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Posts posted by sugarbear0511

  1. 3 hours ago, taciotenorio8 said:

    I m curious to see these tests without freeze/ use fmrte/any editor…

    the RNG is wild without it. The results will always favor clubs who don't have to play a lot of matches. For example I try the same tactic with newcastle and everton. Everton finished 3rd while newcastle struggled to finish 9th. They both have roughly the same quality if anything one can argue newcastle's squad have a better average CA but the schedule is killing them.

  2. On 15/11/2023 at 10:26, Raymubdo21 said:

    Aside from having Haaland, are people struggling to get the most of their strikers going foward? Seems my midfield score more than my strikers 

    yes and my strikers are not sunday leaguers either, Isak and Osimhen. I think SI really tweak one on one situation to heavily favor goalies. My strikers have less than 50-50 chance I would say when one on one and only slightly better at converting tap ins. It feels like the 'place shots' trait is useless now. They keep trying to blast the ball into the net even at point blank range.

  3. 3 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:


    It's not just this. Put a guy with 1 work rate as a trequartista, next to a guy with 20 work rate as a pressing forward and the difference in distance covered will be a couple of hundred metres. 

    Repeat this for almost everything in the game. 

    It will be interesting if someone can test if the individual attributes really make significant difference in performance like the work rate you mention or the difference in shots on goal between a striker with 20 finishing and 1 finishing.

    I do notice the lack of tackling this year. Defenders just wander around doing nothing, not marking or anything.

  4. @knap thanks for all the tactics. I'm having a great first season right now using your MC 451 tactic with newcastle but I'm having a difficult time against weaker team that sit in low block 7-0-2-1 formation. I try lowering the tempo and turning on 'work ball into box' to be more patient and dominating possession but it's still not very consistent and I'm getting quite a bit of 0-0 even 0-1 losses against this negative formation. Do you have any suggestions?

  5. 11 minutes ago, kandersson said:

    Interesting concept! In my experience wide play seems to be a bit too powerful in current ME and cutbacks from attacking wingbacks seem to be particularly effective (the number of assists of my fullbacks is insane). You solved this by removing any fullback or winger, smart play :D Will try to copy your ideas in a similar 3331 or 3313 formation in my quest for more central play and more goals for the striker btw nice signings tere, would love for my beloved Fiorentina team to sign the likes of Baldanzi and Colpani irl

    this is because 4 out 5 long shots from the edge of the box are always on target and quite deadly. This is totally unrealistic. I have james maddison scores 28 goals almost all from long shots and free kicks

  6. 4 minutes ago, andu1 said:

    By the way, i changed Guardiolas pref formation to 4-2-3-1 in the editor, i ran a one season test and City scored 120 goals lol. I never seen AI reach so high numbers in any FM. It would be nice if freak seasons like this will pe also possible in the next ME update

    I simulated a few different tactics with newcastle and it seems 4231 is the meta this year, especially 4231 asymmetric with the AM to one flank and lone striker to the other. The defenders tend to double mark the striker leaving the AM in a ton of space to score a lot of goals.

  7. The same issue with FM23 is back. Defenders positioning just don't make sense. Defenders not marking, not tackling even running away from opposing ball carrier. Players would dribble forward and then just suddenly stop for no reason and lose the ball, Creative playmakers with high passing and vision would not and could not thread a through pass to save their lives. It's really frustrating

  8. 3 minutes ago, kandersson said:

    Having similar experience with strikers and cutbacks, also central play and killer balls seem to have regressed quite a bit which harms quality and variety of chances (esp for the striker). Not the most enjoyable ME for my tastes atm.

    what frustrates me the most is the defender bug which is similar to last year and it's not the quality of my defenders either. They're not best in the world but if we're (premier league side) having these problems playing at home against a league 2 side, something is up.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Heywood JaBlowme said:

    ME a bit harder now? At least we're losing to teams we're supposed to be losing to now.  

    It's weird in FM24. It looks like IF/IW/W are not crossing to the striker but cutting the ball back to the edge of the box to your CMs/IWBs just like in FM22. I guess this is SI's way to limit strikers racking up 80-90 goals a season. I also notice some odd behaviour from defenders just standing around and not tackling when an opposing player dribble straight at them. In some occasions my player will surge forward with the ball and then just stop to let opposing defender take the ball.

    It's very frustrating

  10. 5 hours ago, bosque said:

    I'm not crusaderstar but I will try to answer with football logic.

    You can't use gegenpress to counter a gegenpress because both teams are on a different transition. The best way to avoid a high press is to play direct so you skip their high line of pressing.

    You could try to ask your team to play more direct and see what happens. Other instructtons you could add are:

    - Faster tempo (to avoid give the opposition time to press you).

    - Wider width (because sometimes you have more space down the flanks, but depends on the opposition).

    - Pass into space (because a team has to leave space behind in order to press high, so maybe there is space behind the defence to exploit).

    But don't try everything at the same time. Try one, see if it works. Then the other, etc.

    I guess what I mean is that to employ gegenpress myself, not pressing them back while having the ball. The tactic itself already is playing at the highest tempo setting I'm going to tell my players to dribble less and pass into space and see what happen.

  11. @crusadertsarhalfway into the season and I'm still using your 4231 brazilian tactic but I'm noticing that more and more team is now gegenpressing me and I'm having trouble countering it. The only solution that I have right now is to out-press them but then the tactic turns into a gegenpress which I don't want to do. Do you have any suggestions on how to counter a gegenpress tactic without trying to press them back? I did read a couple of people saying that just like in fm 22 that the ME still favors gegenprss tactics.

  12. On 20/11/2022 at 08:17, NSWFat said:

    In the current FM23 match engine, I think wide diamond can perform better than narrow diamond. Now AI use double DMs and sometimes hard to find space through the middle

    I always use 442 diamond narrow and even though it's still ok in FM23 I find it way less effective compared to 22 which leads me to switch to 4231. I usually play my 442 diamond in 'fairly wide' setting (positive mentality) I don't think you should play it narrow unless you have really good physically strong midfielders otherwise you'll keep losing possession.

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