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Everything posted by Vakama2619

  1. I believe this is only for Lionel Messi's level 10 database, perhaps go into FMCU and post it somewhere there
  2. In Nation Rules I have the numbers set to the number of teams in the division, however when I test rules this happens (basic rules) does anyone know what I've missed?
  3. Is it possible for someone to link the steam file here or re-create it for non-steam users to use
  4. oooooh this is interesting, do more of these over time please
  5. I've also been having a go at tryna do this, along with making tier 3 playable and a fictional playable tier 4, if I have another go and create something that works (fairly new to the editor) I'd be happy to post it, although I don't think it usually get updated, despite there being a mass exodus of Chinese clubs every year
  6. No, theres a 10 tier one that is tho, however it is unrealistic
  7. Hey do I have to simulate a season before starting or can I pick a team straight away (using a custom db found a team in Bulgaria named Chelsea and wanted to use them)
  8. I swear they're in an unplayable league irl now, but yeah they defo were around the same time we (Scunthorpe) were in the Championship I do believe
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