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Posts posted by Techno-fear

  1. So just an update - I’ve been a little less sentimental - loaned out a couple of ( key players last season) my squad - bought in a couple of older lads from championship and free agents my lack of sentiment seems to be working currently  14th - and of course defying the odds in league 1 - thanks for your input people - everyone still loves me including the board who keep getting taken over !!! 

  2. 15 hours ago, Freakiie said:

    What's your reputation and coaching badges looking like? With multiple promotions you might be going up the leagues faster than your trainer profile can keep up, so only clubs from leagues beneath you would be interested, but since you're at a higher league club they don't bother approaching you?

    Pretty low I guess - they won’t send me on coaching corses either - I wonder if I’m in a position to offer and ultimatum but in the past this has come back to bite me - clear your desk you keep losing anyway type thing …

  3. Thanks guys - yeah I’ve brought in a couple 4 stars - that seem to fill the gaps but so far 4 games in 4 loses all by a goal and late in the game - I think fitness and pace seem to be the issue - I don’t want to change my philosophy or formation as it’s always worked for them and me - I guess i need to be honest with some of them and say cheers for you efforts but alas move on …. 

    league one is a big ask and as it wasn’t expected I don’t think this squad is ready - I only have 100k in the transfer kitty so will be a tough season ahead I think - I shall endeavour though to play positive football and make it work ….. 



  4. Alright fellow players and widowers of the amazing game - personally I think FM 22 is the best I’ve played and I’ll be honest I’ve played since 1992 yes I’m that old and that guy …. 

    I have a dilemma I started as Torquay and being shrewd in the transfer market , and playing at least 3 games a day without the knowledge of my GF I managed to get to the playoff final - I lost and continued the next season - I win the league … very happy 

    3rd season very surprised to get a late surge in form and bringing in a couple of decent defenders finished 2nd on the last day Boom promotion back to back - no easy task and with two take overs being discussed all season … 

    now 5th season - how do I stop myself being sentimental and giving the players a chance to showcase their skills and be loyal that they got us here as well ? - majority are 3 star with a couple of 4 stars and and few youth players that have played throughout the 4 seasons and have become pivotal ….

    I know I need to recruit but does anyone else find this hard? I know it’s going to be a tough season 

    2. why haven’t I been offered any jobs ? 

    any feedback would be great 

  5. I have changed them with 8 games to go - and we’ve slightly improved albeit a couple wins and a draw but currently 5 games to go 2 points adrift ..... - it seems like we’re improving but not defensively I’m almost going all out to get the goals but leaving us vulnerable 

    4 hours ago, Sinister78 said:

    Just wondering, did any of your backroom staff leave in close season or did you change ur assistant manager by any chance?


  6. 7 hours ago, Tinkerman84 said:

    it could be any reason, like in real life.. sometimes you can't understand where the mistakes lies. but you should go on and don't give up the fight.. even if you relegate again you may come back stronger..

    I guess you’re right it’s the thought of going back to the start ...., when all the hard work was done ....  

  7. The title sounds so negative ... it’s not something I do often but do you ever have one of those seasons where nothing is ever going right? Currently playing as Bradford PA quite a tough challenge - but won the league first go and promoted by one point to the national league - buying some cheeky bargains and some old sweats such as lee hendrie seemed to work .... now in the national league after 32 games 22nd in the league - I’ve stuck with the majority of the players but bought in ten others who I thought would improve the dynamics - the dressing room is ok the lads respect me the board are happy as we fight against relegation .....  so my question is do you ever just think what ever I do is not going to help ? I’ve tried everything , formations , tactics , players tweak you name it nothing works we can’t finish we can’t defend I’ve found myself 3-0 up and drawn the game in the 94th minute despite defensive and tighten up etc ...... is this it? Is it simply my players can’t cut it at the bigger level ? Are they playing for Bradford for that reason? I have never been relegated in my career ( always jumped ship to be honest) but I want to see this one out ..... 

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