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  1. I believe I've discovered what's going on. I dropped the age range to 15-17 and then got mostly 17 year olds. I dropped it again to 15-16 and got mostly 16 year olds. The age range is the only thing I changed. So, I'm assuming that the scouts are only looking for only the highest age that you give them for some reason.
  2. When I attempt to find wonder kids, I send the scouts out to find 15-19 year olds. They only scout "in progress" and recommend players that are 18+, the vast majority are 19. This could be due to some misunderstanding I have with the new scouting system, but I believe my parameters are plenty wide enough that they should be finding players that are 15, 16, and 17 to scout. In the below images, I show assignments for center back, right back, and left back, but this happens for every position (those were just the assignments with the most in progress scouting currently). Am I scouting for wonder kids incorrectly or is scouting youngsters not working?
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