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The unknown

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Issue Comments posted by The unknown

  1. How is this issue still just "under review" ? - it has been reported as a problem ever since the Beta launch.


    And now there are no more updates coming, so that you can just tell us is under review, and then nothing happens.


    just had a game with 21 shots that did not hit the target. This happens way to often and have had for way to long. This, and many other issues have just been ignored, and put under review, with no response to whether or  not it is something you actually are trying to fix.



    shots of target.pkm

  2. On 30/01/2023 at 13:36, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thanks for the save, we'll take a closer look.

    Any news about whether this will be adressed or not ??


    The game have been on the market for 4 mounth with a headline feature in regards to scouting, and yet it is the worse scouting set up in years.


    Seems like this should not have been a presented as a new and approve feature, since it so buggy and not working.


    What are the plans for this? - will it be fixed, or will we have to buy FM 24 to see if it is fixed by then ? :)

  3. On 25/11/2022 at 10:11, Jimmy Wong said:

    Hi, to clarify, you can still arrange a transfer for players before turning 18yo in FM23, but it is more difficult if the proposed transfer date is more than 12 months.

    Like everything in FM, we never stop looking for improvement, and your feedback is an important factor in how we improve the game. 

    As mentioned in previous comments, we believe FM23 's transfer system is in the best state yet, and we are planning to improve it further in future updates.


    Wow this really remove so much enjoyment out of scouting for cheap wonderkids..... almost nobody want to join you. And as soon as they turn 18 the price for them sky rockets. This should be fixed.


    I can to some extend understand why a EU team cannot not sign every 16 year old from Asia, africa, South america etc. But it seems odd, that i as a Danish team cannot attract a 16 old player from lets say Latvia to me, with a good contract.


    Surely in real life this happens a lot, where the club in questions provide the player and their family with perks.


    Please fix this, there are so many small things with FM 23 that takes away to enjoyment of the game, dont let this be another one! :)

  4. 1 hour ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi, the scouting of the players are still in progress. It will take some time to get recommendations when using ongoing focuses. If you want quicker reports you can increase priority for or quicker results.

    so ongoing basicly means "hey scouts take your time, dont bother getting me any results, we are not in a hurry, so it dosn't matter that you do not provide one single reconmendations with in a year of scouting"


    Where as quick reports will actually find players..



    How does that make sense ?

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