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Everything posted by Ngoc

  1. Than it shouldn't bother you if they do. So why not have it! Honestly mostly I want it for statistic and to show those whiner “is too easy” crowd that is only really to easy if you cheat or abuse certain specific mechanics like save scum once you remove those only a very very small percentage find it too easy ( and those handful of people could make up their own rule to find challenge without push for feature that only 5% maybe 10% would really use)
  2. Ironman he means you cannot save is only autosave, so in theory, you remove savescum, but unless you tie it to something like achievements, people can do it by their own will, as Dave said i would like Ironman(autosave) to be the only mode to get achievements so we would see of those 38% that won a league how many actually save scum after you remove save scum that percentage will be less than half so his complain that the game is too easy is ridiculous without real data just stop cheating and use some self control as Dave said you can make it hard if you want
  3. Why not you are not even open mind to let people judge you they can just me as much as the want I still believe you are close minded and I don’t care one bit what other thinks
  4. It’s a single player game you should ask yourself what it should be ask other is like trying to find justification through others. make up your mind it is your game! don’t let other find excuse for you either way is fine but you know what is right for you. 100 people will have 100 different answer but asking feel like you are trying to fish for the right justification that set your heart at ease to keep the new score. (And most probably because you feel is wrong to begin with and inside you yourself think it’s wrong)
  5. Take charge of scouting they will be still scouting (is their job) but much much less you can even tell them not to send email and set the range only to locals
  6. Because it would make the game better for many people with little hour of coding since most of it already exist and would better one of the bigger complain about the game that is too easy without changing it with big hard to code change like redoing ai or setting up bonus/malus to ai or human is the quickest and most reasonable way to fix one of the biggest complain about the game that’s why and the fact you don’t see it just make me understand you are not very open minded to how other people play the game and expect everybody to play your way and since your way is fine now all is fine and devs shouldn’t waste time in address one of the biggest complain people has from the bit on forcing rule I knew you weren’t the most understanding type. And wanting to fix a problem is always a good thing especially when the fix is not “redesign the game” but using all that is already in game set up a path for the veteran ultimately they bought the game for many years they should be worth a little bit of devs time for an easy fix none I listen except autosave is not “not in game” already just need to be rules as rule make the game
  7. rules are not forcing a game is the game itself In soccer you play with the feet you can't touch the ball with the hand (except gk) it's a rule is not forcing people to do something is how the game exist you can not just use guideline please don't touch the ball with the hand if it happens happens... people lately are very confused about freedom they think is absolute and everything that limits freedom is bad but is not limiting freedom is what makes the society a society and is good every single game has rules and rules are good and you have to follow them and they are imposed on you so I really don't understand this fear of rule
  8. I doubt is difficult for them to make AI be smarter about injury it's reasonable to worry that since under the hood is a mathematical formula AI could theoretically be perfect at balancing it and have the lowest possible/statistical injury every single time. I think they are generous about how stupid AI is so they go overboard on the "moron AI" but even if their goal is to keep it always consistent and fair with all % equal between AI and Human i am sure they can tweak ai with patches so I think if they really want they can bump it up at 100% and slowly refine AI over time.
  9. they could keep 80% for AI (as it is now I guess and 100% for humans if they want to spice it up and AI can't handle it but truly speaking you can code AI to perfectly handle training with the best result if you want but then AI would laugh at human the hard part is to model an AI that is as stupid as humans, and not scientist human but kids that play a videogame. The real challenge is to make AI stupid enough but not too stupid and unfortunately, the range of human between an intelligent human and a stupid one is a few points so cherry-picking the AI to stand in between that very small range is mastery. It's easy to do a dumber than-human AI or way smarter and precise than human AI (since they make the game and know all the rules) but to make an AI that is right in the range of the player's level is very tricky.
  10. I am not sure why they can't just make a hardcore button like that similar to hardcore in CK3 - FM hardcore button that forces you to play with those specs (and tight achievement to it) - Autosave / fully hidden or partially hidden stats debatable (I prefer fully hidden for this mode since you can play normal mode if you like to see stats) / starting with lowest coaching qualification & experience / no editor (I don't think you need to start unemployed but you need to start from the lowest series in the country you pick) Those are all ALREADY in a game they just need to force them together in a simple button (except for autosave which is not implemented and needs some extra thought since people could cheat it by starting a match and turning off the PC if losing to just re-use the latest auto-save. My thought was that the autosave save at the 0:00:01 second of the match and if you drop off (turn off pc or electricity goes away) you reload and the match is lost in automatic 2-0 so people couldn't cheat it) Overall I don't think it would be much code needed.
  11. this guy gets it. it is as difficult as you want it to be (if you know what you are doing). the first time you play it's probably just difficult because you are not familiar with whatever is OP or the trick to confuse/take advantage of AI some of which are realistic tactics some others just exploit game deficiencies. if you are a veteran and know most of the OP or more important factors/tactics like Pace and acceleration attaching and pressure tactics how to sell players for 2-3 times their value to the Arabian country visible player stats the game gets really easy if you want it to be easy but you don't have to use the op tactic nor to sell **** for 3 times their value to Qatar. The game is as difficult as you want it to be (or you make it). I only wish for an autosave mode with 100% injury as the default and hidden stats with disabled tool for modifying/viewing hidden stats and no player search only scouts. That would make the game perfect for me.
  12. maybe the player had family there or a lover in that city and really doesn't like to go to your city accept fate and moving on is part of the difficulty of the game if we always mathematically get what we want this would be even easier than the game that many already call too easy.
