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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Slightly unrelated, do they also get final approval over the supporters vision? Because that might then explain the issue on the supporters vision I raised for STVV.
  2. I've been an STVV fan my whole and have gone through several takeovers in the time. Hand on heart, literally no supporter cares about signing Japanese players. Especially not the hardcore, core, casual, and family groups (which is well over 70% of the fanbase). They are all local people who want the identity of the club back which means local players who leave their heart on the pitch, no one cares about Japanese players. Be competitive agains KRC Genk should have way higher importance. We could finish 1 point from relegation but if we win against Genk our season is already a succes. Likewise for Standard which isn't even included (but should have less importance than Genk).
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