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Issue Comments posted by el_manayer

  1. Just here to say that I have observed lack of dribbling and cutting inside from my IW as well, even if he is the best player of my team (Fekir) he barely did anything in all matches. I changed my tactic because of that and placed 3 attacked midfielders in the center instead and now he is playing accordingly to his level. But in the moment I place him back as IW (where he generally plays in Betis) he does nothing. I also tried changing instructions and tactics around him to make it work, but didn't succeed, so ultimately I am stuck with 3 center attacking midfielders.

    I would very much appreciate some words of SI regarding this issue, if it can be solved and if it will be in any future patch.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Jota90 said:

    Precisamente porque también es mi equipo, temo dejarme llevar por las emociones que estamos viviendo y acabar creando monstruos :D. Para la salida del juego suele prestarse más atención a la creación de nuevos jugadores (y eso que aún me faltan por crear algunos juveniles que tenemos cedidos al Calavera), pero ahora para invierno el objetivo es actualizar los atributos de los jugadores y ajustarlos bien. Por eso cualquier comentario constructivo y con educación, se tiene en cuenta.

    Por cierto, este año como novedad en el Betis, todos los jugadores del Betis Deportivo tienen todos sus atributos. Espero que lo disfrutes.

    Sí que había pasado por la cantera echando un vistazo pero tampoco soy conocedor de la cantera como para saber que los atributos estaban asignados a cada jugador. Trabajazo ahí!

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jota90 said:

    Good afternoon,

    I'm Jose the Betis AR from the middle of last season.

    First of all, thank you very much for your opinion. It's always constructive when someone contributes their point of view. I'll respond to you.

    Regarding the first question, the press prediction is something that depends on the CA16 and the reputation of the club. This is something I didn't know as it's my first year as an AR. I will try to improve it for the winter patch. In any case, in the simulations I've done prior to the release of the game, Betis usually end up always fighting for European places, which is their goal this season.

    Regarding the players I haven't touched too many things due to lack of time, but in winter you should see changes. I agree with the assessment of Carvalho, but he still needs more adjustments to prevent him from finishing the season with a disproportionate number of goals and assists, as is the case with Fekir.

    As for Aitor Ruibal, I'm also thinking of raising his work rate. I hadn't compared him to similar players like Espino. My mistake.

    With Willian José I want to be cautious, as it's true he hasn't started the season well, but I'll take a look at his mental attributes.

    I did play Álex Moreno a lot because last year he was even worse than this year. Especially in terms of physical attributes. Due to my inexperience, I prefer not to make abrupt changes so as not to overvalue players, but he is monitored to get him back to where he deserves to be.

    As for Loren, if he doesn't play or come out, I'll end up downgrading him, although it's a shame because I think he's going through a pretty big mental block.

    Thanks again and if you have any other comments, I'm here to read them.

    Best regards,


    Hola Jose (asumo que eres español), muchas gracias por considerar mi opinión. Tampoco pretendo hacer mi equipo el mejor, ni mucho menos, y uno tiende a mirar a su equipo con ojos distintos a los demás, tanto para lo bueno como para lo malo :D. Puse esos ejemplos simplemente para reflejar que pienso que debería actualizarse el equipo un poco en general, ya que lleva un par de temporadas rindiendo por encima de lo que todos esperábamos y muchos jugadores, sin embargo, siguen reflejados de la misma manera o muy similares. En general es bastante difícil, mirando a cada jugador de manera independiente esto de comprender si se trata de una racha (tanto buena, como mala en el caso de Loren por ejemplo) o si habría que actualizar los atributos, pero bueno si veo algo que me chirrié así fuerte, como el tema del talento en William Carvalho, lo comento por aquí por si podría ayudarte a considerarlo.

    Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo!

  4. Hi, I don't think that, overall, the attributes of players in Betis reflect the reality. In the game, the press prediction is 8th in league, whereas right now they are 4th and indeed nobody expects then to not be at least in the first 6. This actually reflects that players are not fully properly translated to the game. I think these players attributes hasn't been properly updated with their current performance,and some seems to be a reflect of what the players were years ago. Just a couple of examples:

    - William Carvalho: if I understand the attribute "flair" properly, his value makes 0 sense. He is extremely talented and surprising with the ball, much more than it seems when you first a big, strong slow guy like him. Just google his goals last season, even though he is obviously not a goal scorer.

    - Aitor Ruibal: this player is currently very important in the team, and had a huge improvement in the last couple of seasons specially because of his mentality, work rate and strength. He is this kind of players that is not extremely good in anything but good enough in everything. Although his work rate is not low (work rate = 14), I feel that he is one of those few players in the league that should have ~18 in that attribute, something like Espino in Cadiz. I don't know about his hidden attributes but it also should reflect the kind of player that he is, always giving 100% never surrendering and extremely consistent.

    - Alex Moreno: since a couple of seasons, one of the best full backs of the league. Just look at his stats and performance. His attributes don't reflect that.

    Not all I ask are positive changes though:

    - William Jose: I think part of his mentals should decrease, specially work rate.

    - Loren: Also overrated, since a couple of seasons he is a shadow of what he was.

    But overall, what I mean is that I think the team feels outdated and a revision should be made.

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