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Everything posted by mario.fiore2000

  1. I I’m sorry, but reading these two articles I still think there’s a mistake. With the italian expression “prestito con diritto di riscatto che potrebbe diventare obbligo a determinate condizioni” It means that Napoli has a deal to redeem Simeone for 12M in every moment regardless the results during of the season but if some certain conditions happened (in this case UCL qualification and, as I can see, 20 goal in the season) the redemption would become compulsory. This is not what happened in my save because I wasn’t able to make the 12M offer in any of the transfer windows considered that I couldn’t have a permanent deal finishing 5th. https://amp.gianlucadimarzio.com/it/napoli-simeone-calciomercato-cifre-news-12-agosto-2022
  2. I tested it in my game managing Napoli, which arrived 5th not qualifying for UCL. I tried to make a 12M offer anyways because the real deal is just a normal loan with right of redemption, in spite the move would have became permanent with at least a 4th place, but I couldn’t make any offers in any transfer window. On The 1st of July, Simeone was back at Verona without the possibility of redeeming him.
  3. I don't know if there's a mistake in Giovanni Simeone loan's contract. In fact Napoli has an agreement with Verona to transform the deal of 12M from optional to permanent if Napoli qualifies for the next Champions League. I don't know if I'm wrong but as I see it in the Italian version it just seems as a bonus (In fact there's only written "Opzioni prestito- Raggiungere la fase gruppi UCL- 12M)
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