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Lower Leagues Rule

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Posts posted by Lower Leagues Rule

  1. Would make it interesting, but I found this article on separatism throughout Europe, not sure how manageable it would be, but it would at least be possible to just add the nationalities in to fill the current blank ones ;) Giving the teams the same ranking pts etc as their current national side. And possibly giving them some of the clubs in their regions. That combined with the large Leagues would almost be perfect. Today is Challenge day, tomorrow I will be back to Database :)

  2. I think the biggest problem I am going to face is Nationalitys. Making all these leagues is no trouble at all, infact its almost easy. I think what I may need to do is to just leave teams & Players with their current nationalitys which does mean that disappointgly there would be no International game between USSR & UK, but it will prevent the causing of having to remove nationalities from the database...

  3. you could do a Scandanavian (sp) league?

    if you did i'd be willing to sort out reputation & population etc, and which clubs should go in each division if you wanted?

    A Scandanavian League actually sounds like a great idea as well. But still falls into the problem of reducing nations.

    I will happily help with researching east and west germany clubs.

    Do you want me to compile an excel sheet with teams from each region with their reputation?

    Yes please Corintiano that would be awesome and exactly what I would need for those leagues.

    Alright. British Empire would only change them surely? Like Australia would just become Britain. Would mean more effort though.

    I may be misunderstanding you so you may want to ignore.

    I think it is a misunderstanding. Currently I am moving all Scottish Players to what used to be the English Nationality, now it is UK Nationality. So my problem is developing from what happens to the old 'Scottish' Nationality and what issues it is going to cause in the database in regards to the number of teams in the Champions League, how European Competitions will be done and other issues similar. I am just unsure on whether it is possible to remove Nationalitys from the database all together especially seen as it will cause issues in international type fixtures. So hoping i can find a way to fill the missing ones. Splitting Cyprus is another idea that has passed through my head ;)

  4. How far back you going for these split ups.

    There was Austria-Hungary circa WW1. They had some of the Balkans at some point iirc.

    If you go back further then UK could become British Empire ;)

    I did think about Austria-Hungary, but decided against it in the end, I think now I want to find more nations to use not less, as that one and British Empire would both create the issue of having less nations, and giving me more gaps throughout the database. I want to get an entire nation clear of anything, people included and see what happens. I may just remove a nation from the database and see what happens.

  5. The New Europe

    So I have been developing on this idea slowly, it is taking time, I realised what my database error was I had no 'scottish' teams in "A Lower Division" so this was causing issues when it tried to make the scottish cup...so I believe I have fixed the problem. I am working on the idea slowly and building it out.

    The Leagues

    USSR - This will include all the former soviet republics

    UK - Scotland, N. Ireland, Wales and England United

    East Germany - Will take the longest seperating who is east and west

    West Germany - As above

    Yugoslavia - Joining these nations together as well

    Czechoslovakia - Recombining these two as well

    Basque - All the Basque Spanish teams shall have their own league (34 teams will replace Slovakia I believe)

    Now this is leaving me with an issue that I have a large number of nations that now will not exist, but I am trying to figure out how it is best to fix this up. One of the ideas was to remove the nations from the database, but I think this might cause more problems. If anyone has an idea or can think of some more splits I could make this would be great, otherwise I will come up with something, it might just take a while longer to achieve it.

    The Teams Placement

    I was originally going to do this purely on team reputation, but for example in the UK this would mean the Premiership has 18 English teams and 2 Scottish Teams, and Wales top team is only in the BSP level. So I am going to do it on a population ratio as well as Reputation. EG. The Premiership would have 16 English Teams, 2 Scottish Teams, 1 Welsh Team & 1 N. Irish Team. And this ratio would continue down through the leagues. I will follow a similar basis when doing the USSR League as it will make the balance fairer and also sort it so that there are teams from all the nations within every level, even if within a few seasons this will change.

    Help I need

    1. Research - West vs East Germany Clubs & towns.

    2. More possible country split ups. eg Turkey?

    3. How to split the German Players & Spanish players properly.

    4. Any help at all in a way to make a mass edit, eg. Being able to change all players with Scottish Nationality to United Kingdom easily.

    If anyone can think of anything else that would be a great help as well.

