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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Hello It was already the case in FM22 but before the game I have this line of possible speech saying that the game I'm playing against is 18th and we are 2nd while they are 17th and I'm first. Small detail, not that much important but I prefer to raise it. Good luck
  2. I uploaded it with the name OM12 (v02).fm (cf screenshot)
  3. ok for this case, let's say that we can understand the logic. I have another case where I don't know if we can apply the same logic with the clause "one year extension after league games (final season) In my case, it will be renewed if the player plays 25 games. In most of europeans calendar, it's impossible to reach the 25 games before the last 6 months and thus, the player can sign elsewhere. Is there a way to "block" him until the end of the season?
  4. Hello I have an option to extend a contract but I don't have the possibility to do it. Either it's no longer at the same place or it disapeared. thanks for your help
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