  13. save scum not helping to make it "difficult" I guess. They really need to make an autosave-only version and tie the achievement only to that version so that we would see how many bullshitters "is too easy" are real. (and maybe limit the number of friendly matches you can do as well as bump up injury to 100% (currently at 80%) only for the autosave mode :P)
  14. it's better to release him first usually with mutual agreement to save some money (pay only half the remaining time on the contract) you can just hire a new one but in that case, the board will have a say and will offer you to fire the current one IF they consider the loss of money small They may block the transaction if they think you are wasting money so if you want to be sure to get the new assistant without the board blocking it release him first. The funny thing is I am an expert in that because, on the first day of the season of the first year, I usually fire 95% of the employees and hire all new ones according to my needs so on day one I usually hire from 55-60 new employees
  15. That's how i play it and i always wonder why people find so many trouble than i remember people try their best to break stuff for easy win if you play the game in a realistic way the game is pretty much very enjoyable with some but for sure i had a couple of player complaining of stuff that made no sense i had him playing IWB and he got all mad because i wasn't playing him his favorite position that was IWB but after 2 week the complain disappear and all went back to normal
  16. I got a lot of crazy stuff when buying player for my u18/u20 they are extremely cheap so I practically redo both the team at start of the first year and I see player going do 110k euro I offer 1/3+ in this case 40k they always accept but sometimes they come back wanting crazy amounts but if I offer 45 they are okey and they were replaying asking for 200+ if I offer 40 And in few cases I have to accept what they ask for 110k because any number I try eve 105k they will rebut they want 400k but if I accept 110k they are fine I think they are simulating moody or unreasonable managers that doesn’t like to be talk back or haggle
  17. in all honesty, games are made like this. Some stuff is stronger on one side and weaker on another for instance, a gegenpress should give you a higher chance to win but a much higher chance of injury and it's like in other game where you have the damage dealer but has very little resistance here a park the bus should assure you a very very low chance of injury while a better chance of good results with a weak team vs a stronger team but people never connect injury numbers to tactics they just want to play gegenpress and they want no injury and the moment they kind of fix it so to speak you cannot use gegenpress without having tons of injury players cry that the game has too many injuries they don't switch tactic or try to fix the problem lowering tempo of their strategy no they keep the highest stressful possible tactic and cry about game being unrealistic with too many injuries I think gegenpress should be the strongest tactic with athletic team based but should have a lot of downsides like a lot of injuries and maybe morale drop if abuse as players are exhausted while lowering player quality and shortening their peak form
  18. Than go play fm23 is much worst only you think is better
  19. They are just people that can’t play fair or understand that nothing is perfect and you have to adapt to stuff and try your best to have fun with it mostly min max people that ruin any game they touch and whine in every single game and wonder why all is wrong but them
  20. The game is easy in general because is very complex and for a player that tries it for the first time or that hasn't spent 500+ hours is absolutely not easy for people who play 500+ hours is definitely on the easy side BUT you can make it challenging for yourself and keep it hard if you want to without annoying the majority of people who struggle because they didn't put in the hours to learn it I know is hard for you to understand that a thing can be easy for a small group of nerds and right for the majority of people as probably you think you are the center of the world and all should be measured by your standard but things can be easy and not so easy at the same time depending on who is doing it and since it's a game and games are for free time and relaxation I think it's easy enough to be pleasant And if you want to make it hard for yourself YOU CAN! You can decide to use a strange tactic not shop for the best player not check the stats and make it extremely hard so it's actually pretty decent in the way that allows you to challenge yourself. As I said I would love SI to add the auto-save and stuff I mentioned 3 posts above but that would be only for a small percentage of us 5%?10% so I rather they focus on stuff that all players (even the new one that find it hard already) can enjoy as I am smart enough to make my game harder if I want. But I know that name you are not part of the bright one in the forum so I doubt you will understand what exactly I am saying. So I won't bother to answer you directly anymore.
  21. countless mean 5-10 people over a gamplay of 20.000-60.000 at any time of the day... yep countless oh wait i just counted them, and let me tell you those 10 love to brag how easy it is over and over and usually the people that cheat to make it easy like to show off so you can be sure 10 is more or less the full amount of them since they love to show it.
  22. I guess you can't read the Excel it doesn't show only Gegenpress is OP other than that obviously you have no clue so stop trying. other people will look at the data and probably understand more. data are data you have nothing to show the end of the story from my point of view come up with some real data maybe if they are different than what I show and (I doubt) we can discuss "your opinion" vs data mean nothing. between the 2 i trust the number 100%
  23. Honestly speaking this bug of squad building rotation feel weird I see them doing substitution al the time yeah they are awful at rotation-player but were they so good in FM22 or FM23 i don't recall them being master of rotation ever before either
  24. Usually, when there is a reason or some advantage in lying he gets no money from that data he doesn't have any reason to lie he gets a team to plug the tactic and run 100+ match , of course, is just one team course that team may have players that are well-suited maybe for Gegenpress so he said he will run other data with the other team when he has time to compare and refine the finding (all written in the link that you probably didn't bother to check) because to throw around your wise quote maybe inform yourself with the facts that are given I doubt he has any interest in lying. Of course, he many not be perfect but at least he shares some data that may be not perfect facts but are still facts much more than all the ******** of the other guy saying I read on tactic forum and I think otherwise no data no link just bla bla bla
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