  6. I agree with Dafuge on this one, I never take a striker spot. I just find more skill in building a class defender or midfielder. But he is right the best spots end up being gone before you even start. If somebody gives you the idea or has helped out go for it, but other than that I think tough bikkies, be here when it goes live, too late you lose.

    Most sign-ups take 24 hours at least to fill up, and think about it all of you have a pretty good advantage over me anyway, most sign-ups are posted in British Evening, early morning for me here in NZ. I would absolutely vote for no reserving spots...

  7. Well guys I have realised that I have a huge mission ahead of me even to just make a Soviet Database, but I have realised that if I work on it right its actually not that much more of a step upwards to include the other nations I want to have in the database. So I am going to make the following Nations exist once more. And attempt to make the ones included within these super nations cease to exist.

    Soviet Union (will replace Italy)

    United Kingdom (will replace England)

    Yugoslavia (will replace Serbia or Croatia - whichever has the biggest league)

    Czechslovakia (will replace Czech Rep. or Slovakia - as above)

    West Germany (will replace Germany)

    East Germany (will replace Spain)

    Germany, Italy and Spain will have their leagues moved to most likely Scotland, Russia & Ukraine, which will be no longer needed following the changes. No ideas yet as to how I will fill the other empty leagues and how I will manage their qualification into Europe or any other problems as I have to figure out how to replace playable leagues in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and two of Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic.

    So asking for ideas on any other leagues people would like to be made playable for this Challenge, possibly would be good if they fit with splits or joins as a way of doing it, but if not I will just find a work around, it may take the form of inclusion of some non-european states into europe, who that would be we will see, but it could add to a storyline for my big write-ups. So ideas of nations to move into this challenge would be great.

    I am also going to do my best to try and make DDT files for all of the nations I make available so that clubs start with players.

  8. Ok I have managed to work out a method for my League switches that works and has no fixture issues, but my next question is as follows. I have asked in the Editor Forum, but thought I should see if anyone here knows.

    I know that it is possible to get a Macro program to do this, but is there any way using the editor to change for example the Nationalities of EVERY player in the database? I am working on a huge mission of setting up the nations around Europe differently, so that there are a series of old nations back fighting for Europe, eg USSR, Yugoslavia, Great Britain (as a whole), Czechslovakia, and others, is this possible or would it mean having to individually edit every player in the database one at a time.

    Also if anyone knows any way of doing this could they please suggest it, even if it means a progam download.

  9. So I am working on the Soviet Union small Club to big club challenge and found that in League swaps changing the competition country and changing the nations of the clubs means that the fixtures list never shows up, so I am fiddling around now, and seeing what other options I can come up with, it may be that I have all the clubs with their original nations playing in a Soviet League ;) I am also looking at the possibility of adding other nations to this challenge and database, for examples Ceczhlovakia (sp), Yugoslavia, Great Britain and any other broken countries we can think of, it could make it have a wider scope and then I would probably call it "Des Tiny's Amalgamated Europe Challenge" or something similar...come up with that later.

  10. Actually Paul you know that is almost a stunning idea :) It might take a while to build the League up, but once it was done the results would be just amazing...hmmm it sounds almost completely plausable

    Basing it in England would be best as there are numerous leagues downwards. Another option that might work is replacing Italy, and then the Italian teams would be all over Eastern Europe...hmmm I might look into that idea a bit deeper.

    ok 1200 posts up :p

  11. I know there is already an Eastern European Challenge, but I have a huge idea that I am working on fattening out into a challenge. I have always noticed there is an extreme lack of challenges where we are encouraged to move clubs, and it seems the ones where we are encouraged to move seem to die off pretty quickly. The basic idea of my challenge is me building up an idea from the FMS Challenge Here. And then running it into my own challenge, with the ideas being slightly different. Now I think its probably going to mean running a minimum of 7 Countries and probably at least 13 Leagues.

    Would people prefer more choice in where they go and who they can play as or would it be better if it was stuck down to a particular path? I just am trying to build the idea and I have several possible options.

  12. I think a good one is always something where you might have an experiment in line with it as well :) So its got a plan of why you are doing it, or even something as simple as being completely different. If I am signing up generally I like for it to be different to something else I am in. Then again currently I am signed up to as many as I am going to right now as I feel I have to be able to commit time to reading all the updates and posting at least a reply to them as well, if not being able to include my own mini commentary or such.

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