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Polar Bear

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Posts posted by Polar Bear

  1. I am finding it very easy to hit F levels of professionalism and workrate in my team, and it's hard to know what to do about it, especially the latter.

    I can look for players with professional personalities, and avoid moody/casual/insecure, but there aren't many - the majority of players are 'normal'. I can't see any indication of workrate on a player's profile. I do prioritise Teamwork and to a lesser extent Leadership but it doesn't appear to make a difference.

    Any tips?

  2. How do I sign young players (under-18s) to my squad. Im playing with Barcelona and Im

    keen to sign young talent from across the world (lets just say, since i love the underdog, I wanna sign a Djibouti player, a Brazilian player and a Slovenian player, which are all 16 years old). In actual fact, i found a player in Argentina that was highly recommended. I payed 4.3M for him, but since he is 16, i get him in 2 years. Now, Im assuming that his Argentine team does not have the same traning facilities as does my Barcelona, so WHY do i have to wait for those two years.

    FIFA rules. My understanding is that players under 18 are not allowed to move countries, except within the EU (so I'd assume your Slovenian should be OK). Someone else correct me if I've got that wrong.

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