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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. @darren1983 hello mate, just found this challenge and I'd be quite interested in giving it a go, but I do have a few questions: since my favourite club is in the Romanian 1st div., would it be fair if Holiday Man would be on holiday until said club drops out of playable divisions? alternatively, would it be allowed to play as Holiday Man and sabotage the club, playing 0-5-5 formation or something like that, intentionally driving the club to lower leagues? subsequently taking over as Myselfthemessiahsaviour ? (given my past FM22 experience over a handful of saves, aforementioned club, FC U Craiova, currently is a yo-yo club, or, as we call it here ABBA - however, there's a nice story tied to the club, marred by corruption and treason) - (also, true story, they did manage to get back into top tier in reality, starting from 4th div and using mostly academy players up to 2nd tier) I'd fancy being allowed to try it under these (negotiable) terms.
  2. No prior save game available, however these are the further developments: the issue kept repeating every third day until the player returned from leave. I used the aforementioned workaround (go on holiday for one day, the message always popped up around 23:00 and I was back from holiday the very next morning). Once the player was back at club, he accepted contract negotiations (the rest of the story is not that meaningful, I'm paying a 33 yo 28 mil per year because I'm a sucker for club icons)
  3. I just ran into a similar issue, icon player was homesick so I sent him on a leave, about a week later I get the message that he's considering his options at end of contract and the "Discuss issue with Adeyemi" only takes me on his profile, a further interaction "Discuss issue - Private chat" was grayed out. Was stuck on "Must respond", did a quick research, found this post and ultimately, the "go on holiday" workaround did the trick, but not sure about the impact on player happiness, nor whether will it happen again. I'll definitely come back to rant about if I can't get him to sign another contract
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