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Everything posted by Ashley.Searing

  1. My plyers get un happy before a europein cup final because they was played out of postion or something league related, the timing of there unhappyness is painfully wrong or unrealistic. make this unhappness happen after all the games including the cup finls, not straight after the final game of the season and before a euro cup final
  2. gain scouting knowlage when you go on holiday, maybe you select country or league. just make going on holiday a little more eventfull. maybe you gain tatical knowlage?
  3. I would like to talk to the agent about a potential contract before the 6 month time on players whos contract is about to expire, so start a convosation with the player when they have 7/8 months left on there current contract, but not allow them to acctp or agree untill the tradtional 6 month time frame.
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