experiment. So then I have 5-10 countries with a league running and these would then be set as the group of nations which have leagues to see whether that can make them improve faster.

    Basically I think I want 3 core groups.

    a) Nations with a few top class players each.

    b) Nations with leagues playable

    c) Nations with no leagues and no class players

    Basically then I would be able to compare the nations in each section at different points and may be able to make decisions on where it is at and what really affects the reputation. I would most likely be using FMM or something similar to keep track of the CA/PA of the worlds players and other things. If anyone knows of a program that I can use to better search the database of FM08 could they give me a link to it. Thanks for any advice etc in advance.

    Edit: Using current World Rankings and the idea of being able to compare reasonable comparative teams i thought having 3 from the top 9 & 3 from 51st-59th in each group would work well, so i would be following the success and failure of the following 18 countries on that system, I could also follow a couple of others if anyone would like.

    League Running

    2nd Germany

    4th Italy

    7th Croatia

    53rd Slovakia

    57th Finland

    59th Slovenia


    1st Spain

    5th Brazil

    8th Russia

    51st Panama

    54th Tunisia

    58th Bosnia

    No Changes

    3rd Netherlands

    6th Argentina

    9th England

    52nd Lithuania

    55th Saudi Arabia

    56th Bolivia

  4. Incidentally I have an idea for a holiday game. It'll probably mainly appeal to my fellow JoseRR competitors but here it is nonetheless.

    Once/if I complete the challenge I plan on running a separate holiday continuing from where I leave off. The idea is to follow my (soon to be great) Savona side and look at how the AI deals with a new era following domestic and European glory. I'll be looking at the chairman's decision making with the new boss, his signings, sales, and generally the direction Savona go. The bottom line ultimately asks whether the AI can keep a successful 'small' club at the top and for how long. I plan on running it on holiday for many many seasons.

    Oh I love it :)

  5. Generally most NP DB's are about rebalancing the world, but most have failed as the league reps don't change and as such the best players still gravitate towards those major leagues, possible ways to fix this would be to go through and try and fix the league reps of each country to similar, so top level in each country is 20 and 2nd tier is 15 and so on, but really I think using a NP database would just be a great way to test the regens generated world wide, so depending on how many leagues you can run would decide how you do it.

    So my ideas:

    Just NP database no other changes.

    Focus on the Regen Quality as your experiment (Extensions on this idea)

    Leagues: I would suggest a range of leagues, not sure what your computer can handle, but I personally say avoid england, everyone does england :p

  6. Grrr I hate them with a Passion, and I hope they lose more customers because of it.

    I think a 30min wait no matter time of day on the helpline is also disgusting, oh or 4 hours for a response on the website...bloody gross.

    I think the competition in that Key to Sucess sign-up is going to be massive, there will be lots of forms and only 10 spots (Hopefully more) Corinthiano - where did you place your team?

  7. first of all don't use text speak in the forum please and before you say your updates in your sign up are good take a look at some of the sucssesful sign ups like corinthianos agent one, dogeeDs island one and canveys american president one to see what a good update actually is (sorry to those people with great sign ups that wern't mentioned here but i couldnt list them all)

    Also see MikeyTwigge & LokedOut :) Gotta have your own credit too Mikey :)

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