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Posts posted by rbaldw

  1. ways to get more fans to come to games.... ask the board for a fans day - so they can come watch you train, or get discounted tickets etc...   otherwise you stuck with the same attendances and poor season ticket sales which dont increase. 

  2. 1 - when a player scores twice, he then because the pen taker, even if hes not selected to be the pen taker, even if hes got a low rating - this has been a bug for years!!

    2 - Transfer values,  always getting offered way less than the players is worth, upsetting the player when rejected - but we are asked to pay silly transfer fees for players - again this has been a bug for years

    3 - players needing a rest 2 or 3 times a season - "concerned about fitness"  happens to much and isnt realistic. 

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